Goblin Snake

chris senhouse's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Disclaimer: I am loving DMing Rise of the Runelords and my players are loving the campaign as well...

We just started Spires of Xin-Shalast and once again haunts came up. My players really disliked having fear effects that still affected paladins and could not be detected as magic or evil. Did I DM it correctly or did I miss something about them?


Anxiously I check my mailbox every day, and yet the book has
not arrived. The site claims it was shipped on 8/20 and here it
is, 8/31. I love the pdf access, but I wouldn't spend my money
on just a pdf. I've had a subscription to Dungeon for a long
while and it always arrived, so I'm not a new customer or
address. Has anyone else actually received their book in the

I tried emailing the support email, but got a token "our
boxes are flooded, sorry." email back... :(

Chris Senhouse