Chris Kenney wrote:
bigb103 wrote:
I haven't played it much yet but can I just say being a Deaf Oracle and using the spell Silence centered on myself just seems very wrong. The reason I say that is because my spells are the metamagic feat Silent Spell without any buff to casting time or level. My suggestion might be that being Deaf does not effect your spell casting that requires vocal components, maybe cause the magic flows out of you so naturally. This way you still have to speak to cast.
Being deaf is a pretty big disadvantage. You're basically unaware of anything not in your field of vision. Communication with your party in and out of battle is going to be an incredible pain in the rear, and you can't make effective use of a number of spells that are language dependent. Being able to create an effective 'no-cast zone' around yourself is powerful, but you can't stay in melee and most casters can move out of it in one round, somewhere you can't get to. Not a big deal.
Well I kinda agree with what some of things you are saying though I do have "game mechanic" questions for some of the things you said. One was "you are unaware of anything not in your field of vision." Now I don't think there are rules really for facing and such in this system. Basically you see it or you don't due to a perception check, which is at a -4. So I do agree with you in a way that it can hinder you noticing things. Another is that in some campaigns and systems, Forgotten Realms is one, a player can take Drow Hand Sign Language. This way I am able to communicate with my group with ease outside of combat. I agree it is of no use in combat and others in the world most likely don't know it but it helps cut down some of the problem. Also with a bit of creativity a player can give their character a little chalkboard and some chalk so they can talk to the regular populace. Again it is of no use in combat but it cuts down on the effect. Finally I agree with you at later levels most casters can move out of it in one round due to a silenced teleport or dim door. However, I am able to do this at like 4th level when anything that has any caster that would have those spells would be like 8th level. Yes it is a small window of being mean but it still exists. Now whether any of this requires adjustment is up to Paizo.
I also wanted to state I felt I should reply so Paizo could get a better feel for some of my concerns and that you did bring up a lot of valid points but I still felt a bit concerned about the class.