adisander's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks! I thought as much, but wanted to be sure I wasn't making some weird misinterpretation. Especially with the new Sapling Shield I think it's going to come up a bit more often, at the very least in my group.

My interpretation of the text regarding the Tower Shield is that while having it raised you can Take Cover, granting the effects of both standard cover (as described by Take Cover) and the +4 circumstance bonus to AC. Importantly, to me, this would include the +2 circumstance bonus to Reflex Saves against area effects, potentially making it a rather useful tool against start-of-fight breath weapon attacks.

Another interpretation I've encountered now though is that the text in the Shield section overrides that bit, causing Take Cover to give the bonus to AC and nothing else (likewise interpreting using Take Cover while Prone to give only a bonus vs ranged attacks).

I haven't been able to find anything one way or the other while searching, therefore, is there a consensus regarding which of those two (or something else!) it is?

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MVulpius wrote:
What will happen to PDF to Foundry now? It would be a shame if this partnership just results in the commoditization of something that was previously a free community resource. (Assuming you own a legal PDF)

The creator of PDF to Foundry, FryGuy, announced a few days ago that they were not going to be continuing their work for future APs, as the amount of work was simply too much to continue long-term and it was never supposed to last this long in the first place. In this regard the timing couldn't be better.

Edit: The full announcement of that is here.

Yes! High-res maps and tokens, sounds, linked journal entries? Fantastic!

Edit: The discount on previously owned PDFs and getting those PDFs as part of the module is excellent news! Thank you!