Welcome to Cassomir
Before I give out the character creation information, I want you to all agree here on a party composition – namely race and class. It doesn’t matter what your suggested concept was. You can still go with that or switch to something else – if it suits the party.
How you decide is up to you – but I would frown on first come-first served. With seven PCs, you may choose to duplicate classes. It’s entirely up to you.
Once you’ve agreed…
Character creation
- Pathfinder rules (obviously)
- Epic Fantasy (25 point) ability score points
- 1st level characters
- Maximum hit points at every level
- 2 traits (anything from the Character Traits pdf except ‘Additional Traits,’ and from other sources e.g. third party or adventure paths by agreement)
- Pathfinder published races only
- Pathfinder published classes (including play-test) (from other sources by agreement)
- Starting gold – 300gp (no magic items)
- Background – The more you give me, the more I can use and the game will be interactive for you. The less I get means you will be more of an observer.
- More than just stats – Please make your descriptions match your numbers. I’ve seen too many stunningly beautiful but aloof female characters with a charisma score of 8. If you’re that beautiful, your personality would really have to suck to be rated an 8 overall. You get the idea.
- Starting point – Use this thread to see if some of you want to know each other before the ‘game’ starts. You will all start in one location and how it begins will depend on your interaction prior to that point.
- Once everyone has their character created (ideally use the site to post your data) then we can begin…the timing is up to you.
House rules
In no particular order - and don't worry, I'm not a control-freak GM, it's just easier to say these things up front
Magical items are hen’s teeth. When you find one, you’ll be so pleased; you’ll look to use it, not to sell it the first chance you get. That better reflects ‘real-life.’ If a level one swordsman fighter found a magic axe, he’d likely switch his weapon of choice.
If a party member makes a group decision and nobody contradicts within 24 hours, that’s what you all do. This rule can be amended if, for example, you appoint a party leader who could make the decision without a day’s wait.
No posting for 48 hours gets a frown. Real-life happens, but please post here if you know you’ll be away for any length of time.
No posting for over 24 hours when we’re waiting on you gets a frown and you’ll likely be NPC’d.
Too many frowns equals a strike-out. How many? I don’t want to put a number on it. 1 is too few, 100 is too many – so somewhere in-between.
I believe in real-world economics. Little villages don't have shops with +3 daggers, nor do they buy them. Their trade is too limited for one thing and they couldn't afford the security for another. This means that, from time to time, I won’t go off the book price. Cassomir is big enough to stock most things at 100% of the book price – but don’t rely on it.
XP. I don't dish it out every encounter. Instead, I have split the adventures up into sections and when you hit a milestone, I'll ask you to level up.
Pace. I’ll start by giving plenty of time to role-playing. If it’s too slow, let me know and I can minimise the NPC encounters and give you a précis of what happened.
Local knowledge aka meta-gaming. Try to advance characters in keeping with how you’ve role-played them. If you’ve become an expert on Cassomir, I would expect you to take a rank of Knowledge (Local) when you next levelled up.
Useful information about Cassomir
None of you are local, so detailed knowledge is pointless. I’ll send out a basic map soon and you can keep track of what is where if you want. At some point I’ll decide you have enough local knowledge and give you a master map with locations on it.
Cassomir is the second largest city in Taldor. It’s home to the Taldor Imperial Navy and the Imperial Shipyards. Strategically located at the mouth of the Sellen River, it serves as a trade city – connected to all of the kingdoms that touch the Sellen. Trade ships come in from all regions that are on the Inner Sea, and others that can access a port on the sea.
The Navy boards and checks every vessel that comes through the mouth of the Sellen and blows out of the water anything that chooses not to be boarded.
Finally, Cassomir acts as gateway to the Verduran Forest, a region of Taldor controlled by the empire but that it largely ignores.
Rumours and facts about Cassomir
But which are which?
City life revolves around water.
Cassomirites are religious people. Gozreh is revered above all others.
Many Cassomirites believe Aroden isn’t really dead.
The Wildwood Lodge maintains the trade agreement between Cassomir and the Verduran Forest.
Cassomirites believe they are better than most Taldorans.
Cassomir is home to five separate adventuring companies. Dog’s of Dog’s Teeth is the largest.
The shipyards are always plagued with rats.
Cassomir’s Locker is the name for the sewer system. The Pathfinder Lodge keep it locked from prying eyes due to the vast treasure within.
There is an underground city below Cassomir called Corgunbier. Its inhabitants steal unsuspecting Cassomirites for slaves.
The Imperial Navy regularly press-gangs law-abiding citizens if they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.