
beholderbob's page

107 posts. 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists.

Searching for a trait that tought the character 3 spells. I can not find it anywhere. Does anyone know of this trait? I could be wrong, but I thought it was something like rune explorer or lore seeker. If you have a link or copy of it, I'd love a copy.

Can an alchemist use a wand of an extract he knows?

Example: alchemist knows CLW extract. Can he use a wand of it?


A core gnoll has cr 1 and no levels in any class...

so a 1st lv warrior gnoll is still cr 1?
so a 5th lv sorcerer gnoll is cr 6?

Adding a level npc warrior vs a level in fighter, reduce level of warrior by 1 before calculating cr, right?

I found the Menhir Savant alternative class features for my druid awhile ago, and now I can not remember where I got it from. I'm not sure if I have the file or a friend showed it to me. Anyone know where this is from/located?

Aargh! I need to write down my sources next time!

Hey folks! Can a monk with a bite attack make that attack along with his flurry? It is a natural attack, but I'm not sure - is it at full attack mod for all attacks, at -5, or not at all? My big-mouthed monk needs to know!

As an aside - the bite attack is gained from the spell "face of the devourer", although a half-orc could do it with the right trait or feat.

I was considering the following feat

Unorthodox Training: (requires proficiency with weapon)

Allows a monk to treat the weapon as a monk specialty weapon, allowing him to flurry with it.

The application is for a monk alchemist, to allow him to flurry with alchemical fire flasks.

Well, would this be balanced? (Yeah, I know, not too exiting).

Application: I am playing an alchemist monk & wish to flurry with alchemical fire & acid.

I ordered the Bestiary II and received confirmation that it will be shipped to me soon. I do not have access to the pdf, though, and it still shows on my shopping cart. Please send me the pdf & remove the extraneous request from the shopping cart (I would, but I was afraid that would mess up the order/pdf).

Thank you, Beholderbob

I assumed I knew how familiars skills functioned but have found 2 examples of me being wrong. I'm hoping to get confirmation either way...

1) does your familiar gain ranks = # of ranks you have, use its own stats, but does not treat the skills as class skills. If it's skill roll is better then yours, it uses its own skill check.

2) as 1 but does treat them as class skills

3) use your skill roll as listed.


I'm not sure if this would be the correct page to post this on - there may not be a correct place for it at all.

In trying to develop my character, I've been typing up his thoughts. Feedback would be great, and suggestions as to his alignment would be fun to see (did I give him the correct alignment?).

I am a fun loving hedonist, servant of Calistra, and a free spirit. I am a nice guy you can trust, a good friend you can depend on, and loyal to those I love.

That was a complete lie. I don’t love anyone, well maybe Dagda, but to be honest, I’m not sure what love should feel like. I’d claim to be a vicious cauldron of hatred, coiled tension and rage, but I don’t feel that either. Mostly I just think about myself, how to manipulate people, and most important, how to entertain myself. Well, me and my monkey, Dagda. Some might think me unemotional, but that can’t be true, I’m happy… or at least satisfied. Happy is just another shade of gray.

I can be honest with myself, I’m not charismatic. People do not find me easy to bond to, befriend, or any other term that has no meaning except as an affectation. I’m good at manipulating people, I set folks against each other for entertainment and stick myself into groups for my entertainment. I do not enjoy the group insomuch as watching the cogs turn. People are stupid and easy to impress or intimidate. I enjoy socialite groups, attach myself to the young and eager, and spend funds and impress their friends. The few ties someone starts to understand what I am before I’m done with them get scared of me – afraid to offend me. I guess those are the smart ones.

Morality is a funny concept that people talk about, obligation, right and wrong. What they do not understand is the sense of self – mostly about me, that supersedes these arbitrary rules. My family is just the group I grew up with, strangers in the same house. Robbing them was simply the right thing to do when I tired of them. Bloodline is not a chain to bind me – though if I’m asked, I suffered and was abused. I suffer no such confusion, but one gets used to a story. Giving money to the poor, helping the needy – other then doing so to give the right impression, they are simply empty acts. If no one important sees it, did it do anything but show your weakness?

For those of you who remember the spell compendium (crickets), there was a spell called something like 'switch places', it teleported the caster away and replaced him with a beasty. Once the spell ended or the creature died, the caster returned in the creatures place. Not too powerful, but a nice spell. Using that as a king of jumping board...

Feat: Cast a large shadow, req 8th level caster, 2+ feats invested into familiar.

This feat grants your familiar, not the caster, the ability to, for a brief period of time, cause its shadow to surge in size and solidity of a creature (as a supernatural) while the familiar sinks into the new creature's shadow. The creature is determined at the time the feat is taken, is built using the animal companion rules of an equal level master, and developes as the caster goes up levels. The caster can not trigger this ability, only the familiar can, it takes a standard action, and the form can be held for up to 2*LV R a day. If the creature is slain, the familiar returns in its place exhausted.

Thoughts - this ability is short lived, has some nice flavor, and allows the familiar to run over and try to save the boss. I was going to suggest this as a hex, but I thought a wizard should have the option too.

Too good?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Witch Hexes

Transfixion Hex (Su): Target within 30’ makes a will save or is unable to make a move action for LV R. When the Witch reaches 8th level, a transfixed target is unable to travel using dimensional means, as per the spell dimensional anchor. A creature that successfully saves against this hex is immune to it for 1 day.

Hidden Doors Hex (Su): The witch is able to, as a standard action, teleport 5’ per witch level with up to a heavy encumbrance load & her familiar, but no other living creature, so long as nothing bars her path were she to travel that way physically. Thus, the witch could cross a chasm, but not through a barred door. The witch may use this ability LV times a day. At 5th level, the witch can ignore boundaries, and at 7th the witch can teleport as a move action (but may not take another move or standard action after taking this teleport action). Finally, at 11th, the witch can teleport additional creatures. Additional creatures of medium size cost 1 additional use of teleport per day, creatures of larger size count for x2 their number per size increase, and ½ their size for each decrease from medium size.

Bayou Hex (Su): The witch causes the surface a foe stands (while within 30’ of the witch) to act as quicksand. Earth-bound creatures caught in the area are mired in the mud, effectively entangled unless they make a reflex save. While entangled, creatures are unable to fly. This condition lasts for LV rounds or until they teleport or move out of range. At 7th level, a creature that fails its save is also staggered for the duration, the target sinking deeper into the surface they walk upon. At 11th level, a creature that fails its save fall chest deep, is incapable of movement, and is considered prone.

Let me know if over or under powered. Suggested changes. Where to stick it. General useful info/feedback.


Would a Boggard sorcerer be able to deliver his touch spells with his tongue?

Attack: Tongue –1 touch (sticky tongue)

Sticky Tongue (Ex)

A creature hit by a boggard's tongue attack cannot move more than 10 feet away from the boggard and takes a –2 penalty to AC as long as the tongue is attached (this penalty does not stack if multiple tongues are attached). The tongue can be removed by making an opposed Strength check as a standard action or by dealing 2 points of slashing damage to the tongue (AC 11, damage does not deplete the boggard's actual hit points). The boggard cannot move more than 10 feet away from the target, but the boggard can release its tongue as a free action. Unlike a giant frog, a boggard cannot pull targets toward it with its tongue.

I think it would be a great bad guy/shaman. Do you think this would be 'kosher'? It is listed as a touch attack.

Also - the attack line shows:

Melee morningstar +5 (1d8+3), tongue –1 touch (sticky tongue)

I take this to mean that using a combined weapon attack with a natural attack, the tongue suffers a -5 to hit, rather then suffering a -5 to hit for a non-primary natural attack (if that was the case, it would be -6 to hit... -5 for non-primary, -5 for combining it with a weapon attack).

I find the prefered class bonus for humans in wizard and witch class to be lame compared to what the sorcerer gets. I came up with these alternatives below, let me know if they are balanced.

1) Memory Retention: choose a known spell & retain that information as per the spell mastery feat (you do not need your spellbook/familiar to memorize this spell).

2) Spell Shortcut: choose a known spell with a spell component of 1 gp or less - you may cast this spell without the component (per eschew component feat).

3) Frequent Repetition: choose a known spell - your frequent use of this spell makes it easier for you to cast under duress. You gain a +2 moral bonus to concentration checks casting this spell.

Well, I figure I will give this a single bump before I let it rest.

Ahem, "Bump"

I have a friend who is going to run the paizo module Carnival of Tears (E1, 2007, for 5th level characters) for a group of 4 7th level characters. She is somewhat of a newbie to DMing, so I’d like to give her help/support in running this game, but I cannot look at the module as it will give me an unfair advantage/step on her toes. My main concern is that the module is 3.5 and for characters 2 level lower, so she will have to bump up the opposition. If anyone has experience/suggestions for her with this module, that would be great – just post them as spoilers. The group will consist of: 7th LV bard, 7th LV witch, 7th LV inquisitor (NPC for this game), and a 4th/3rd LV rogue/wizard.

She does not have the bestiary, though she can use the pathfinder SRD.


I tried posting this earlier, but it was a '0-post' item and could not be opened. This is a second attempt...

I am making 12 magic items for my game and I am looking for feedback as to their power level, suggested cost and such. I'm going to post 3-4 at a time and will eventually figure out cost & requirements, though any suggestions in that area would be appreciated.

Pouch of Stability – this stained leather pouch has a bitter smell and slightly oily texture. It prevents food, drink, and alchemical bombs, from spoiling or going inert. Food and drink is as fresh as when it was placed in the pouch, and alchemical bombs are held stable for a moment before exploding. The bomb’s effects are determined when placed in the pouch by the alchemist and are not alterable. Due to limited stability, the delay bomb and precise bomb discoveries may not be applied to bombs from the pouch. Additionally, there is a risk of a bomb exploding prematurely – when thrown by an alchemist, an attack roll of natural ‘1’ causes the bomb to blow up in the alchemist’s hand, while a natural ‘2’ explodes midway towards the target. If a non-alchemist throws a bomb, a natural ‘1-2’ explodes in their hand, and a natural ‘3-4’ explodes midway to the target.
The pouch has no affect on elixirs or mutagens.

Golden Alembic – this piece of alchemical gear is trimmed in gold. In addition to its normal function in creating alchemical reagents, can alter potions poured into it twice a day by adding 20 gp worth of chemicals into the mix (requires a DC 15 + 2*LV of the potion craft-alchemy check or the potion is ruined). Once a potion is drunk from the alembic, it stays dormant in the user until 1 hour passes, or as a swift action by the drinker (as an immediate action for 3rd level or higher alchemists). It takes an hour for the chemical reaction to complete when mixing chemicals with a potion, as well as a source of fire to warm the mixture. Drinking from the Alembic is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity (the fluid’s volume is more then double the amount of the initial potion).
The Golden Alembic grants an alchemist a +2 circumstance bonus with alchemy checks when used to brew potions or create alchemical items. Tougher then mundane glassware, the alembic has 2 hardness and 4 HP.

Sanguine Bracers – leather bracers, each with raised vampiric face made of bronze and with braided hair that is made up of twisting sequences of alchemical script. The inside of the bracers feature the same face, though flat against the surface rather then raised. The alchemical script that makes up the hair is different then that on the outside. A DC 20 perception check is required to notice this minor detail.
A linguist DC 25 check, or craft-alchemy 18 check, allows for the script to be interpreted into the command words, requiring a check for each side (if the difference is even noted). The first command word causes the vampiric face to open its mouth for a full round – during which time fluid (up to a potions worth) can be poured into it. Once the face consumes fluid, it may not be opened again until the second command word has been given. When the second command word is given, the face on the inside of the bracers open and bite the arm wearing it, inflicting 1d3 damage, but causing the fluid inside the bracer to be injected into the wearer, as if drunk by the wearer. In the case of potions, poisons, drugs, and elixirs – treat as if consumed by the wearer. In the case of inappropriate fluids (alchemical acid, glue, etc), the wearer is stunned for d4 rounds unless they make a successful fortitude DC 18 save. If the fluid has damage associated with it (alchemical fire, acid, etc) the wearer suffers double damage as well.
The command words may be made as move actions that do not provoke an attack of opportunity, though pouring a potion into a bracer as a standard action that does provoke an attack of opportunity.
The bracers provide little in the way of protection but they have 10 resistance to fire and acid damage. Most pairs of Sanguine Bracers have only 1 capable of holding fluid, but there are superior sets that are each capable of holding fluid and have slightly different command words (both do not trigger with a single command word).

Hyde’s Mask – these disturbing masks vary in appearance, but all share distorted features, a sweaty or oily sheen, and alter the voice and eyes of the wearer to convey barely restrained rage and insanity. The mask must be worn for 24 contiguous hours before its abilities can come into play. While worn, the user gains a +4 circumstance bonus to intimidate checks, although he also suffers a –4 to diplomacy skill checks and all perform, craft and profession checks to earn money. It allows its wearer to trigger rage at 5th level (per the spell) on themselves only without provoking an attack of opportunity. Once the rage ends, the wearer must make a will DC 15 save or suffer 1d4 charisma damage. This ability can be used up to 5 times a day.
When worn by a character able to rage or use mutagens, there are additional benefits gained. They gain a +4 bonus to save against the charisma damage. After using a mutagen within the last 4 hours, the character can trigger a 2nd mutagen effect (duplicating the prior mutagen stat adjustments from the prior use) for 2 minutes as a move action, once per day. A character that uses rage gains 1 extra round of rage with each use that does not count against his daily total.

Ok, I'm making 12 magic items for my game, though I only have descriptions for 3 of them so far. I'm going to post more as time goes on if this post draws any attention. Well, let me know!

Pouch of Stability – this stained leather pouch has a bitter smell and slightly oily texture. It prevents food, drink, and alchemical bombs, from spoiling or going inert. Food and drink is as fresh as when it was placed in the pouch, and alchemical bombs are held stable for a moment before exploding. The bomb’s effects are determined when placed in the pouch by the alchemist and are not alterable. Due to limited stability, the delay bomb and precise bomb discoveries may not be applied to bombs from the pouch. Additionally, there is a risk of a bomb exploding prematurely – when thrown by an alchemist, an attack roll of natural ‘1’ causes the bomb to blow up in the alchemist’s hand, while a natural ‘2’ explodes midway towards the target. If a non-alchemist throws a bomb, a natural ‘1-2’ explodes in their hand, and a natural ‘3-4’ explodes midway to the target.
The pouch has no affect on elixirs or mutagens.

Golden Alembic – this piece of alchemical gear is trimmed in gold. In addition to its normal function in creating alchemical reagents, can alter potions poured into it twice a day by adding 20 gp worth of chemicals into the mix (requires a DC 15 + 2*LV of the potion craft-alchemy check or the potion is ruined). Once a potion is drunk from the alembic, it stays dormant in the user until 1 hour passes, or as a swift action by the drinker (as an immediate action for 3rd level or higher alchemists). It takes an hour for the chemical reaction to complete when mixing chemicals with a potion, as well as a source of fire to warm the mixture. Drinking from the Alembic is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity (the fluid’s volume is more then double the amount of the initial potion).
The Golden Alembic grants an alchemist a +2 circumstance bonus with alchemy checks when used to brew potions or create alchemical items. Tougher then mundane glassware, the alembic has 2 hardness and 4 HP.

Sanguine Bracers – leather bracers, each with raised vampiric face made of bronze and with braided hair that is made up of twisting sequences of alchemical script. The inside of the bracers feature the same face, though flat against the surface rather then raised. The alchemical script that makes up the hair is different then that on the outside. A DC 20 perception check is required to notice this minor detail.
A linguist DC 25 check, or craft-alchemy 18 check, allows for the script to be interpreted into the command words, requiring a check for each side (if the difference is even noted). The first command word causes the vampiric face to open its mouth for a full round – during which time fluid (up to a potions worth) can be poured into it. Once the face consumes fluid, it may not be opened again until the second command word has been given. When the second command word is given, the face on the inside of the bracers open and bite the arm wearing it, inflicting 1d3 damage, but causing the fluid inside the bracer to be injected into the wearer, as if drunk by the wearer. In the case of potions, poisons, drugs, and elixirs – treat as if consumed by the wearer. In the case of inappropriate fluids (alchemical acid, glue, etc), the wearer is stunned for d4 rounds unless they make a successful fortitude DC 18 save. If the fluid has damage associated with it (alchemical fire, acid, etc) the wearer suffers double damage as well.
The command words may be made as move actions that do not provoke an attack of opportunity, though pouring a potion into a bracer as a standard action that does provoke an attack of opportunity.
The bracers provide little in the way of protection but they have 10 resistance to fire and acid damage. Most pairs of Sanguine Bracers have only 1 capable of holding fluid, but there are superior sets that are each capable of holding fluid and have slightly different command words (both do not trigger with a single command word).

Hyde’s Mask – these disturbing masks varies in appearance, but all share distorted features, a sweaty or oily sheen, and alter the voice and eyes of the wearer to convey barely restrained rage and insanity...

I haven't even determined what the requirements and prices are for these yet, though I plan to when I get more time - suggestions would be great!

What I'm looking for is a pack that is similar to a haversack but provides for a familiar

Side pockets (2) ea hold 20 lb (per a handy haversack)

Central pack is an extra-dimensional 2' cu area that comfortably stores familiar, padded bedding, complete cover, and while closed it is water & air tight. While closed, movement and angle of pack does not change orientation within the packs extra-dimensional space (if caster upside-down, familiar is comfy so long as the pack is not open. Can be opened from the inside. It can store 5 lb of gear - typically materials for the familiar. Pack must be open for the caster to benefit from contact with his familiar.

So - what do you think the cost should be? I was leaning towards $2500
My faulty logic:
* much lower capacity then the haversack (45 lb vs 120 lb)
* lacks the reduced time to pull items out
* lacks auto contact provided by spell
* lacks free action teleport of familiar provided by spell

Well, what do you think, is it reasonable priced?

Educated Thief: Through careful study of locks, traps, and mechanical devices, you may apply your intelligence instead of your dexterity to disable device checks.

Magic theory and application: You have been educated in more then one magical discipline. This thorough training allows you to apply logic when attempting to manipulate a magic device. Use intelligence instead of charisma to use magic device checks

Athletic trials: Through rigorous training, you have learned to use your dexterity instead of strength when climbing.

Triage: You have served in a militia or army as a combat medic. By using up 2 applications of a heal kit, you can heal 50% more damage to a creature at negative HP. This requires a DC 20 heal check (treating deadly wounds).

Horse whisperer: You bond with your mount, making riding a function of wisdom, not dexterity.

Childhood friend: Your familiar was a pet before its transformation. While your familiar is in physical contact with you, it uses your skill rolls (normally a familiar uses your skill ranks, but lacks the bonus for class skills and uses its own stats).

Hey folks, any pathfinder games out here? I'm willing to travel for a weekly game, so let me know if you have a game 'round these parts. I live in San Jose, but Hayward, Dublin, Fremont, etc are within range for a good game!

Uh-oh. Did I post this in the wrong thread? If so, please re-direct it / tell me were to post it.

Ok - just to make sure I have this right. While its active, you risk getting drunker, rather then poisoned. Once the duration ends though, you suffer all the poisoned effects that would have happened. Also, this works against all poison types, not just ingested.

Obvious, I'm sure, but I want to verify...

The alchemist gets brew potion feat at 1st level, but his elixer list is abysmal for making potions. What I've instituted is this:

Separate from his extracts known is formula known. He knows 3+ INT potion formulas at 1st level and learns 1 new potion each level. Just as he can learn new extracts, he can also learn new potion formula; the above number is the minimum/automatic # of potions known. The alchemist may also brew a potion using a known extract, so the alchemist gains a wide range of recipes quickly.

Why: currently, the alchemist is unable to make many potions. If it isn't on his list, he can not make it (or can make it with a -5 to the roll). Since he is 'all about the potions', this allows the alchemist to shine.

This does add a bit of book keeping (a 2nd 'spellbook'), but it adds little to the power of an alchemist (he does not gain access to a larger selection of extracts to whip out in combat).

Even with an expanded list, the alchemist is behind the potion curve
4th level to make a 2nd level potion (wizards do this at 3rd)
7th level to make a 3rd level potion (wizards do this at 5th)

If you allow an alchemist to have a formula known, you could allow them to make 2nd & 3rd level potions at 3rd & 5th, making the alchemist the equal of the wizard brewer.

4 winds game created its own witch class, but this posting is focused on taking existing spells from 4 winds products for use with the APG witch class. Note - I'm not sure which witch I prefer, would love to see feats that would allow the merging of traits of the two classes (such as a feat to add a hex to 4WG witch, or circle magic to the APG witch) - but that is different issue. Since 4WG spells are already part of their witch, I'd like to see folks thoughts as to which spells apply to the APG version.

Book of Arcane Might:
1st call of the wild, Cold Feet, distraction, Heartache, hot foot, pacifist, stutter
2nd confort food, friendly face, ierena's coy clothing, miss, slip of the tongue, sweetness, touch me not, twinkle
3rd envy, freezing fog, good fortune, ierena's luscious lips, liar's curse, memory of love, phobia
4th mirror talk, philanthropist, sleepness night, stench of the polecat, village idiot, unseen sentinel
5th ash cloud
7th come to me, mirror walk, sleepwalker
9th forever more, nevermore

Book of Divine Might:
0th alleviate, muscle spasm, settle stomach
1st even odds, healing stones
2nd bleed no more, pleasant dreams, retribution
3rd healing stones - greater, lifebond, premonition, reveal curse
4th beauty of youth, bleeding wound, retribution - greater
5th calm weather, opportunity, succor
6th child of ill fortune
7th slow death, true form
8th bleeding wound - mass
9th bound prophecy

note: I would have included spirit snake spells but the CMB/CMD data is missing

Paths of Power:
0th analyze fertitily, dt pregnancy
1st block the seed, ice slick
3rd conception, wolf guardian
6th blue thunder, mirrored wall
7th want you not

Now - does this seem reasonable? Would you drop or add spells to the above list? Thoughts?

I vaguely remember a feat that allowed a summoner to keep a single summon monster/nature ally critter around long term, but I can not remember the source. It is possible that it was a class ability instead. Does anyone recollect anything like this?

Or am I just going crazy (....well, continuing crazy ....oh never mind!)

I am currently playing in a game using this system and have encountered a possible issue. The game started at 2nd level, and the warrior folks in the group feel that the weapon wielded by the hand of the apprentice makes them obsolete. Consider a 20 INT wizard with a longsword at 2nd level. With a base attack of +1, he has +6 to hit and does 1D8+5 damage with a 19+ critical range. This assumes he is either an elf or human (either way he gets the weapon prof) and that the limits for mage hand from 3.5 stand (5 lb max). With a 30' range, the wizard is the killer for combat.

This ability ceases to be much of an issue at higher levels (I assume a 5th level fighter will not feel so 'threatened', and the ability recedes in usefulness for the wizard as more potent spells become available, but still...

I was thinking: reduce the bonus to hit and damage to 1/2 the caster's primary stat, treat the caster level as its base attack, so it starts out less potent, but the multiple attacks at higher levels keeps it from being totally useless.

Just a thought.


Serious - prior to Paizo, this class would definitely need a level w/out a caster level, but now with the bonuses casters gain every level, I'm not sure it does. Given what casters have to lose now, is the class balanced with a caster level every level?