Leonard Kriegler

carneaslaughter's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

Dario wrote:
@carneaslaughter, you should check out the Goblinworks Blog: Signed... In Blood

I was actually super excited about that when it was posted - along with the whole kickstarter thread about inns/merchant caravans etc.

However, May was a long time ago, and I just feel that constant support for this stuff should be re-iterated (by the players, that is).

Lots of great stuff gets kicked around early, and sometimes even into beta... to disappear sooner or later. Look at TSW - they keep making that easier, and WoW has sunk to Kiddie Toy level.

Goblin Squad Member

Nothing is worse than the 'mobs standing around waiting to be killed'... except the piled high spawn points (think EQ 1, with the lines of cha-cha-ing mobs heading for the exit).

LOTRO and Conan seem to do a decent problem with avoiding (mostly) the 'kill 10 rats' type quests, but there are still too many of them. I'd like to see as many player generated quests as possible, you know?

For me, in particular, with the way I want to play, I'd *love* to see people able to post a 'job' to a board. Something like 'I need 50 brown leathers at the next town over, I'll pay 50s'.

Not just shouted in trade (which gets old), but paying to toss it onto a job board for people like me to load up and bring.

Goblin Squad Member

I like the idea of a weak SAD, especially since I hope to have my profession be 'caravan master/merchant/smuggler'.

I'd like to be able to fight the various bandits, but not be stopped every 15 feet by some annoying 1st level gold farmer.

Goblin Squad Member

I hope to be one of these 'traders' who brings stuff from place to place - and I would *definitely* be against fast travel and mounts. I'd rather it be slow, tedious, and dangerous.

More profit in it for me :)