
caelum's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 36 posts (50 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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As one of the perpetrators of the original story on RPG Geek (I can't take credit for the idea, though I was responsible for the Millennium Falcon), I am glad to see people enjoying it - and am very grateful to Paizo, and Lisa Stevens, for taking it with such good grace. What we thought would be an amusing story for our regulars turned into much more when Paizo themselves shared the link, and it was great hearing about others enjoying - or being briefly frightened by - the joke.

In all seriousness, we at RPG Geek are big fans of Paizo - our forums have hosted over 50 play-by-forum Society games, as well as many other campaign games (including two year+ campaigns run by myself). So we are very pleased to have injected a bit of humor into the days of Pathfinder community and especially any staffers at Paizo who got a kick out of it!

Thanks Paizo!

PS Also, if anyone is worried, we've added two notes to the story about the posting date to ensure that anyone who stumbles upon it at a later date won't fall for it.

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Congratulations to Greg on getting the final installment out! This is an epic achievement - I only wish I had the players (and time) to try it! I really look forward to seeing the bound version.

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I can answer these based on the original map I turned in - doesn't look like any of these things changed in development.

1. Area B is the door on the east side of the circular part of the balcony.

2. The secret doors provide access to the corridor that runs north/south on the eastern edge of area 8 (it appears blocked off entirely). There should be one on the northern edge, one on the southern edge, and one on the third square from the top (connecting to the main corridor).

3. One rogue would begin inside the southernmost of the secret doors; the other in the northernmost square of the long straight part of the main corridor (the one labeled "8").
