abernastian's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (191 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.


Didn't know if you accepted my first story or if you want I can come up with like a pirate worshipping Poseidon.

Lol got my idea in too late great minds think alike lol.

I could also do a civilian/sailor swashbuckler was in on a routine merchant delivery and wa shoved into the church for protection and have been stuck from my natural place the sea! Live for discovery,die for adventure!

4. Woah ma'am I'm just a sailor that's right a sailor! But let's have some fun ill go let's see how much excitement that could be!

1. My family is and has always been religious(sarenrae)For some strange reason im the black sheep in the family. when my brother was training to become a priest i was in the basement tinkering. when it was my turn to join shortly after i was kicked out of the clergy for accidentally blowing up the high priests stand post, sorry dad. When this evil hit I though I finally found a place with my raw talent for pyrotechnics. So I joined the Theban army, but as usual I was posted to guard the church and look for ways to defeat this evil. I want to show my self that I'm not a screw up that I can be the hero.

2. I like the pressure wether its try to get out of a fight an possibly gain an ally or the thrill o the story and what unfolds with each decision.

3. I play board games, draw, ps3, and a big movie buff of all types.

4. Me? I've always screwed things up. ( thoughts I've always dreamt of being the shining star but never in a million...) I want to believe this really I do. I will come with you I want to see a change in my self to be what I want to be!

5. I'd be up for it I haven't heard much of the mythic rules but ill try anything and have fun!

I will have a new character built up by the end of tonight what is everyone playing so far so I can try and be of help to the group? Any restrictions on races or free reign? And also just to be clear we are starting out at 1st with high fantasy build? Can't wait first play by post but seasoned player!