bikermike1411's page

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Awesome, thanks! Am I right in thinking i'll need to buy the class packs to build decks for the class characters?

I'm totally new to the Pathfinder ACG system and the way decks are crafted for individual characters. I'may off to dig around for a beginners guide thread.

Thanks again!

Hi everyone,
I've recently bought the base set of Rise of the Runelords and really want to download the suggested deck lists for different character builds you're all eagerly talking about! Unfortunately, I seem to be having real trouble navigating the site to actually find them...

I've managed to get two files - 'PACG-Sheets-Rotr' which is a character sheet for RotR (and I think the character pack)and 'PACG-Decklist-Rotr' which is a list of all the cards in the RotR base game and adventure decks. I definitely can't find the different suggested character deck builds, and I can't download any files related to either Skull and Shackles or Wrath of the Righteous - I just get hyperlinked to the store to buy products (and none of the 'free' pdfs listed there are what i'm looking for!) I know about my download list - I just can't find the files on the site I think I should be able to find!

Am I missing something obvious here? Sorry if I am!

Also (again, sorry if it's obvious) but are the character sheets I have downloaded (PACG-Sheets-Rotr) the most up-to-date? I'll be playing exclusively with these (not the character cards) and really want to make sure everything is good to go when I get started this weekend!
