
anteD's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (24 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Sorry, I've been sick for some time, and not managed to really submit all here. I'll try to fill it in all during today.

How do I adjust my avatar and character here in the forums, so I get the stats that that you have on your characters?

I think I filled in all the other documents.
Should I post my char-sheet somewhere?

Also, playing a Summoner, should I do something specific with my Eidalon stats as well?


I'd thought I'd give this a try.
Never played via the forum before, but done one PFS adventure via Play by Discord. Also been GMing at a physical table for sometime. Soon finished the Abomination Vaults AP

Hope you have some patient for me, as I'm bound to stumble upon some things on the way before I get this right.

Also no prob with some friendly fire.