Chief Sootscale

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Organized Play Member. 85 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

so i am completely confused with how this spell is supposed to function. i understand the duration fact but my question comes with the actual effects that the spell produces when you transform. do you just get the powers, ability scores, hitpoints, etc of the thing you turned into or does it work more like animal aspect where you get a few abilities and stat increases? what if that thing also has polymorph abilities? can polymorphs stack on each other? do mental scores change to the creature you are using? if so why is there a line saying ability scores you dont have are set to 10 or 5? plz help

Liberty's Edge

Emissary archtypes give the ability

Share Will (Su)

Whenever an emissary or its master fails a save against a mind-affecting effect that affects only one of them, the other can choose to attempt the save as well.

If this second save succeeds, treat the original save result as a success, and the emissary and its master can’t use this ability again for 24 hours. On a failure, both the emissary and its master suffer the effects of the failed saving throw, even if one of them wouldn’t ordinarily be a valid target.

This ability replaces share spells.

now a player of mine has a Ioun Wyrd familiar with this archtype. he is claiming that because this ability allows his familiar to attempt the save and is immune to mind affecting effects. does it do that or does it just give him a extra saving throw without the immunity

Liberty's Edge

If I have a staff with 3 spells on it and my class knows only one of the spells am I able to cast the other spells on the staff without a UMD check? Specifically a druid with a staff of fire knows wall of fire but not fireball or burning hands

Liberty's Edge

So I'm playing a game as a rogue/fighter/assassin. I took over an NPC and had to keep it close to the base character. Because of the multiclassing my will save took a hit. I'm currently level 9 and have a will save of 5 on a good day and that is with a cloak. Are there any other magic items or techniques anyone knows that will help me against enchantment effects? Specifically charm and dominate effects.

Liberty's Edge

So noticula seems like a cool character. It mentions that the players have a chance to redeem her but why would she want to do that? Intent is a big part of redemption and as a being of pure evil I imagine she doesn't really hold empathy for anything and only seeks to gain power. Under what circumstances would she ever consider becoming good?

Liberty's Edge

so in this rule
"At 9th tier, if you are killed, you return to life 24 hours later, regardless of the condition of your body or the means by which you were killed. When you return to life, you aren't treated as if you had rested, and don't regain the use of abilities that recharge with rest until you next rest. This ability doesn't apply if you're killed by a coup de grace or critical hit performed by either a mythic creature (or creature of even greater power) or a non-mythic creature wielding a weapon capable of bypassing epic damage reduction. At 10th tier, you can be killed only by a coup de grace or critical hit made with an artifact."
it doesn't say Where the person comes back. does it work like resurrection and they just spawn where they died or where their body is taken or something? what if their body is in the bottom of a lava pit? do they spawn in the lava and die again? i am very confused by this plz help

Liberty's Edge

So I'm a gm and running a pirate themed game. Recently the players were off to a spot on a treasure map that lead into a storm. During the storm a whale attacked the ship and used it's capsize ability to flip the ship. The players managed to kill the whale but their ship flipped over and their crew is in the water about 40 miles from shore in a raging hail storm. Is there anything my players can do at this point to flip their ship, should I have an act of God come save them in one form or another, or should they be lost at sea forever and roll new characters?

Liberty's Edge

so this monster called a Devastator from Bestiary 5 has an ability called Absorb Good Magic. here is the description: "Whenever a spell with the good descriptor includes a devastator as a target or in its area or effect, the caster must succeed at a DC 38 caster level check or the devastator negates the entire spell and gains 5 temporary hit points per spell level of the spell absorbed that last 1 hour."
the problem i have with this is the creature has Spell resistance 33. my question is, when an enemy casts a Good Spell does it have to bypass the Absorb Good ability first or the Spell resistance?

Liberty's Edge

if someone is astrally projecting onto a plane can you still cast summoning magic onto the plane your astral form is on? also can you have an astral projection on the same plane as your physical body? IE both your body and the astral form are in the abyss at the same time?

Liberty's Edge

So I am running wrath and a player died and his new character is a hellknight. They are pretty high level, mythic and he took leadership so I decided to make him master of blades. How many hell knights would he command and what level are they?

Liberty's Edge

So I'm tuning a published adventure and in it the players found an amulet of pure good with one charge remaining. Essentially it is used to take out one bad guy that the players may not be ready for; however, one of my players decided to take the amulet and use it as a touch attack. He did this because a neutral or evil character who touches the amulet take a shit ton of damage. So now as a touch attack he does something like 8d8 damage. This is both genius and pisses me off to no end.

Liberty's Edge

For purposes of magic enchantments do butterfly swords count as 2 weapons that are seperate or just 1 weapon. Ex: could you make the sword a +1 for 2000gold or would you have to pay seperatly for each part of the sword making it a +1 +1 for 4000

Liberty's Edge

Since this Is a mythic game and there are demons there are a lot of challenges that mixed with bad choices cause player death. The problem is how do you story explain a new mythic hero coming out of no where to join the party? So far I've handled it well but if more people die then there will be problems