bored_teen's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Another problem with the support for evil characters is...the non-RPers. You have to accept that not everybody has everyone's best interests at heart, not everybody will be interested in RP, and quite frankly, there will be some jerks out there. Now, we could mitigate the issue by not allowing there to be any real consequences for actions done, thus limiting the incentive to be a jerk, but you also remove a bit of RP potential from that. Also, for there to be evil clerics in the sewer corrupting the city from the sewers, there either have to be corruptible NPCs (how would that work? Is that really reasonable?) or a lot of people willing to play as the corruptees (not all that likely). Certainly, players can work together to enact evil plans, like the EVE Online incident, but Pathfinder Online isn't going to be that sort of environment, and even if it were, it still isn't really what you seem to be wanting.

I'm not saying I'm against it; on the contrary, if there was a working system for it, that'd be an amazing accomplishment. I'm just raising some points.

Dark Archive

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Ok, assuming a 6th level Monk already has Improved Grapple and Deflect Arrows, what's left?

Catch Off-Guard, Scorpion Style, Gorgon's Fist and Throw Anything all suck. Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip aren't the focus of this character, so they don't seem like great choices. Combat Reflexes and Mobility don't fit the character's combat style and Dodge doesn't really seem worth a feat.

Hamatulatsu seems to be the best choice, though it's only slightly better than a cestus when you crit.

Am I missing something?

Dark Archive

Ok, I think I'm a bit confused at how defensive casting works. Let me see if I have this right:

Mage threatened by Fighter: Must cast defensively or lose the spell.

Mage threatened by Fighter w/Spellbreaker: Must cast defensively or lose the spell & possibly get hit by attack of opportunity.

Is that correct?

Dark Archive

So, I'm playing an 11th level Fighter in a group with a Druid, a Wizard, and a Cleric/Doomguide with a Bard Cohort. I'm trying to decide on a cohort for my character and I need some advice on what to bring in to help the group (and myself). I've considered various divine casters, a Marshal, and a few other combat-only types, but none of them are really grabbing me.

Any suggestions?