calvorin |
We tried the new rules for the first time, only getting through some character creation and here are the notes we have so far:
-We really liked the use of "you" in the descriptions. This kept things very gender neutral. The character creation summery, however, used "she". We recommend rewording this section to embrace the "you" paradigm used in the individual class descriptions.
-The only way for a human character to have any stat below a 10 is to take a voluntary penalty with no benefit. It is the rare gamer that would ever do this. I would recommend either a 2 for 1 deal where you reduce a stat by 2 points for an increase of 1 in another, or have humans work just like the other races, in that they get 3 boosts and 1 flaw.
-There appears to be no place on the character sheet for domain/school
-There is no 1st level ranger feat for archer themed rangers.