bagnap's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


So, sure, I only paid just over a $1 on Humble Bundle.

But I know how to code, and run big sites, and I know that waiting 6 days for a solution is a little rough.

C'mon guys - get it together. Kick your coders in the pants. 20K aint such a big number.

The excitement of my purchase (6 days ago) is wearing off........

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Yeah Cmon guys. You should load test your servers.
Because I've paid, Im tempted to go get it from a torrent instead.
Hurry up - and fix it.

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This is happening to me too - Ive been trying for 1 hour to download my purchases...

"10 seconds personalizing content"

Basically, I bought a digital download and its wont download.

Not cool.

There is a humble bundle promotion on right now for pathfinder products, I reckon that is crashing the site...