acornia |
As an party member in a evil game with a black-blooded oracle. I feel that I am getting into quicksand on the use of her blood by the alchemist and other spell casters in the party.
The side bar on page 33 of the Inner Sea Magic saying "Although black blood isn't itself inherently evil, a pint of black blood can be used as unholy water. A spellcaster who consumes a dose of black blood casts all necromantic spells at +1 caster level for the next 10 minutes, but takes 3d6 points of cold damage and 1 point of Constitution damage by drinking the stuff. Normall, a dose of black blood becomes inert an hour after being harvested from the source in the Land of Black Blood, losing all mystgical properties. Gentle repose can preserve up to 1 gallon of black blood's magical properties for increased lengths of time, but no other method of stabilizing the stuff has yet been developed. The blood of a black-blooded oracle is diluted and does not have the properties of full-strength black blood."
As part of the Black Blood Revelations (Black Blood Spray) on page 32 of the same book. Her blood deals 1d8 points of cold damage + 1 point per 2 oracle levels she possesses.
So my question deals with what effect would her blood have on the spells, potions, mutagens of the party members that make use of it?
Also to keep any type of blood usefull for long periods of time would be up to 1 gallons containers made using gentle repose and permanenticy spells cast on it?