
alleynbard's page

Organized Play Member. 2,044 posts (2,835 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.


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Liberty's Edge

taig wrote:
alleynbard wrote:
Charnie wrote:


I got an e-mail from Scott Gable. It looks like Charnie will be appearing in a Monday Monster feature soon. :)

Very cool. This is good to hear.

This reminds me. Did you happen to get the email I sent a few days ago?

Its fine if you did and have not had a chance to look at it or it disgusted you so much you can't stomach it enough to read it again.

That happens to me sometimes.

In all seriousness, I just wanted to make sure I sent it to the right email.

Gah! I meant to say something to you earlier. I did get it, and I will be looking through it this weekend. Suffice it to say, I'm still interested in working with you.

Sounds good. Just wanted to make sure I didn't mistype something. I suppose I could have emailed but then we couldn't have had this wonderfully vague conversation in the thread. ;)

Liberty's Edge

The Jade wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
The Jade wrote:
The Taig wrote:
Woo hoo! Naked The Jade!
Is the tradition that the poster who winds up TotP is suddenly nekkid?
Yep, them's the rules! *Hold's up singles* Woo Hoo! Take. It. Off!
The Jade -- it looks like you've got a quite a number of Solnes clones after you -- you'd better do as they want...
I know right! I love when that happens! I just wish there was this many of me to clean up the house, go to work, deal with the kids, school meetings...etc...

Neat! I like a big crowd when I strip.

[shy bladder]Although not when I pee.[/shy bladder]

Whats the worst is when you have an entire row of free urinals and some guy comes in and takes the urinal right next to you.
Yep. That one always strikes me as bizarre. Maybe they're suffering from some throwback primal pack instinct, looking for strength in numbers at the watering hole or some such. One never knows when the smilodons that hide behind stall doors will strike!

Nope. They are just trying to "cruise" you. :)

Liberty's Edge

Charnie wrote:


I got an e-mail from Scott Gable. It looks like Charnie will be appearing in a Monday Monster feature soon. :)

Very cool. This is good to hear.

This reminds me. Did you happen to get the email I sent a few days ago?

Its fine if you did and have not had a chance to look at it or it disgusted you so much you can't stomach it enough to read it again.

That happens to me sometimes.

In all seriousness, I just wanted to make sure I sent it to the right email.

Liberty's Edge

Ross Byers wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Also, I demand that Ross Byers post in this thread so we may all gaze upon his awesome new avatar! Flag this post if you agree!
Fear my creepy staring eyes OF DOOM!


Liberty's Edge

Congrats again!

Time for me to head out!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats to the Teters!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats to the Teters!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats to the Teters!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats to the Teters!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats to the Teters!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats to the Teters!

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
~Nekkid, two handed "lightsabre" swinging.~

Hey careful, that's my eye!

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
taig wrote:
Although, there is a place I want to try...
This may be venturing into TMI territory.

I have been thinking about my back shed for a while. Hmmm.....

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
Love is the greatest gift you can give or receive.

<sniff> That's deep man, deep. Speaking of deep....

Liberty's Edge

Studpuffin wrote:
Love shouldn't burn. You should consult a physician.

What does it mean when my rear is on.....oh never mind.

Liberty's Edge

I feel bad for those poor people who aren't here.

3,000 new posts! What the f$~&!?!

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
cloned badgah and owl-looking bard

Its clone-rrific!

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
cloned badgah and owl-looking bard

Its clone-rrific!

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
cloned badgah and owl-looking bard

Its clone-rrific!

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
cloned badgah and owl-looking bard

Its clone-rrific!

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
cloned badgah and owl-looking bard

Its clone-rrific!

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
cloned badgah and owl-looking bard

Its clone-rrific!

Liberty's Edge

I got sent to timeout by the site. :)

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Remember the Teters!

Is that memorial or a request?

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Remember the Teters!

Is that memorial or a request?

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Remember the Teters!

Is that memorial or a request?

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Remember the Teters!

Is that memorial or a request?

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Remember the Teters!

Is that memorial or a request?

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Remember the Teters!

Is that memorial or a request?

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
faster people, faster

Harder, harder! Uh...wait.

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
faster people, faster

Harder, harder! Uh...wait.

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
faster people, faster

Harder, harder! Uh...wait.

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
faster people, faster

Harder, harder! Uh...wait.

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
faster people, faster

Harder, harder! Uh...wait.

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
faster people, faster

Harder, harder! Uh...wait.

Liberty's Edge

Obsessed Gygax Fan wrote:
Somebody got married? But was it a Gygaxian Naturalist Wedding?

I hear they do those in Hawaii.

Liberty's Edge

Obsessed Gygax Fan wrote:
Somebody got married? But was it a Gygaxian Naturalist Wedding?

I hear they do those in Hawaii.

Liberty's Edge

Obsessed Gygax Fan wrote:
Somebody got married? But was it a Gygaxian Naturalist Wedding?

I hear they do those in Hawaii.

Liberty's Edge

Obsessed Gygax Fan wrote:
Somebody got married? But was it a Gygaxian Naturalist Wedding?

I hear they do those in Hawaii.

Liberty's Edge

Obsessed Gygax Fan wrote:
Somebody got married? But was it a Gygaxian Naturalist Wedding?

I hear they do those in Hawaii.

Liberty's Edge

Obsessed Gygax Fan wrote:
Somebody got married? But was it a Gygaxian Naturalist Wedding?

I hear they do those in Hawaii.

Liberty's Edge

K is for Kleggenhoffer

Liberty's Edge

Studpuffin wrote:
taig wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Dopplepost did someone say?
Dang it! Alleyn borke it!

Nu uh!

Liberty's Edge

Did I miss fun?

OH NO! Good!

Liberty's Edge

Did I miss fun?

OH NO! Good!

Liberty's Edge

Justin Franklin wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Morning guys. So I broke down and ordered my Dwarvenforge stuff today. Still want to get the cave and medieval house set, but that can wait. This stuff is already to damn expensive but if I wantto stick to my goal of ditching flipmats forever it's gotta happen.
I have been working on much the same thing. Although I find my self making more then I buy (thus my Hirst Arts molds instead of Dwarvenforge).
See I love the dwarvenforge stuff for building interiors, caves and dungeons. But I need to make building models and my terrain is coming along nicely.
With the right molds you can build interiors with the Hirst Arts molds especially caverns and dungeons, it just takes a lot of casting. The advantage is you can make whatever you want. Also in the long run it is a bit cheaper, although you can drop quite a bit on molds and plaster and have nothing to show for it right away.

There are also companies that will do the casting for you at a somewhat reasonable price. You would still need to piece it together.

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
~Strips and does a Darth Maul lightsabre routine.~

Hmmmm.....I didn't realize it had two ends. How odd.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

Good night folks. Gonna read a bit, then go to bed.

I suspect tomorrow will be filled with major suckage. I'll likely have a trip to be getting organized, and have to try and get some techie in to fix my damn computer.

Good night.

Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
Karen is HERE!!! Have a good night everyone!


Liberty's Edge

lynora wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
lynora wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
How'd gaming go tonight Lyn?

That quote was from a while ago. Gaming was Wednesday. And will happen again on Tuesday. :)

All in all, it went pretty well. Elijah actually apologized to people for rushing into something without thinking. Looks like she might actually be growing up a little. Although her guy is pretty dang upset with her about the side quest we're now stuck on in order to save her life. Not that he's not gonna do it, just gonna make her feel bad about it. One of the drawbacks of a one-sided (at least as far as she knows) relationship. :)
Heh. At least you got to game, our AP disappeared on us and we were in the middle of a fight against some fey. I can't find it anywhere in the house. :(
That sucks royally. :(


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