Female half-elf (Snowborn) slayer 5 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53)
CG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +6;
Senses low-light vision; Perception +11
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 44 (5d10+10)
Fort +6 (+4 racial bonus to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments),
Ref +8,
Will +6
Defensive Abilities dual minded
Speed 30 ft.
Melee katana +3 (1d8+2/18-20) or
. . mwk cold iron warhammer +8 (1d8+2/×3) or
. . unarmed strike +7 (1d3+2 nonlethal)
Ranged darkwood composite longbow +11 (1d8+2/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6, studied target +2 (2nd, move action)
Str 14,
Dex 19,
Con 14,
Int 10,
Wis 12,
Cha 8
Base Atk +5;
CMB +7;
CMD 22
Feats Deadly Aim, Dodge, Iron Will, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Traits child of the streets, elven reflexes
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Disguise +3, Heal +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +11, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +8, Survival +9, Swim +6;
Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven
SQ cold-honed, combat style (archery), elf blood, slayer talents (ranger combat style[ACG], weapon training), track +2
Combat Gear +1 disruption arrows,
+1 holy arrows,
+1 human-bane arrows (4),
+1 merciful arrows (9),
+1 seeking arrows (5), cold iron arrows (40), obsidian arrows (87),
oil of daylight,
oil of magic weapon,
potion of cure serious wounds (2),
potion of enlarge person,
potion of haste;
Other Gear mithral shirt, blunt arrows[APG] (39), darkwood composite longbow (+2 Str), katana[UC], mwk cold iron warhammer, whistling arrow[UC] (19),
efficient quiver,
swarmbane clasp[UE], bedroll, belt pouch, chalk (10), flint and steel, horseshoes game[UE], ink, inkpen, journal[UE], masterwork backpack[APG], pot, silk rope (50 ft.), torch (2), trail rations (5), waterskin, 30 gp, 3 sp, 3 cp
Tracked Resources
+1 disruption arrows - 0/1
+1 holy arrows - 0/1
+1 human-bane arrows - 0/4
+1 merciful arrows - 0/9
+1 seeking arrows - 0/5
Blunt arrows - 0/39
Cold iron arrows - 0/40
Obsidian arrows - 0/87
Oil of daylight - 0/1
Oil of magic weapon - 0/1
Potion of cure serious wounds - 0/2
Potion of enlarge person - 0/1
Potion of haste - 0/1
Studied Target +2 (move action, 2 at a time) (Ex) - 0/2
Torch - 0/2
Trail rations - 0/5
Whistling arrow - 0/19
Special Abilities
Cold-Honed Snowborn can move through natural snow and ice at their normal speed and gain a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments. This racial trait replaces the elven immunities racial trait.
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Dual Minded +2 Will saves.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Studied Target +2 (move action, 2 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +2 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +2 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
1: Iron Will
2rst: Precise Shot
3: Deadly Aim
4wst:Weapon Focus (Longbow)
5: Dodge
6rst:Point-Blank Master
6cst:False Opening
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