Rayhan Xobhadi

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Well my group just began WW and while we were discussing who is gonna play what. I went with Archon-blooded Celestial Bloodline Sorcerer and i will be going for a familiar via eldritch heritage feat picking up Archon, Harbringer, with Transformative Familiar path ability for him to turn into a staff for me to wield around. Why ? Cause it looks like pure awesome, but it brings me to a few questions regarding Transformative Familiar and Intelligent Items into which he can turn.

Transformative Familiar can be crafted as if you had a feat you need, that is all fine, but fun starts after that. It says familiar keeps his mental statistics, which is awesome, but brings about the question - does him keeping his mental stats cost as per table ? For example familiar with Int 14 transforming into an intelligent item would cost 1k GP. Next it goes to say that familiar can have intelligent powers, senses and all other fun fun stuff, but that brings about another question - how is CL for a familiar calculated exactly ?

This power merges familiars with intelligent items and while it is complete fun fun to do so, both gameplay wise and fluff wise, it leaves a lot of things without explanation.

Heya all, me and my friends are going to start a short campaign soon, arena type mini-campaign inspired by hunger games (book not movie). I jumped right ahead and took a Druid, made some pretty standard-ish build, but after what i saw others do with their characters (mainly cleric that went full necromancy, as well as sorcerer that did the same) i am here looking for help as i do not have as much free time as i used to make and research broken builds.

It is a 25 point buy, nothing is barred as far as i know so go nuts. It is a pretty theme-less druid and i would like to keep it that way. That being said, archtypes(not that i encountered any good ones), races, etc. all can be changed. No 3rd party stuff. I know i will be summoning tons of stirges to deal con based damage and ruin people should it come to players battling each other.

Build so far looking like this:
PT 25

Human Druid 7

Str 10
Dex 12 (2pt)
Con 15(17) (7pt [+2belt])
Int 12 (2pt)
Wis 20(22) (13pt +2 race +1 4th leel + [+2 headband])
Cha 10

Fort: 5+3+2=10
Refl: 2+2+2=6
Will: 5+5+2=12

Skills(4+2+1): Handle Animal; Heal; Knowledge (Nature); Perception; Spellcraft; Survival; Fly;

Feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration); Augment Summoning; Natural Spell; Superior Summoning; Toughness;


0(4+0)(DC16): Detect Magic; Know Direction; Purify Food and Drink; Mending ; Read Magic (S);

1(4+2)(DC17): Bristle (S); Charm Animal; Entangle; Faerie Fire (S); Long Strider (S); Ray of Sickening;

2(3+1)(DC18): Barkskin; Frigid Touch; Warp Wood; Feast of Ashes (S); Tree Shape (S); Neutralize Poison (S); Poison (S); Fog Cloud (S); Sickening Strikes (S);

3(2+1)(DC19): Call Lighting (S); Heatstroke; Water Breathing (S); Spike Growth; Sheet Lighting (S);Resinous Skin(Zavisi sta luka odogovori); Wind Wall(S);

4(1+1)(DC20): Atavism (S); Air Walk(S); Life Bubble; Giant Vermin (S);

Animal Companion (Big Cat, Lion):

Str 24(26) ( +2 level + 1ASI[+2 belt])
Dex 17
Con 17
Int 2
Wis 15
Cha 10

AC: 10 + 7 Nat + 3 Dex +4 AC -1 Size = 23

Fort: 5 +3 = 8
Refl: 5 +3 = 8
Will: 2 +2 = 4

Attack: 4 BAB + 8 STR -1PA -1 Size = +10

Attacks: +10 bite, +10 claw x2, +10 rake x2
Damage: 1d8+10 bite, 1d4+10 claw x2, 1d4+10 rake x2

Feats: Power Attack; Toughness; Armor Proficency (Light);

Skills: Swim

Wealth:23,500(7th level)
Me: Belt of Con +2(4k); Headband of Wisdom +2(4k); Rod of Reach, Lesser (3k); Wand of CLW (750); Cloak of Resistance +2 (4k); Potion of Invisibility x2 (600);

AC: Belt of Str +2(4k); Chain Shirt Barding (400);

My Tiefling Rogue just hit level 12, and my Dex ended up being 24(it will end on at least 26, if not 28), soooo, with me being Tiefling i can't really go get myself a suit of Celestial Armor and be done with it, also Mithral Chainshirt got max dex of +6 and Padded Armor while having Max Dex of 8, is useless cause it got +1 AC bonus. So help please ? Is there any armor i can get beyond ones mentioned here that would serve me better than Mithral Chainshirt ?

I am playing a rogue in Second Darkness and we are about to step into 4th chapter and drow elven city from what it seems. Anyhow after not selling items for a while we ended up with 16k loot, 6k is going for my 2nd +1 Agile Shortsword, which leaves me with 10k of indecision's ... and i am wondering am i missing something fairly important.

Tiefling Rogue 9 Chameleon Archtype

Str 10
Dex 21
Con 16
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 10

Items of concern:
2x +1 Agile Shortsword's
Belt of Con and Dex +2
Mithral Chainshirt +1
Ring of Prot. +1
Amulet of Nat Armor +1
Cloak of Res +2
Hat of Disguise

Now with left over 10k i could upgrade Cloak of Res +3 and be left with 6k to upgrade my armor with Shadow and Light Fortification, or some other combo, but in all of my madness of searching for best way to spend my shinnies i am afraid that i missed something obvious. Or ... i could just get Another +1 special ability on the weapon.

So any thoughts ?

Thanks in advance, Zodd

Hey to all, its been a while since i emerged myself into waters of spell casting and i was called upon to play a full spell caster in Kingmaker that a good friend of mine will DM.

After going with him through some of the ideas i had about character we settled on sorcerer with a Sylvan bloodline and my trusted animal companion will be wolf.

Now i came here to ask advice on math behind a character, or better speaking to make it not suck so much.

I know Boon Companion, Improved Initiative, Spell Penetrations and Spell Focus's will be taken as feats, but nothing more specific then that. O yea, i should put Toughness somewhere in there as well right ?

Anyway, a rough sketch of what i thought should work for now is:

Half-Orc Sylvan Sorcerer

Point Buy: 15

Str 8 (-2 pt)
Dex 14 (5 pts)
Con 12 (2 pts)
Wis 10 (0 pts)
Int 10 (0 pts)
Cha 18 (10 pt + 2 race floating ability)

Rest of the party will (at least for now) consist of Ranger without animal companion, Bard, and Druid /w animal companion. Druid is the off shot player and always have funky ideas so if possible i would like my char not to be too depended on his spells.

I dunno how to prioritize feats that i should take. On one hand i want to take Boon Companion at lvl 1 so it never lags behind, on other i want to take Improved Initiative so i always play first and then Toughness, followed by "specing" in some schools with Spell Focus, but it just doesn't seem like i have enough feats for everything.

So what ya all think ?

Thanks in advance,

Okay, perhaps one part (bigger part) of this post is better suited in Rules question.

But did i get it right or is Inspired Command a bit lacking in versatility compared to Inspired Courage ? As i read it in Inspired Command only Command's work its not Inspired Courage plus Command, or am i completely wrong ? Cause whats point of capstone ability than ?

Now for 2nd part, how would you go around making one for Kingmaker? Without spoilers i am concerned with following - i know its mostly outside, but is it charge viable ? If it isn't is it flying archery viable ? Meaning trees for concealment, etc.

Okay, this is a farshot i understand that.
But Spell Combat needs clearer definition about TWF, does it or doesn't it stack with TWF ? All it says in playtest is that it works "... much like like two weapon fighting..."

I am asking this cause in fact it is possible for Magus to use Spell Combat and TWF. Its a little cheesy, but glove of storing does the job (free action to use, not swift), especially how Spell Combat says that you've got to choose whether you want to cast spell first or do a full attack first.

Any thoughts ?

Forgot to calculate extra attack and forgot that extra attack stacks with haste. So i dropped Flaming property of the weapon for Boots of Haste.

Zen Archer Monk lvl 11 (/w Composite Longbow)
Str 16
Dex 28 (same as above)
Int 14
Wis 16 (base 14; +2 ench.)
Cha 12

Ki pool: 8 - meaning monk can do this kind of damage for maximum of 4 rounds, spending 2 per round - 1 extra attack; 1 unarmed damage; I've calculated just max, with potential of last attack not hitting

Feats: Point Blank Shot (Mnk 1); Precise Shot (Mnk 2); Dodge (lvl 1); Deadly Aim(lvl 3); Imp Natural Attack (unarmed)(Human); Improved Precise Shot (Mnk 6); Imp Init (lvl 5); Farshot (lvl 7); Imp. Crit (Longbow)(Mnk 10); Toughness (lvl 9); WotB (Weapon Focus (Longbow); WoTB (Weapon Spec (Longbow); 1 free feat;

Equipment: Boots of Haste (12k) Monk's Robe(13k); Bracers of Archery Lesser (5k); Belt of Incredible Dexterity (36k); +1 Vicious Composite Longbow (+3 mighty) (8,6k); Headband of inspired Wisdom +2 (4k)

Attacks 9 BAB +9 Dex +1 WF +1PBS +1 Comp +1 Ench +1 Haste -3 Deadly Aim = 19
Damage: 1 PBS +2 WS + 3 Str +6 Deadly Aim +1 Ench =13
Attacks: 20/20/20/20/15/15/10 (3d8 +2d6 + 13)
Damage: (6 attacks) 81 (base damage) 120(bonus) =201; (7 attacks) 201 (6 attacks) + 34 (7th attack = 235
Average 1 Crit Hit: (6 attacks) 101 (crit) 68 (base for other 5 attacks) 100 (bonus for other 5 attacks) =269; (7 attacks) 269 + 34 = 303

Hello Forum Dwellers! This is my first post and i already got in trouble, but before that let me introduce myself.

My name is Bane, i am from Serbia.I am a DM from the beginning of beta for one of my tables and now i am joining already ongoing campaign at one of my players tables.

I am thinking of going with Dwarf, Fighter, who specializes heavily in crossbows, but it seems i am unable to pull it all off.
I had in my mind a dual wielding repeating light crossbows for the combat opening, dropping them after emptying and than proceeding with Heavy Crossbow kind of style.

What bothers me the most is that i can't put all the feats i need even in 20 levels of fighter and i am having a ridiculously hard time choosing between feats.

Progression goes something like this:
1st - Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
2nd - Rapid Reload
3rd - Crossbow Mastery
4th - Weapon Focus (Heavy Crossbow)
5th - TWF
6th - Quick Draw
7th - Weapon Spec (Heavy Crossbow)
8th - Deadly Aim
9th - Improved Crit (Heavy Crossbow)
10th - ManyShot
11th - Greater Weapon Focus (Heavy Crossbow)
12th - Penetrating Strike
13th - Greater Weapon Spec (Heavy Crossbow)

And this is left to go:
Improved Initiative
Improved Precise Shot
Greater Penetrating Strike

Now my question is this - is it possible to even remotely get tree of TWF in ? Cause without it most of my idea falls into water, my snowman gets destroyed and my ship sunk, cause unloading inferno of bolts in first round of combat via TWF, Rapid Shot and ManyShot just doesn't seem possible without losing damage output that i will be doing with my Heavy Crossbow from 2nd round on.
i choose to go Fighter route cause mostly my characters are feat crazy and i can never get enough of them.

A bit more than mechanics about my char - Campaign is Legacy of Fire and he is a heavy alcoholic and a mercenary after he freed himself from life of slavery and constant battles in underground arena. Why is he still not dead if he was battling in arena ? Well good question, he wouldn't be happy to reply to that question, but i am - His parents were miners in Zolurket - platinum mine where something went wrong at some point, so his parents made sure he knew his way around fighting undead foes, who would knew it, it was pretty easy for him to modify what his parents thought him to use against the living as well, not that his preference of using crossbow had no small part in his survival.
But he had parents ? How did he ended up as a slave ? Well lets say that his parents had their share of gold problems after running for their lives from the mines, so he ended up enslaved by a money loaner until he payed back his parents debt.

Hope this is enough for a start :)