![]() ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Zyrian gestures with an open hand to the note on the table before mentally imposing the contents of the note to everyone present, especially the part about indicating that it was his colleagues to blame. Since no one seemed to want to read the note and he had impressed it’s contents to them all anyway, he telekinetically turned the note to dust in anger. ”So, my identity is compromised, I’ve had to burn out that alias, and we now have to assume we are being watched. If they found me, they definitely know about this place,” he fumes. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Zyrian rips the note down angrily. He then enters the penthouse apartment and closes the door behind him. He sits at a computer and proceeds to transfer all of his holdings and account balances through a dizzying series of offshore accounts, alternate identities, and anonymous business holdings. Once done, he collects the most important and valuable physical assets that he can transport in a suitcase before stepping to the kitchen, turning on the gas, and then rigging a timer to an ignition device set to ten minutes before turning out the lights, then floating out the window. He doesn’t land until he finds a quiet alley several blocks away, at which point he walks the rest of the way to the safe house. Once there, he angrily enters and slams the note down on a table. ”Your lack of subtlety has compromised me!” he seethes. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() After a few more hours of searching for clues, Zyrian reinvigorates the telepathic connection to the others. ::I have garnered no new information. I will deposit your…recreational activities…back at the safe house. Perhaps tomorrow you three will be a bit more focused to the task at hand.:: He then does exactly that before departing for his own domicile. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Meanwhile, Zyrian rolls his eyes beneath his helm. He does his best to maintain just a faint link to the women in case he needed to contact them, while resuming his search for Fragment. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() ::Your assumptions on the limitations of my prowess fall quite short of the mark, Crass.:: ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Zyrian sighs. He collects the item and tucks it away in a pocket of his cloak as he wills his mental image to shift to his armored persona. ::Very well. But know that I can still perceive every thought going on within this minuscule demiplane, so please try not to be too distracting.:: his voice seemingly booms through each of your heads once you are settled inside the globe. He then proceeds to continue the search. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() ”I am a card carrying member of the city, so I can move about reasonably well at night without being accosted,” he replies. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Unleash, Extend Telepathy: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4 Zyrian was attempting to get reads on the individuals who seemed to know something but were reluctant to talk, but being in the presence of three attractive women was proving frustratingly distracting. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Zyrian returns to the loft, giving the area a once over as the girls continue to find their own amusements. ”I have a lead on our helmed friend. Anyone know of an armorer by the name of ‘Fragment?’” he asks. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() As the girls delve into frivolous entertainments, Zyrian rolls his eyes and walks back to the door and out of the tenement. He made sure others perceived his appearance was one that blended in, cheap clothes, mismatched, somewhat dirty. Scruffy features. Once well away, he allowed his mental image others saw to shift back to a well dressed individual in a sharp black suit. He began sifting through the thoughts of others as he walked, trying to get an idea as to where this Captain made his residence… If I still have my burn, I’d like to use one on Elemental Awareness (and take Angry) to canvas the minds of the city to try and locate where this Captain lives. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() ”Archa is right, we should go somewhere less conspicuous,” as his form shifts into the same myriad of individualized appearances for the three of them, as well as a fourth he is projecting to general passerby. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() ”I gathered your lack of acceptance of my escape plan through your thoughts. Once it was clear you three intended to remain together, then that left the task of reconvening with you entirely on my shoulders. So of course I followed your thought patterns until a destination was clear,” Zyrian replied as he landed, his cape fluttering a bit behind him. He turns to Daphne and counters ”Yes, you are correct, but who do you think the Night Police would focus their attention on? The power wielding unregistered cape, or the apparent mundane citizen running for their life? There was a deliberate strategy I was employing, stealth in plain sight, so to speak.” He steps forward and adds ”I have been avoiding the Night Police for years. You have been in Sable City for but a brief moment. You should trust my experience in the matter.” ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() As the girls proceed to enter the dormitory, a shadow comes over them from the nearby, ever burning street light. Turning, they see Zyrian floating down, arms crossed across his chest. ”I see you three do not take instruction well. That will make things quite complicated…” ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() ”Quiet and inconspicuous would be preferable,” Zyrian says sternly. He looks tot he crowd and again wipes their minds of their presence, compelling anyone who had pictures or footage to erase it and think they had been to scared to think to do so. He then turns for an alleyway and says ”Split up and get a low profile. It is your best chance to avoid the NP.” ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Dani:
::Better them than us. How much change you think you’ll make in a Sable City detention center? Nullified collar around your neck, and 24/7 solitary confinement? Meanwhile, she’d have been questioned, determined to be an unpowered civilian, and Captain Dimwit here would be severely reprimanded for wasting the Night Polices time. Now…it looks like my help here has been for naught.:: Zyrian’s voice emanates in each of the ladies heads. ::Extricate yourselves as quickly as you can and lose anyone who follows. When you are ready to actually TRY and make a change in this light-forsaken city, contact me.:: He then stands and casually, calmly begins walking towards the door. As he does, he uses his telekinesis to place a barrier up between the man’s fist and Deven’s stomach. Defend Deven: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11 ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Dani: ::The point was to push attention AWAY from us. Interjecting yourself over the equivalent of an odd look is a pointless risk. My ruse would have this fool be the target of the authorities ire and for her, at worse some awkward questioning.:: ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Zyrian snarls beneath his mask, and extends his formidable telepathic mind to everyone present in the establishment except those he came here to see. He attempts to wipe their mind of the event, and discredit this imbecile with the authorities by making him believe the barista was the one using powers because she got his drink order wrong… Unleash: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 5) + 2 = 8 ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Burn: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10 Zyrian calmly replies ”It would be in your best interests to not assume someone is a civilian in Sable City…” as closes the magazine. As he places it on the table gently, his sharp suit seems to shift and change in a wavy, mirage like manner to reveal Zyrian in his own armor and expressionless helm as he stands to glare at “Commander Casualty.” ”You likely do not know who I am, and that is by my design. So, like I said, leave me and my surroundings alone, so that I can enjoy my drink without further disruption, unless you would prefer to live out the rest of your days as a happy volunteer janitor at this establishment, thinking that the pleasure of cleaning other peoples shit is all you need to be happy in this world.” Provoke: 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3) + 1 + 1 = 10 ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() Meanwhile, Zyrian remains seated with his magazine, not rising from his seat. When the man looks his way, Zyrian simply says without looking up ”I dance only when I choose to. It would be in your best interest to not press the issue and to lose the attitude.” Provoke: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 6) + 1 = 11 [ooc]Provoking him to back down and stop bothering Zyrian with this overly grandiose display of self importance at others expense.[/b] ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() There is a sensation of frustration that presses into everyone’s minds. ::If you ladies can try and control your hormones and libidos for five minutes, we have more pressing matters to concern ourselves with. Namely, why was Death’s Hand part of that response team. And why was an orphanage attacked anyway?:: Zyrian’s voice echoes in all your minds. ::I have linked the four of us. Just think your responses and I will make sure they are broadcast to only us.:: ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() ::Not until the other arrives. The hero girl from Bay City. If she arrives at all. If she is smart, she will be in disguise. If she’s smarter still, she will remain hidden entirely.:: the voice replies. ![]()
Potential: [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] | Conditions: Angry, Hopeless| Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: +1 Mundane: -1 Reference Image
![]() The bell on the door chimes and steady, even footfalls precede someone entering the coffee shop. A man dressed in a smart black suit passes the girls table and takes a seat at a corner booth before opening a magazine and looking at an article. To Dani, he appears as a handsome man with strong jaw line and dark brown, wavy hair. To Achna, a slick looking business man with a well manicured goatee and slicked back, black hair. Then, they both hear in their heads ::I believe we should all consider meeting to discuss the events of the other night. Securely. Without wandering eyes. Do not react or speak anything out loud in regards to it. Continue your dialogue, but let us keep this private business private, yes?:: |