Leaf Leshy

bearsprout's page

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I haven't had a chance to play many archetypes, but there are plenty I love & want to see in PF2.

There's a bunch for Druid- Swarm Monger, Fungal Pilgrim, Urban Druid, Cave Druid, Leshy Warden.

I really like Alchemist, too. Chirurgeon, Herbalist, Homunculist, Horticulturist, Mad Scientist, Oozemaster. I really like classes that make Alchemist more of a doctor and a scientist.

Also I know Witch isn't gonna be in the first 12, but. Shout out to Tatterdemalion.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I just want you to know, my friend linked me this in the skype chat and I was so enthralled by what I read here I started crying and moaning, "Ohhhhh nooooo, nooooo, CHK CHK!!!"

The shirren are perfect, bless Paizo for this gift.