
caal_boran's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I will await judgement on this, but it does seem 4E/5E which is why I and my players went to Pathfinder.

Unfortunately the ARG was of no help. The innate spells and the flight speed and maneuverability made the character 29 pts, definitely more than the allowable races. I find it interesting that in the Bestiary 3 they are a 1/3 CR. Something just seems out of sorts with that.

I have a young woman who wants to play a sprite as a PC. IS there a write-up available or can someone help me out. Thanks

How long is the effect of the stat loss from the mutagens? Does it return at the expiration of the mutagen effect, is it "healed" like usual or is it permanent?

Seraphimpunk wrote:
does an alchemist qualify for brew potion and scribe scroll feats?

I would think so, since the classes forte is the mixing of concoctions!

The Alchemist of old, used formulae written down in books, hence the survival of supposed Alchemical rituals. Unfortunately for the game, most of these formulae were long and complicated, not a trait for use in adventuring. The idea of an on the fly caster is taken by the sorcerer, the Alchemist needs its own niche. I'm not certain what that niche is though, it is almost as if this class should be an NPC, the person making potions in the town. Otherwise it seems to a combination of a Mad scientist/Mad bomber/Jekyl and Hyde. The effects of the class can be duplicated by playing a wizard specializing in transmutative spells for the enhancements.

At first glance the oracle seems like a weakened cleric, the curse and it's abilities don't seem to balance out. The low amount of spells and the restrictions of the curses seems detrimental to the class. Picking their "focus" air, water etc... these seem more like watered down or transferred sorcerer abilities. In mythology "Oracles" told of portents and futures, almost like a "Divination" focused wizard. Looking it over I would prefer to play a wizard with that focus or if some form of healing is required perhaps an "Adept" from the NPC classes. I'm not certain what is planned for the witch, but this would also seem to cross into her territory as well.

Quandary wrote:
Can'tFindthePath wrote:
I do take issue with the class skills. I like what's there, but no knowlege (nobility)? That is nuts. I know that certain orders grant it as a class skill, but ALL Cavaliers should get it. The class has a feature called Banner...which means all Cavaliers have some kind of heraldic symbol. I believe it is intrinsic to the class, and in fact I would support granting them half their Cavalier level as a bonus and let them make checks in Knowledge (nobility) untrained.
I think having Know:Nobility as a general Cavalier Class Skill is reasonable, but the 1/2Level Bonus and extra stuff should be specific to specific Orders. It's clear that all Orders are NOT about the Chivalry as much, or the Mount as much, and that's a good thing IMHO.

Cavaliers should have Know: Nobility, but let certain orders get a bonus to their role due to the orders focus on that or even give an order skill focus: Nobility.