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Witch Hexes
Transfixion Hex (Su): Target within 30’ makes a will save or is unable to make a move action for LV R. When the Witch reaches 8th level, a transfixed target is unable to travel using dimensional means, as per the spell dimensional anchor. A creature that successfully saves against this hex is immune to it for 1 day.
Hidden Doors Hex (Su): The witch is able to, as a standard action, teleport 5’ per witch level with up to a heavy encumbrance load & her familiar, but no other living creature, so long as nothing bars her path were she to travel that way physically. Thus, the witch could cross a chasm, but not through a barred door. The witch may use this ability LV times a day. At 5th level, the witch can ignore boundaries, and at 7th the witch can teleport as a move action (but may not take another move or standard action after taking this teleport action). Finally, at 11th, the witch can teleport additional creatures. Additional creatures of medium size cost 1 additional use of teleport per day, creatures of larger size count for x2 their number per size increase, and ½ their size for each decrease from medium size.
Bayou Hex (Su): The witch causes the surface a foe stands (while within 30’ of the witch) to act as quicksand. Earth-bound creatures caught in the area are mired in the mud, effectively entangled unless they make a reflex save. While entangled, creatures are unable to fly. This condition lasts for LV rounds or until they teleport or move out of range. At 7th level, a creature that fails its save is also staggered for the duration, the target sinking deeper into the surface they walk upon. At 11th level, a creature that fails its save fall chest deep, is incapable of movement, and is considered prone.
Let me know if over or under powered. Suggested changes. Where to stick it. General useful info/feedback.