Doing it as a poison is likely the best way to do it. Thats some noxious stuff (I'm glad I skipped lunch today), then have a Will save to psych themselves up enough to consume such willingly. The Will Save and the first Poison save go hand-in hand, not spewing outright, the second is how crummy you feel afterwards and holding it down. With a DC of like 18 combined with the penalties for being sicked bumps the second save by 2 in effect to a 20. Perhaps if you wanted to draw it out some.. roll a D10 or D100 to see what 'percentage' you were able to gulp down. Each gulp requiring a new Will Save with a increased save DC (regardless of if they got sick or not).
Consider for a moment that the file size of the ZIP was almost 4 times that of the seven swords of sin file. While seven swords was not as big page count wise it had comparatively less artwork than the Pathfinder one did. And Pathfinder has a lot of artwork! I would not be surprised that they released Pathfinder 1 this way because... well we've been awful patient waiting for it and had been confusing information on when it would ship. its possible because of how long its gonna take to ship I might not get my copy till the end of next week. Its not unlikely they may have released it as it was to facilitate getting Pathfinder 1 into our hands as quickly as possible now that GenCon is over. It'll also get us back to playing D&D instead of worrying about the next edition. I definitely like the idea of having the ability to download it both broken up and as a single PDF. I found it nice to be able to open up each section separately. Though I can see how a single PDF would have been nice too. having both options wouldn't be bad.
Yeah, at first I thought the domains were in error too but I did a bit more digging cause I was surprized Paizo would make that kind of mistake. They added a number of domains not in the PHB to the SRD from other sources. My one question, and it looks like someone pointed it out, is the lable of Medium Armor an error for the hide Shirt? everything about it screams Light Armor (even the moment rate suggests it) its a organic version of Chain Shirt... but it says its medium in the table?
I Read through the first page worth of comments .... then realized that their have been nearly 200 posts on this thread! I'm sorry but thats a bit much to read as by appearances many of the posts were somewhat lengthy. In general I have to say I was disapointed with the pregens. I might not have been so bad if not for some mistakes on both the Hollow's last hope and on the pregens in the book that left me lacking faith in their construction. simple put. the skills are messed up unless their being used somehow in a manner not present on the pregen pages (like languages). It bugged me enough I ran the numbers and in the back of the crown of the... book the elf is the only one with the proper skill points. Its like you forgot that humans have extra skill points. This made me look at the hollow's last hope pregens and they had the opposite problem. the humans were right nad the elf looks like was shorted severaly. I can live with the nuances of some of the feat selections and stuff like that. the errors made me feel that the pregens were just slapped together not alot of thought put into them other than their flavor concepts.
I like the idea of kobolds being various colors most associated with dragons. Infact I recently created a mini-adventure where all the kobolds where Dragon-Wrought kobolds and black in color except for the leaders who were a different color. soo... Yellow Kobolds represent peasant class kobolds and draconic colored kobolds represent kobolds in positions of authority. Being born into a color makes you important. However its possible for Kobolds to spontainiously or ritually trancend into a rank of power. Spontainious color changes could be gifts granted from kobold gods and what is given can be taken away. A kobold could fall from grace and loose its noble color and become yellow. Ritually can fallow the same sceme and a color can be given to promote within a tribe a kobold. Likewise a ritual could demote someone unworthy. A specific color has no more authority than another other than noble colors over the peasent colors. You could take this father and say that only the 5 colors of Tiamat are noble colors but Kobolds and that Kobolds can be encountered in numerous various colorings, Yellow, Purple, Orange, Brown etc.. If desired metallics and gem colorings could exist but could be insane or solitary and are Killed off by the tribe often before they can grow into something dangerous. Of course no matter what you never mess with another Kobolds color or try to fake your color. they dont kill you for that, they torture you untill you go insane then leave you cripple for the rest of your short life.
On the topic of stats. Use Point Buy at a specific number and create a dozen or so 'stat-sets' and let the players choose one. Have several average balenced ones and a few with a big stat or two. Let the players assign the scores how they like but at least this way your limiting that likelyhood that you'll have a 18, 18, 10, 10, 8, 8 type character (36pt buy btw). Alternatly as you can see a power-monger character like this is gonna have flaws stat wise and it balences out in the end most of the time. this is an exploit that as a GM you should use. 36pt buy will give you 14's across the board average. On the topic of ways to counter the effectiveness of the melee beast and challenge the party as a whole in combat. some things to consider... an entangled target hit with a net is only slightly easier to hit due to the penalty to dex it suffers. a -4 dex penalty reduces a targets AC by 2. A Net has a maximum range of 10ft and takes 2 rounds to fold it again once its been thrown or the thrower suffers a -4 penalty to hit with it. Its only effective against creatures within 1 size catagory of the thrower as well.. some factors that mitigate this build. * Tiny and Huge opponents cant be caught in the net of a Medium sized creature.
Beyond that.. the bonus to hit gained from netting a target (due to their dex penalty) and the penalty for the netted creature to attack (-2) and limit on its movement are otherwise not that significant. the dex penalty is no better than the flanking the target. That being said... Other ways to mitigate just how unstopable the fighter is include the using some of the following ideas. * Swarms. A melee beast like this is virtually helpless against a swarm as they are unable to do damage to them in most cases.
Thats just to name a few that I think havent already been mentioned and are not heavily reliant of magic (many creatures have built in displacement or blur effects). These should go a long way in slowing down parties that are agressive in nature.
Since I just got the Issue with a Gathering of Wind. I figured I'd spare everyone the pain of searching for where it reveals what the Diadem does. Its at the very end before the appendix and just before concluding the adventure. I wont say what it does. Its certainly a makes for a nice item. Not superfantastic but very nice non the less, enough to give it a rating 'pretty cool'. |