
billy277's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (40 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

I was curious if there's a list or guide out there that details which materials/releases have been officially deemed out-of-date or obsolete by subsequent publications. For example, the RotR and CotCT hardcovers render the adventure materials in the first 12 volumes outdated, and a sidebar in the Inner Sea World Guide says it succeeds the Gazeteer and Pathfinder Campaign Setting books. I've been collecting Pathfinder almost 10 years now and have a great deal of the material that's been published. It'd be great to know which books (especially the out of print ones) can be thought of as officially non-use at this point. Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

I was wondering how other people approach the concept of a Cavalier's Order. The books seem to infer that they are at least somewhat organized, but there's never anything written about orders' headquarters or leaders. Are the orders just oaths a knight takes internally, where like-minded knights happen to take the same oaths? Some would lean towards that but some particular ones - like Blue Rose, The Green and The Scales - would also make sense as actual, international organizations. I'm designing a Cavalier and was planning to make his entry into the Order a significant part of his backstory, so I was curious how others have handled the idea.

Liberty's Edge

Hey everyone, I've tinkered with the card game in one-off sessions, but I've finally convinced three friends to start a campaign with me. Before we select characters and begin, I was hoping to get some tips on figuring out which characters might work best together. We have access to both campaigns right now.

There are four of us, so I'm going on the assumption that there should basically be a tank, a Divine user, an Arcane user and some type of Rogue/versatile character. Fortunately, I have all of the Class decks so we've got a lot of options. Are there any character combos that work well together, or even just characters/classes that are clearly superior to others? I want to ensure our team is mighty and successful. If it helps, I can post specific characters some of us are interested in for suggestions.

Thanks so much!

Liberty's Edge

Quick question about the keepsakes describes in the Halflings of Golarion sourcebook. The overview mentions that that allow divine casters new options when casting certain spells. But do they allow the halfling to cast a spell they ordinarily wouldn't have access to?

For example, I would like to give my character a Harvester's Pouch or a Persuasive Arrowhead since they match his deity best. But he's a cleric and the spells are for druids/rangers (Goodberry and Charm Animal). Do the keepsakes allow him to cast those specific spells?

Thanks in advance!

Liberty's Edge

I'm still fairly new to the game and am rabidly purchasing most of the core books. I'm also a completionist and generally like to get all the sourcebooks for my RPGs.

I've read on Amazon and other places that the Inner Sea World Guide is the third edition of the campaign setting, and was preceded by the Gazetteer and the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting books. Is it practical for me to try to track down all three? Or if I get the ISWG, are the first two unnecessary?


Hey there, everyone. I'm new to Pathfinder and was looking to join a game either on a forum or via IM to help me learn the setting and system for this awesome game. Ideally I'd love to be part of a solo or small online group that has a long-term game, but for now some assistance with the basics is fine. I can learn about Golarion along with my character!

I have the three core books but other than that just a couple of modules and adventure path books. I generated a character using an RPG program I downloaded, so my character's stats are generated and ready to go. Right now I'm just looking for a game to put him in. Any advice or interest would be greatly appreciated. :)