Lamashtu Worshipper

cathat89's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I've read multiple threads on the boards regarding precision damage and volleys. I've seen arguments go back and forth on the topic, some simply citing house rules or feelings on the matter, and some involving some very distinct math and heated debate. After reading it all, I'm still not sure where the matter stands. I know the ruling from 3.5 is that a volley from a weaponlike spell (or, indeed, any volley) gets precision damage once. Pathfinder has changed sneak attack in a couple of ways, and the latest statement seems to say only the basics: if you catch a target without their dex bonus, or if you flank them, you can deliver sneak attack damage. The argument here seems to turn on whether Pathfinder, by not elaborating, is implicitly acknowledging the 3.5 ruling, or by omitting the statement, is wiping out the 3.5 ruling. I've seen time stamps going back to 2009 debating this, and there's been no definitive answer.

So I'm asking for one here.

Designers, can you shed a little light on this? I know there are a lot of factors to balance here, and every opinion I've read so far has some validity to it. However, the debate seems to be at an impasse, and I think a lot of time and energy could be saved if someone behind the pen could make some sort of call, even if that call is "We're not going to make a definitive ruling--decide for yourselves."

Thanks in advance, gang.

After reading Alpha 3, I noted that Blink now omits the descriptor that the target of a blinking attacker is denied their Dex bonus to AC. Was this purposeful?