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![]() Like it or not Good and evil are already tied to positive and negative energy by the limitations on a cleric. I could get rid of these limitations, but it wouldn't make sense for his goddess of undead to allow him to channel positive energy.
![]() Infernal healing is no longer in the PRD, so I have no idea what the specific rules for it are anymore... Was it in Ulimate Magic? Because that is one of the few rulebooks I don't have. This feels like more reason to allow this. The only other way I can think of to give them more healing is to go over the recommended treasure per encounter to give them more healing items. ![]()
![]() Broadhand wrote:
Wouldn't it be hilarious if they made a feat called rebuke living? Remembered why I forgot infernal healing; it's a wizard/sorcerer spell.Any other opinions? ![]()
![]() I completely forgot about infernal healing
Eltacolibre wrote: Negative energy affinity might also have repercussions later as you paint yourself in a corner with undead creatures against them, which would be quite a shame. Not anymore than a good cleric is in a corner fighting living enemies. (which happens way more often) ![]()
![]() Hi, I'm about to run an evil aligned campaign where there's an evil cleric. I was wondering if I should give my characters a feat that they could take that would allow evil characters to gain negative energy affinity. I'm worried that they might have a hard time going through this campaign with limited healing, and giving them the option to take negative energy affinity might help this. What do you guys think? ![]()
![]() The world has a few patches of evil and good with most areas being neutral- I don't want to say warzones, but there is conflict between the alignments within the neutral areas. Deities stick to their respective planes and mostly don't care too much about the goings on of the world, but will help out those who are wholeheartedly devoted to them and their ideals. Outsiders are seen less as minions to the gods, and more as subjects that the gods rule over. It is worth noting that lately a small nation has taken over much of the world and built an empire due to their advanced technology. (guns and airships)Also around 50% of the world's sentient inhabitants are humans.
![]() Kinda, I'm going to be running a game through Tabletop Simulator and skype... I have a recruitment thread here if you don't mind playing an evil character. ![]()
![]() Male or female character?
d3x wrote: Delrath stepped out of line How? What did he do that made him an enemy of his own assassin's guild? My world has two assassin guilds that operate topside, the crimson daggers and the black lotuses. Would Delrath be a part of one of these, or a separate guild that operates only in the darklands?UPDATE: Two players decided that they wanted to make custom races. One is so weird that I highly doubt that a second one exists in the universe, and the other is a race of dragon people called the Umbradovah. If you also want to make a custom race using the race builder rules from ARG you can. ![]()
![]() Hello, I recently made a recruitment post for a campaign I want to do on here, and when scrolling through the forums I saw this thread and wondered if maybe the two might be a match for each other. I would like to run this game over Tabletop Simulator which will probably be a problem for you, but if this doesn't dissuade you from being interested then I would ask that you check my thread here. ![]()
![]() Hello everyone this is my first time running an online game, but here it goes. If you want to play it is a prerequisite that you own a copy of Tabletop Simulator as all combats and dice rolling will be run through it. Click here for more information about Tabletop Simulator Characters can not be Good aligned. Ability scores will be rolled for as 4d6 drop low. The campaign setting will be one of my own creation.