battlesong72's page

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Thanks all. In the end, I guess I agree that it will work, but I am of the opinion that it surely doesn't feel right for these creatures to be crippled by such a simple spell. Rules is rules however....

Banecrow wrote:
battlesong72 wrote:
Ok, so we had a really weird interaction come up in a recent game session. We were facing off against a golem and our Sorceror cast Glitterdust on the creature, which of course failed it's save horribly. So, now the question, does glitterdist blind a Golem? And does blinding a Golem actually have any effect. Since it was a really cool idea and, there is nothing that says anything about Golems' senses, it was blinded as per the rules. I just wanted to see if others concurred with this.
Hmm do not quote me (at work atm so no access to my books) but are not golems immune to all magic that allows a saving throw?

Nope, just Spell Resistance. And horrible will saves to top it off

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
The golem is immune most likely, because it's a golem.

That's the kicker, golems are immune to any spell that allows spell resistance. Glitterdust does not allow SR

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Ok, so we had a really weird interaction come up in a recent game session. We were facing off against a golem and our Sorceror cast Glitterdust on the creature, which of course failed it's save horribly. So, now the question, does glitterdist blind a Golem? And does blinding a Golem actually have any effect. Since it was a really cool idea and, there is nothing that says anything about Golems' senses, it was blinded as per the rules. I just wanted to see if others concurred with this.

A friend of mine is starting a mid-level campaign and I am porting over a paladin I used in 3.5. To keep true to the character i am uswing the mount feature, however we were discussing a special mount as the character I'm porting already uses a special mount. We cannot find rules anywhere for special mounts. I am looking for some advice on how to create a special mount.

A friend of mine is trying to build his own class. This class is kind of in the vein of an artificer, so rather than getting "abilities" it gets breakthroughs at various levels which allows it to build fantastic items. He has created a flight pack and has the class getting this at lvl 7. I am of the opinion that this might be a little low for a class to get 10 min/lvl of flight. At what level do you guys think this duration of flight is appropriate for a class?