Scenario: I am playing a Oracle of Lore 1/ Paladin of Irori 8. I recently took the leadership feat at level 9, due to a party concern of us being short on full blown healer. Yeah, we have lots of people that can restore hit points, but the major ailments that require stronger than a lesser restoration was starting to be a problem. Our player who took on the role of party healer had a change in his schedule so the need grew when he wasn't there. As a result, in game I had converted a worshiper of the Whispering way and it was decided that she'd best serve as a cleric cohort, with some feat rewriting. Cultist of the Whispering way typically channeld negative energy and had the feat Command Undead. Due to issues in another campaign entirely my GM does not like any thing that takes control of his creatures, but he had not explicitly forbiden it. Figuring it was still in line with the cohorts existing knowledge and skill set I gave her the feat that allow her to channel both positive and negative energy and the Command Undead feat. Irori, being LN, she filled all of the requirments to do this.
Situation: We encounter a ghoul while we were research recent attacks on the town of Carrion Hill. Instead of killing it out right, as it did not attack us the party questioned it. Normally, being a paladin, you usually have an obligation to destroy undead such as this on site, but I've always held the belief that Paladin's code allowed for the collaboration of forces in the face of a greater threat, so questioning the creature as we were not currently in combat and no one was currently endangered seemed reasonable.
It attempted to make requests that were far to outlandish to consider or would weaken the party considerably, (one request was that we would provide it some food. Seems harmless, until your realize that ghouls at recently killed humans!) It seemed like a combat was about to take place, when my cohort took a step forward and attempted to Command Undead. GM rolled a 4, so now the ghoul had to provide us with the information. We got our information, and as it would be dishonorable to slay the creature, left it in the depths we found it as we were certain it would not be able to threaten anyone in the world above.
A week later, I had to work, so I rejoined my group with about an hour left of game time, which the GM kept me out of it the whole time as he said I had an encounter separate from the group. Come to findout that while I was away 2 of the Player decided they wanted to suicide their character and ended up with a party verse party combat, with their new characters comming in afterwords. Just before we are about to leave the GM starts the separate encounter. He has the white lion servant of Irori approach me in my dreams and asks "Are you not well, my son?" I'm confused, given that I was unafflicted with anything I was aware of "I respond that I was fine". "But you travel with those who's company is not in keeping with our tenants?" My response was "Hey, GM, I wasn't even here when the party decide to split in 2 and kill of half of itself, I'm not even sure my character even knows about this as yet, as you kept me out of everything tonight" "No,no not about this, you compelled a sentient being the other day" "Huh?" "This is in violation of the lawful tenants of Irori"
At this point, the game breaks down, because I know what he was after, he didn't want Command Undead in the party. This would've been more simply done by taking me aside and saying explicitly, "Do not take Command Undead, I don't allow it in my games." Instead he does this and I can only totally disagree that my cohort using Command Undead violated the LAWFUL portion of my alignment. Now I've learned later that some people consider use of the feat and Evil act, but I was not aware of this at the time. Truthfully I consider all class powers and abilities to be neutral align tools (as without thought or conciousness you really can't have an alignment), their alignment determined by the actions of the individual using them.
But he wasn't concerned about it being a Evil Act. He was concerned that it was an Non LAWFUL act. If anything using Command undead would likely be considered a Lawful act, as you are compelling obediance to a law, that being the will of the user. Law doesn't really care whether you obey it willingly or not, it just requires obedience to the law, or there will be consquences. Laws are generally developed for the public good, and however temporary my cohorts control of the undead being was, it created a law where the public good was enforced, in this case we gained the information needed to stop a greater evil without either party actually comming to harm.
I believe the issue was resolved with me stating I'd remove the Command Undead feat, but I'm still bugged by this question. I don't think I violated the paladin code in the way he suggested, but I'd like to here the forum's interpretation here.
Thanks in advance for any and all commentary, regardless of whether you agree with me or not.