Heya all, me and my friends are going to start a short campaign soon, arena type mini-campaign inspired by hunger games (book not movie). I jumped right ahead and took a Druid, made some pretty standard-ish build, but after what i saw others do with their characters (mainly cleric that went full necromancy, as well as sorcerer that did the same) i am here looking for help as i do not have as much free time as i used to make and research broken builds.
It is a 25 point buy, nothing is barred as far as i know so go nuts. It is a pretty theme-less druid and i would like to keep it that way. That being said, archtypes(not that i encountered any good ones), races, etc. all can be changed. No 3rd party stuff. I know i will be summoning tons of stirges to deal con based damage and ruin people should it come to players battling each other.
Build so far looking like this:
PT 25
Human Druid 7
Str 10
Dex 12 (2pt)
Con 15(17) (7pt [+2belt])
Int 12 (2pt)
Wis 20(22) (13pt +2 race +1 4th leel + [+2 headband])
Cha 10
Fort: 5+3+2=10
Refl: 2+2+2=6
Will: 5+5+2=12
Skills(4+2+1): Handle Animal; Heal; Knowledge (Nature); Perception; Spellcraft; Survival; Fly;
Feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration); Augment Summoning; Natural Spell; Superior Summoning; Toughness;
0(4+0)(DC16): Detect Magic; Know Direction; Purify Food and Drink; Mending ; Read Magic (S);
1(4+2)(DC17): Bristle (S); Charm Animal; Entangle; Faerie Fire (S); Long Strider (S); Ray of Sickening;
2(3+1)(DC18): Barkskin; Frigid Touch; Warp Wood; Feast of Ashes (S); Tree Shape (S); Neutralize Poison (S); Poison (S); Fog Cloud (S); Sickening Strikes (S);
3(2+1)(DC19): Call Lighting (S); Heatstroke; Water Breathing (S); Spike Growth; Sheet Lighting (S);Resinous Skin(Zavisi sta luka odogovori); Wind Wall(S);
4(1+1)(DC20): Atavism (S); Air Walk(S); Life Bubble; Giant Vermin (S);
Animal Companion (Big Cat, Lion):
Str 24(26) ( +2 level + 1ASI[+2 belt])
Dex 17
Con 17
Int 2
Wis 15
Cha 10
AC: 10 + 7 Nat + 3 Dex +4 AC -1 Size = 23
Fort: 5 +3 = 8
Refl: 5 +3 = 8
Will: 2 +2 = 4
Attack: 4 BAB + 8 STR -1PA -1 Size = +10
Attacks: +10 bite, +10 claw x2, +10 rake x2
Damage: 1d8+10 bite, 1d4+10 claw x2, 1d4+10 rake x2
Feats: Power Attack; Toughness; Armor Proficency (Light);
Skills: Swim
Wealth:23,500(7th level)
Me: Belt of Con +2(4k); Headband of Wisdom +2(4k); Rod of Reach, Lesser (3k); Wand of CLW (750); Cloak of Resistance +2 (4k); Potion of Invisibility x2 (600);
AC: Belt of Str +2(4k); Chain Shirt Barding (400);