anchoress's page

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Hi folks!

Since you all helped me really out with your answers and suggestions in my first thread ( e), we now have made the decision that at the next big gap between two storylines in our campaign everybody can rebuild/change his character. What i want to do now over the next weeks is take some time with each player and build a character frame for them.

I want to start with a character idea my girlfriend had. So it is a bit more fleshed out then future builds will be. Here are the frame conditions:

Character lvl 8
Point-buy 15
Only core races (human, (half-)elf, half-orc, dwarf, halfling, gnome)
12.000gp to start (we are playing a rather low magic item campaign)
3 traits to start with (to flesh out the backstory more then usual)
No companions (GM has asked for this due to player group size)
No 3rd party stuff
No gunpowder (group wants to stay more classic fantasy-ish)
Player count: 6, so consider flanking to be easy, maneuver around not so much ;) Since i don't know who is changing his character (yet) please rate the character build on it's own, not related to the character mentioned in the other forum thread.

Airk, Half-orc, Ravener Hunter / Sanctified Slayer 8
Deity: Pharasma, HP: 58, INI 5, AC 18
STR 18 DEX 13 CON 12 INT 10 WIS 18 CHA 10
Ref +7, Wil +14, For +11
Racial: Intimidate +2, Darkvision, Sacred Tattoo
Traits: Fate's Favored, Theoretical Magician, Second Chance
1 Toughness
Oracle Mystery: Lore - Ancestral Weapon (Greatsword +1)
3 Power Attack
3 Demon Hunter (via Ravener Hunter)
5 Craft Wondrous Item
6 Outflank
7 Cornugon Smash
8 Ranger Combat Style (via Sanctified Slayer) - Shatter Defenses
8 Spirit Shield (2nd Oracle Mystery)
Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +17, Sense Motive +19, Survival +12, Perception +15, Spellcraft +19, all class-knowledge skills are +8
Cloak of Resistance +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2, Belt of Giant Strength +2, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Boots of the Cat, Runestone of Power (1), Ring of Sustenance, Campfire Bead, Masterwork Tools (Spellcraft), Arcane Family Workbook, Sleeves of Many Garment, 190gp left

Airk starts the fight with "drawing" his Greatsword +1 (standard action), Studied Target (MA) and Bane (SwA). This adds up to
17/12 for 6d6+17 damage (when flanking, which is pretty much doable with 6 players)
This can be buffed to 20/15 6d6+20 (via Divine Favor) and shield for +3 (total of 21) AC. Vs. AC 22 (which should be average at lvl 8) he hits for ~64 Dmg per round. Not included an extra attack via haste from one of the other players, f.e. Not maxed out, but not too shabby as well. Take Cornugon Smash, Shatter Defenses and Blistering Incentive into consideration as well and he should be a damage dealing while also debuffing character in combat.

While not fighting Airk can craft a lot of items (which is really powerful considering we have a lot less money/magic items then usual), be the face if noone else steps up (Studied Target will add +2 to some skills), can detect alignment and discern lies at will. I gave him some flavourful spells like Speak with the dead, Cure Modereate Wounds, Focused Scrunity, Voluminous Vocabulary, Keep Watch, Nature's Paths, and the Ring of Sustenance. So all in all he is a Half-orc without (visible) weapon and armour, who has no need to eat, drink or sleep. Being a spontaneus caster also improves his viability in random social/combat encounters.

To be honest, i love this character concept (and most likely will be a bit jealous if my girlfriend will actually pick it). I guess playing him can be a blast! It's not like he is top notch in any category, but he will excel at almost all tasks if needed!

So, first of all thank you for sticking around with me until this point! Now, it's up to you: What do you think about this build? Any suggestions? Rules I'm missing/misinterpreting? Can you think of any feats/traits/gear I have overlooked? Any suggestion to improve the "flair" of the build? Feel free to leave a comment, I am happy to read them all :)

Hi everybody,

I'm currently playing a Magus in a Pathfinder group in which i am relatively new (6 times played together, iirc). We started at lvl 5 and are at lvl 7 now.

The problem: my character is rocking the fights - in an obscene way. To defend myself, i am new to pathfinder (not new to D&D or pen&paper though) and was afraid that i would be the lame duck at the table. So i read some threads and guides and came up with a cool halfling derwish dance Magus, who now deals around 75 DPR at current lvl. The other characters are around 10, i guess.

Nobody buys magic items, follows favorable trait lines, we play without surprise rounds, drawing weapons takes no time, we roll one skill per play day, we even don't get much money - in the two levels i earned maybe 1000 gp. So i did not only missed the groups playstyle by an inch or so but more likely by a few miles. But all players are very happy with the state of the game - and this is what it's all about! But now i want to ask you how you would solve this personal situation of mine.

Currently our group has a Paladin, Cleric, Bard, Rogue (not unchained), a Scared Witch Doctor (pre-errata) and my Magus.

The thing is, i don't know which class to switch to without hurting someone. As it is now, fighting is a joke - or everyone except my character is in heavy danger. This is not cool for most players, especially the Paladin. If i switch to a more social, skill-based one though i will cut off the Rogue, Bard and Witch Doctor. We have the divine and arcane spells included and a party buffer with the Bard. Great healers as well. Seriously, i don't know what class i could go for and how i could possibly contribute in a positive, constructive way to this group. If you have any suggestions, i would love to hear them!

Hi folks,

this is my very first post here on the forums and I'm searching for some advice on my current character build. I have around 25 years of experience with RPG but got just recently in touch with pathfinder. After testing a Zen Archer for 3 days of playing, we had a TPK. So this is like the "real" start for me ;)

Here is our composition so far:
Human Paladin
Human Cleric (Fire/Healing)
Human Sorcerer
Human Bard (or Skald, player has not decided yet)
Elf Rogue (very first time of rpg for the player)

I decided to go for an Elven Magus. We are playing with Advanced Player Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Campaign, Ultimate Equipment and the Bestiaries I-IV. Since we don't want to start from scratch the GM allowed us to create lvl 5 chars. This is what I went with:

Elf Magus 5
CG, INI +5

+1 Scimitar +10 (1d6+6, 18-20/x2)

AC: 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (Mithralchainmail +1, DEX +5)
HP: 34 (8 + 4d8)
Fortitude +4, Reflex +6, Will +4

0th (4/day): Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Read Magic
1st (5/day): Grease, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Vanish
2nd (3/day): Frigid Touch, Mirror Image (2)

STR 10, DEX 20, KON 10, INT 18, WIS 10, CHA 7 (+2 DEX from items)
BAB +3, CMB +3, CMD 18
Traits: Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp), Scholar of the Great Beyond (Knowledge (History)), Weathered Emissary
Feats/Abilities: Lvl 1) Weapon Finesse, Lvl 3) Derwish Dance, Lvl 3) Familiar Arcana, Lvl 5) Intensified Spell, Lvl 5) Weapon Focus (Scimitar) Bonus feat
Skills: Climb (+4), Knowledge (Arcana) (+12), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (+8), Knowledge (History) (+13), Knowledge (Planes) (+13), Linguistics (+13), Perception (+10, the familiar), Perform (0; had to put 2 points in here for DD), Spellcraft (+12), Swim (+4)
Gear: +1 scimitar, +2 belt of dexterity, +1 mithral chainmail, scabbard of vigor
Familiar: Owl (the plan is to get a faerie dragon at lvl 7 for additional skillcheks, utilities and wand wielding)


So i guess i can fill up a good damage dealer role here. We have a tank (paladin), 2 cc ddler (rogue and me), two swiss army knives (cleric and bard) and a caster (sorcerer). I know my HP pool is very low for a melee fighter but i wanted some action for our cleric here ;) And i can still cast vanish, grab a longbow and shoot/buff from afar. I took a close look at Walter's Guide to the Magus and decided not to take a certain archetype.

We are a not a min-maxed, instead more roleplaying focused group. Maybe having one battle per day or so and not much special rules applying from GM's side (no enemies that are trying to disarm or grapple you, very few spellcasters, mostly raw amounts of melee fighters like undead, villains and so on). I guess this char can play a decent role in this campaign, having some skills, high burst damage, a few utility spells and a familiar for scouting purposes (and double skill checks). But what do you guys think?