Daughter of Urgathoa

alpyra's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


So things got a little carried away with the stats side of things which is understandable.

The other side of the story is that as bad as this will sound I'm very stubborn, I'm also very direct and I most likely am a large part of the problem in the group, I will admit this as I do feel guilty for it, It's why I come here asking for advice on how to handle this other player as I know my approach just won't work and I can't bare to ruin it for the other 2 players in the group despite their agreements with my points (Each week they're even bringing the concerns to me as I won't avoid the discussion). As said this guy is an ok guy except when it comes to the games.

Before this campaign we had a very stable group of players. Me and the other newbie were part of a group of 3 veteran roleplayers (1 of which is now the GM, who GM'd that campaign too) and this other player. In that campaign he was exactly the same but as the other 2 vets were there it cushioned alot of it and as one of them was quite the rules lawyer he always had someone to answer to with everything he did. Due to life we've lost the 2 vets and of course the GM can't be expected to watch this other guy all the time so now he seems to be trying to get away with things which of course brings it more to our notice. I'll admit I'm not understanding of alot of the rules (Except grapple, that one I can get to grips with hehe...) but I can notice when something isn't what it seems and I'm certainly not one to let something slide when it becomes a group concern.

Sorry if this thread has caused a bit of a commotion, that wasn't intended at all. I am grateful for ALL advice given and hopefully when we do commence gaming again it will have a positive effect for all of us.

Thanks for the feedback guys. The problem isn't so much the stats or even the characters he's playing. We do understand Magnus by the way though. It's his attitude about it. It's almost like he wants to be star of the story so the characters he's rolling are your power-play characters. He also is the type to be slightly patronising and condescending when it comes to trying to help so unfortunately trying to boost us to his level just wouldn't be an option as we'd just be feeding his ego.

It seems current plan with the GM (As he's still not had the new character sheet to go through) is to hold off the gaming for a few weeks to give us all a breather. Personally I'm entering each game ready for a new argument with this other player and need a break from him myself. It's not a case of we want to get rid of him from the group either because he is (When not gaming) a decent guy. It just seems since we lost a few members that his attitude is not being cushioned any more as it was in the past.

Anyways we're thinking a break for now and I've recommended maybe a new tabletop for us all to try from fresh so we're all on the same level when it comes to creation and game-play. Mistakes can be made and we can all learn together.

Thanks again for the help guys. It's really appreciated.

Thanks for the replies guys. It's a large weapon and we're currently level 5. The GM has requested his character sheet as the one we saw before the game wouldn't have had the stats to get the damage or hit that he is. He also has 20 AC (not sure if that matters). I found that the Sawback part made no difference which is what confuses us further as why go for that then as it will make no change? We're thinking it was to hide the fact that the weapon was large. This just shows us more that he probably wasn't the one who made the character in the first place or if he did he's cheating.

We're also rolling for stats but of all 4 characters he sent us last week (This was after his last character was killed off after weeks of annoyance) they have all had high stats of everything 14+ with each character having at least 1 20 in there somewhere. All 4 characters sent less than 2 hours after the game finished were all these kinds of powerplay types which the GM was mostly against for one reason or another. Not the types you could create that quickly. He approved this fighter based on what he saw and of course that all changed yesterday when it came into play and bits of it had suddenly changed.

As said the GM has requested the updated character sheet and will either request a new character or recommend some nerfs like the weapon for example but I doubt this player will take it so well. His first character for the campaign was a level 1 Magus where he had found some combo attack thing which again caused arguements in the group. It was house ruled that he couldn't use it in that manner and he basically had a sulk and re-rolled. At this rate I think the easiest thing will either be a point buy (Which he will find a way to abuse) or the GM creates our characters for us which sort of removes that experience from me and the other newbie.

I'm not sure if this is in the right place so apologies beforehand if it isn't.

I need some advice on a member of our regular gaming group though. Myself and another member are relatively new to Pathfinder and roleplay in general. We stick to the core rule book for the majority of our characters/spells/feats etc. We really play just to meet up and have some fun. We have one other member though aside from the DM who is proving to be a bit of a frustration for us.

So far each of the characters he has made have been strange ones with combinations of skills from various books. Now these would be fine except they are not ones that you would naturally think up. Each of these characters we're pretty sure have been taken from pre-made builds online. Today's example was a fighter using a Sawback Bastard Sword and doing 2D8+8 damage (With his power attack on top. He's playing as a human. The DM looked into this and said it's only possible with a specific gameplay rule and even then would not naturally be thought to do)He's using theses builds to appear smart towards us all, claiming they are his own and we've tried explaining to him that this is just frustrating for the whole group as the characters are not wholly effective and when they are you can tell a mile away that they are not his, they're overpowered in some way and it's ruining the enjoyment for the 2 of us who are reasonably new to it all.

I may be just getting wound up for nothing over it all, after all they are his characters but it's getting to a point where the group is on breaking point simply because he is trying to play in this style. I've spoken many times with the DM about this but it's a fine line between letting someone do what they enjoy and limiting everything they do just to please others. How can we get it through to him that this just isn't what we want to game with?

Star Voter Season 9

Seems I may have got missed Neil :( Was right on the end of page 11.

Star Voter Season 9

My pc got recently formatted so have lost everything :( Entered in with the Restful Ragdoll. I'm expecting it to have been auto rejected - First Year and way too short and lots of obvious reasons but feedback welcome if you're able to track it down :)

Star Voter Season 9

To be honest it was the auto reject thread that was putting me off the most entering this year. I understand the rules and understood the logic behind them all but it sort of made all my ideas feel limited and boxed in. I even uttered many horrid complaints about unimaginative writers, no new passion and same old ideas being seen every year but figured I could get past that and sent over what I eventually conjured up. Whether it gets through or not is now up to the judges.

I think people should just try and cease the day with it but damn that thread made it difficult. What have people got to lose anyways by sending it over. :)

Star Voter Season 9

Bruunwald wrote:
alpyra wrote:

Thanks for your reply Clark. To be honest it was less about entering an winning though for me. (Though that would be a bonus)It was more about getting the motivation to write again. Working full time and having commitments outside of work leaves little time for creativity so this was more to motivate myself to do something about it.

As for spending little time on writing, I'm the type of person where if I over think on something I lose passion for it. I also end up just making it worse. It's not the best plan for everyone and hey I may have shot myself in the foot but that's what this is for. For me to learn and grow :)

Have you ever done the NaNoWriMo thing (50,000 words of a novel in one month)?

I hated it, myself, but it did do me a lot of good. Like nasty-tasting medicine.

Thanks for the link. Will give it a try and see how it goes. :)

I've been reading through the previous years feedback threads. If anything, that will be the hardest part for me. I expected in depth critique but wow. I guess the first thing I should have learnt was this isn't just game for some people. Will get my serious head on for next year. (Or the next round if lady luck is on my side)

Star Voter Season 9

Thanks for your reply Clark. To be honest it was less about entering an winning though for me. (Though that would be a bonus)It was more about getting the motivation to write again. Working full time and having commitments outside of work leaves little time for creativity so this was more to motivate myself to do something about it.
As for spending little time on writing, I'm the type of person where if I over think on something I lose passion for it. I also end up just making it worse. It's not the best plan for everyone and hey I may have shot myself in the foot but that's what this is for. For me to learn and grow :)

Star Voter Season 9

You can't do any worse that I would Marv. My other half has entered in the last few years, DM's our games and is a bit of a rules lawyer. I have trouble understanding Power Attack. I figured what the hell though and have sent my idea (decided and written in all of 30minutes)May the best idea win is all I can say ^^