bryan.mullins's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts (19 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

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So I'm getting back to gaming after finishing school. I'm slated to run some Pathfinder for some friends who don't know the rules well. I don't really know the rules well anymore.

I wanted to ask you all, what are the changes to the Rules As Written that are most common? Do you, personally, house rule anything? What changes can make the game move a little faster for newbies and Lazy GM's?

Oh, and I specifically want to ask if anyone's had any success with any kind of Action Dice / FATE point mechanic with this system.


Liberty's Edge

...or is it Dwarfish?

Can any of you die-hard subscribers tell me if there are any products (adventures, modules, gazetteers, chronicles books, etc.) with a higher level of detail on Golarion's Dwarves? Specifically, I was wondering if there is a greater level of detail on the Sky Citadels, and Dongun Hold specifically. Also, is there anymore on the Five Kings region away north of Darkmoon Vale? That would be nice, to tie that region together with my player's interests...since I have the Guide, and a few adventures around there as a jumping on point.

One of my players has a high interest in being from Dongun Hold, and I would like to send him and his fellows off on an adventure to a lost Sky Citadel...and if those things are already detailed I would like to look it over.

I have both the Core Rulebook, and the Campaign Setting books.

Thanks in advance for any/all the help.