
brian schneider's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (12 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 28 Organized Play characters.

The Exchange

Are there only two specialty types of Engineering Kit (Weaponsmith and Armorsmith or is there as pecialty kit for each application of the engineering skill?

Example: can you have a Bomb Maker's Kit that grants a +4 bonus to the Arm Explosives application of the Engineering skill?

Also Can you have a specialty kit for Engineering checks made as part of star-ship combat?

Example: a kit that gives you a bonus to Engineering checks specifically to divert energy to shields or divert energy to weapons?

The Exchange

Can my cavalier, who is able to act in the surprise round, use his tactician ability during the surprise round to give his allies the lookout teamwork feat, thereby allowing them to act in the surprise round as well?

The Exchange

Can halfling shamans with the jinx alternate racial trait and the evil eye hex take the malicious eye feat since the prerequisite is " witches evil eye hex"? I ask because it seems like they should be able to, but this might be one of those hosed by RAW issues.

The Exchange 3/5

Are the rules for retuning deity specific magic items presented on page 54 of Gods and Magic PFS legal?

I am inclined to think they are not for the following reason. They require the person retuning to meet the construction requirements, which always include an item creation feat. Since item creation feats are not allowed in PFS, this would make retuning by a PC impossible. However, they don't indicate if a hired NPC could do the retuning or if the items can be purchased already retuned at higher cost.

Please let me know what, if anything, about these rules is legal.



The Exchange

How does this feat work for a non-caster? Does the character not get a bonus and just rolls a d20? The feat discription is below. I would appreciate any clarification.

Godless Healing (PFCCS page 123)
With no magical healing available to the populace, you have learned a specialized technique to ignore pain.
Prerequisites: Rahadoum affinity.
Benefit: When you have half your total hit points or fewer, you may attempt a DC 10 Concentration check to heal yourself of 1d4+1 points of damage per level as a move action. You may only use this ability once per day.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you do, you may heal yourself one additional time per day.

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