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Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I just purchased a new Android Tablet PC, and among other things, I would like to begin using it to aid in my Pathfinder games when I GM. I already own PDF versions of some of the rulebooks and such that I will need as reference material, and I will also be having my players give me standardized PDF versions of their character sheets for my easy reference.

One thing that I have always done (on paper) when GMing, is writing out a synopsis with all relevant information for each encounter / NPC / area. I will use this in conjunction with the published adventure or whatever I am running. Right now I do this on graph paper, and I make a section for each encounter, all skill checks involved, monsters (stats, attacks), some combat information (room for tallying initiative and tracking spells and any other random information). I also write in any treasure or items the PC's could find. Basically a half to a full page of quick-information which I can have in front of me for the full encounter so I do as little referencing or looking up as possible.

I want to do this digitally, and on the Android platform. It would also be really great if I could find a way to add in image files, or other types of reference material.

Is there anyone out there that knows of a program or something to help me keep track of these things? Otherwise, if you use a tablet to complement your GMing, could you give me some pointers for what you use it for?

Thank you all so much for the help,


I ran the beginner box campaign this last weekend for a group of three friends. They breezed through most of the dungeon, but at the end they were bruised and battered, tired. I figured I would just follow the plan, and allow them to get the dragon to half and let it fly away. However, when the combat started, they were so excited and into it! The roleplaying really got intense, and the rolls were even more so. After five or six gut-wrenching rounds, the PC's ended up killing the dragon! If this was a mistake, so be it! We had tons of fun.

Very high quality, I am very impressed with your work! Thanks for sharing these with everyone.


Thank you so much for this wonderful idea! I am just getting back into pen/paper rpg gaming, and I am running the beginner box scenario tonight for my wife and three friends! Two of them have very little experience playing games like this, and what you posted here is exactly what I was looking for!

Maybe by the end of the night I will have a couple more things to add to this list! Thanks again!
