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Frost Mage

D20 said wrote:

Elemental Arcane Schools

Instead of specializing in a focused arcane school of magic, a wizard can choose to specialize in one of the four elemental schools of magic. Like a normal arcane school, an elemental school grants a number of school powers and one bonus spell slot of each level the wizard can cast, from 1st on up. This bonus spell slot must be used to prepare a spell from the elemental school’s spell list. Unlike a normal arcane school, each elemental school requires the wizard to select his opposed element as his opposition school (Air opposes earth, fire opposes water). He does not need to select a second opposition school. He must expend two spell slots to prepare a spell from his opposed elemental school as normal.

Thats how you get the base for frost mage. :)

Honestly this sounds like the perfect campaign for the spellslinger archetype from ultimate combat. Normally would say it is horrible because 4 opposing schools normally limits you greatly but if your spell list is already this limited then I would go for it. It has always been a concept I have wanted to try but I have always preferred going universalist and having ALL OF THE SPELLS.

Unfortunately it is from Ultimate combat and if you only have access to Core and APG then it is out.

spell perfection
spell penetration
combat casting
crafting feats

that system is broken lol

channel positive energy targeting only the undead and allies

Having loads of fun with my tww, I did a 2 lv dip into titan mauler barbarian for jotungrip, so I can duel wield two handed weapons. feats like step up to help reposition when needed. Juggernaught pauldrons to cast enlarge person on myself at will as often as I want. Havent decided whether or not I want cloud or storm giant hide armor yet but that is a ways away still.

Unklbuck wrote:

1. Feeblemind him

2. Cut out tongue
3. Cut off All Fingers but one
4. Put Ring of Sustenance on last Finger
5. Wall him up in a cave

umm... jeez... THIS! :XD

I still think having a portable hole full of undead would be really cool. It being a portable hole by definition it is portable, can be hidden easily and because they are undead the hole won't harm them.

Start of combat you drop the hole on the ground and have a horde of zombies jump out.

Portable hole, 10 by 10 by 10 feet of undead storage space, bonus to the fact that a portable hole is cold and therefore helps preserve bodies and reduces odor. Carry a 10 foot ladder inside the hole at all times and you are set.The larger your undead army the more holes you aquire.

problem solved :D

venerable wizard specializing in knowledge checks and crafting. I had fun with him. Need to be very careful with him though as he would be very fragile. Concentrate on evasion and buff spells as it looks like you already have tanks and strong dps classes. +16 to any and all knowledge checks at level 6-8 depending on int mod is very entertaining. Race, school etc would be up to you. One suggestion if you do, with the party makeup you have, HASTE is your friend.

Thought Id offer up another idea along the lines of a full caster and expand on other posters. Pray it doesn't die of old age lol it happened to me when I ran with him. Had a lot of fun with it though

2 levels of Titan Mauler Barbarian and rest into two weapon warrior fighter archetype. Bit of a MAD build as it requires excellent STR and DEX, and high CON is a bonus. Dual wield greatswords or reach weapons with combat reflexes.

I went greatswords and recently the stunned my D&D group when I raged, wizard used enlarge person on me and did about 200 damage in 2 rounds off of 4 hits and 2 crits at level 8. Granted 6 out of 8 attacks hitting with 2 being crits is rather obsene.

2TKO the boss of the dungeon is funny.

Love playing with a knowledge monkey wizard with gms that do this sort of thing. +20 to ALL knowledge checks at level 8 is fun sometimes. Knowledge engineering a trap for 35-36 then draw schematic to show rogue exactly how to disable it :XD

Not having piazo books with mefrom what I remember what he wanted to do can't really be done in pathfinder without going words of power (which have their own set of limitations) or shelling out a ridiculous amount of cash. Return for investment really isn't worth it when a 9th level slot would be able to do something similar. IMO he would be better off playing a venerable caster and pump his caster mod and spell save DC as high as possible.

I actually was trying to find a way to cast 3 spells in a round and found nothing I felt made it worthwhile. In the end I did play the venerable wizard toon, fireball with a save dc of 23 at lv 6 lol

Something interesting that you might want to look into, 2 levels of titan mauler barbarian archetype along with TWW. What I did was I got Jotungrip which allowed me to wield greatswords 1 handed. TWW mitigated penalties associated with doing it by a fair margin. Went Orc. As character progressed aquired gear that allowed me to become a large creature at will as the enlarge person spell. Enchanted weapons with the Impact enchantment, as well as made them adamantite. 4d6 +STR per hit with a 10 foot reach and combat reflexes for MANY AoO. WF and GWF greatsword as wel as specialization. Much hacky slash fun ensued.

Personally went for as many attacks as possible, but taking it down a crit based path should be fairly easy.

At endgame I think I was doing 7 x 4d6+12 per round on a full attack plus 6 or 7 attacks of opportunity at 2x4d6+12 each per round.

2 levels Titan Mauler barbarian/rest Two Weapon Warrior archetype fighter. max out str (18), at least 18 dex, and con 16. Jotungrip should let you TWF with medium greatswords, and Two weapon warrior should help mitigate the penalties.

With those stats, time to have fun lol

Edit, just noticed how old this post is my bad