Uzbin Parault

aech's page

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had a question come up in a game and couldn't find anything in the forums.

if an arcane archer uses manyshot and rapid shot for a full round action can you also use the ability to imbue an arrow with a spell? or does the fact that it takes up the casting time make this impossible?

also just to clarify, only one arrow per round can be imbued, but all 3 would have the elemental enhancement, right?

so me and my friends are about to finish up a campaign that i wrote and they're already talking about what we're gonna do after it...

I don't feel like trying to write anything else so soon, and they're fine with a module of some kind.

so my question is, what are some fun midlevel modules for a party of 3-5 PCs. (midlevel = 9-14 or so)

as a GM do you feel like you should change your PC's alignments based on their roleplaying actions and choices made?

I have a player who enjoys killing, raping, pillaging, and thieving wherever he can. I don't have a problem with this because it fits his character and he has the skills to back it up.

however I'm not liking that he has a true neutral deity and he claims that "he's chaotic neutral so he gets to do whatever he wants"

I told him that he either needs to change his alignment or cut the crap and he told me that if I tried to force him to play an alignment he didn't want to he would just leave the game.

How do you guys handle problems like this and do you have those CN players that just rain destruction on everything? I've been friends with the guy for a while and don't want something stupid to ruin our gaming group either

so in the campaign I'm currently running I had an npc that gave my PC's advice every now and then to help them on their journey. The problem is that I ended up liking him so much that I basically made him omnipotent. Now my players, for some reason, feel like he's a suspicious character and the next time he shows up they need to try and catch/kill him so they can get more info out of him. (he seems to know a lot about their quest but he won't share all of it)

Should I A)never have him show up again
B)have him show up and put a light smack down on the players to keep them in line
C)let them try and fight him, getting their asses kicked in the process
D)some other option

Side note: The characters know little to nothing about him, although they have brought up the fact that he almost seems like a Deity that took interest in their quest and decided to offer some words of advice every now and then.

So I'm in the midst of dming for the second time and, as per my players request, came up with a completely original story since they've gone through too many modules lately and wanted something original they could sink their teeth into. Since I didn't have quite as much time as I wanted to prepare, I ended up writing my story as we go, and I've hit writer's block with what the mcguffin is turning out to be.

Basic summary of the story so far:
On a quest from a goddess the party is traveling around the country as they ramp up for war trying to find four magic items that when put together will be able to stop a succubus that has seduced the king and is controlling everything from behind the scenes. Brainstorming came up with a bit of an elemental story with there being four temples in far off locations that would give them an appropriately elemental item that would work together to 'grow' the actual item. So far they have a flask of water and a bag of dirt. Now they're heading towards the wind temple and I realized that I have no idea what the item might be for it.

also, this is my first post on the forums so if it's in the wrong section just let me know, advice seemed appropriate to me.