
Zephyre Al'dran's page

Organized Play Member. 230 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Draconic Disciple states that :
Blood of Dragons

A dragon disciple adds his level to his sorcerer levels when determining the powers gained from his bloodline. If the dragon disciple does not have levels of sorcerer, he instead gains bloodline powers of the draconic bloodline, using his dragon disciple level as his sorcerer level to determine the bonuses gained. He must choose a dragon type upon gaining his first level in this class and that type must be the same as his sorcerer type. This ability does not grant bonus spells to a sorcerer unless he possesses spell slots of an appropriate level. Such bonus spells are automatically granted if the sorcerer gains spell slots of the spell's level.

My question is as a crossblooded sorceror, as I gained levels in draconic discple I'd continue to gain access to additional bloodline abilities as I progress. Would I still have the ability to choose which powers I gain access to? The first line seems to suggest that I would but I'd like a fair interpretation before I go to my GM with this for Rise of the Ruin Lords.

Liberty's Edge

In all, I think the spellslinger gets to shafted to be really worth it, but it just might make a really good dip class in the end. My question is one of its 1st level abilities allows the spellslinger to sacrifice a spell to add X bonus to his arcane gun, where X is the level of the spell sacrificed. These bonuses can be traded in for a variety of abilities like a magus, which actually makes this class attractive. One of the abilities is Spell storing. This ability is typically on the list of melee weapon abilities and not found on the list of ranged weapon abilities, so my question is does this work on the projectiles fired from the gun or do you need to whack somebody with it to get this to work. Which seems kind of odd, considering that spellslingers don't get pistol whip naturally, and few casters would ever waste the feat for catch off guard.

Thanks ahead of time for the clarification.

Liberty's Edge

Rules: Must have at least 50% of your build as some kind of rogue type. Bard does count for this purpose, as does the Alchemist and Rangers and obviously ninjas.
You have 1 rnd, 2 if you can justify surviving to a 2nd round.
Limit is 20th level abilities and wealth. You can not pay a caster to kill, harm, or otherwise debilitate AM Barbarian. Permanent or contingent spell are negated, unless you are able to provide for it yourself.

I'm really looking for Max damage, but if you find alternatives to taking him out more easily, well thats what a rogue would do, wouldn't he?

Liberty's Edge

Scenario: I am playing a Oracle of Lore 1/ Paladin of Irori 8. I recently took the leadership feat at level 9, due to a party concern of us being short on full blown healer. Yeah, we have lots of people that can restore hit points, but the major ailments that require stronger than a lesser restoration was starting to be a problem. Our player who took on the role of party healer had a change in his schedule so the need grew when he wasn't there. As a result, in game I had converted a worshiper of the Whispering way and it was decided that she'd best serve as a cleric cohort, with some feat rewriting. Cultist of the Whispering way typically channeld negative energy and had the feat Command Undead. Due to issues in another campaign entirely my GM does not like any thing that takes control of his creatures, but he had not explicitly forbiden it. Figuring it was still in line with the cohorts existing knowledge and skill set I gave her the feat that allow her to channel both positive and negative energy and the Command Undead feat. Irori, being LN, she filled all of the requirments to do this.

Situation: We encounter a ghoul while we were research recent attacks on the town of Carrion Hill. Instead of killing it out right, as it did not attack us the party questioned it. Normally, being a paladin, you usually have an obligation to destroy undead such as this on site, but I've always held the belief that Paladin's code allowed for the collaboration of forces in the face of a greater threat, so questioning the creature as we were not currently in combat and no one was currently endangered seemed reasonable.
It attempted to make requests that were far to outlandish to consider or would weaken the party considerably, (one request was that we would provide it some food. Seems harmless, until your realize that ghouls at recently killed humans!) It seemed like a combat was about to take place, when my cohort took a step forward and attempted to Command Undead. GM rolled a 4, so now the ghoul had to provide us with the information. We got our information, and as it would be dishonorable to slay the creature, left it in the depths we found it as we were certain it would not be able to threaten anyone in the world above.

A week later, I had to work, so I rejoined my group with about an hour left of game time, which the GM kept me out of it the whole time as he said I had an encounter separate from the group. Come to findout that while I was away 2 of the Player decided they wanted to suicide their character and ended up with a party verse party combat, with their new characters comming in afterwords. Just before we are about to leave the GM starts the separate encounter. He has the white lion servant of Irori approach me in my dreams and asks "Are you not well, my son?" I'm confused, given that I was unafflicted with anything I was aware of "I respond that I was fine". "But you travel with those who's company is not in keeping with our tenants?" My response was "Hey, GM, I wasn't even here when the party decide to split in 2 and kill of half of itself, I'm not even sure my character even knows about this as yet, as you kept me out of everything tonight" "No,no not about this, you compelled a sentient being the other day" "Huh?" "This is in violation of the lawful tenants of Irori"

At this point, the game breaks down, because I know what he was after, he didn't want Command Undead in the party. This would've been more simply done by taking me aside and saying explicitly, "Do not take Command Undead, I don't allow it in my games." Instead he does this and I can only totally disagree that my cohort using Command Undead violated the LAWFUL portion of my alignment. Now I've learned later that some people consider use of the feat and Evil act, but I was not aware of this at the time. Truthfully I consider all class powers and abilities to be neutral align tools (as without thought or conciousness you really can't have an alignment), their alignment determined by the actions of the individual using them.

But he wasn't concerned about it being a Evil Act. He was concerned that it was an Non LAWFUL act. If anything using Command undead would likely be considered a Lawful act, as you are compelling obediance to a law, that being the will of the user. Law doesn't really care whether you obey it willingly or not, it just requires obedience to the law, or there will be consquences. Laws are generally developed for the public good, and however temporary my cohorts control of the undead being was, it created a law where the public good was enforced, in this case we gained the information needed to stop a greater evil without either party actually comming to harm.

I believe the issue was resolved with me stating I'd remove the Command Undead feat, but I'm still bugged by this question. I don't think I violated the paladin code in the way he suggested, but I'd like to here the forum's interpretation here.

Thanks in advance for any and all commentary, regardless of whether you agree with me or not.

Liberty's Edge

So here is the challenge! Lets see a caster with a single round do more damage than RAGELANCEPOUNCE.

A Few Rules:

No summons. This is your spell, not some one or something elses.

No party members: IE, no you can't summon AM BARBARIAN, cast bless, and count that for the win.

Familiars and Animal Companions are OK if you're casting a spell that is either self only or to deliver a touch attack.

Level 20.

Goal, Kill AM BARBARIAN or any other RAGELANCEPOUNCE user before they can hit you with damage excessive of RAGELANCEPOUNCE.

You have 1 round, you are 30ft apart from target, and you can only justify a 2nd round if you can viably survive RAGELANCEPOUNCE on the first round without disabling the target.

Currently, No 3.5 material, unless the build for RAGELANCEPOUNCE uses 3.5 material.

So, who can pull it off?

Liberty's Edge

So we just fought the BBEG for the 3rd CC book and we had to bolt. Rears were smeared with Circle of Death and Cloud kill plus Advance Zombie Lord 8th level fighters. Problem is that our Divine Support - Oracle of Life, just started a new work schedule and will now only be available every other session. To sum it up, due to losing seroius divine caster support I'm droping my previously aquired yet still unused feat for Leadership. We've already got one character down, so I'm thinking of bringing in a Druid for Reincarnate (the cohort won't be high enough for raise dead). So this begs the question again, what do you lose/gain for becoming another race.
Example: Human 5th reincarnated as a elf. I'd understand losing the +2 to any stat for the +2 Dex, -2 Con +2 int, but do you lose the feats and skill points? My concern would be loss of skills aquired over a life time and potentially and important feat with regards to a feat chain.

Liberty's Edge

The question come up as I am planing out a wizard using the Admixture school and I'd like to play a human, but gnomes have a great ability to increase their 3+int school power with favored class bonuses, which would allow an admixture mage to cast the spells of the elements he wants more frequently than currently allowed. I ask the question because the feat reads rather open ended and implies that it could, but does not specify in the examples it gives.

Liberty's Edge

I've never played a pure arcane type before, where I have no choice but to rely on magic. I've traditionally used occassional level diping in arcane to supplement fighter types, but I wanted to try something new. I haven't decided on stats yet, so help here could be nice as well. The only thing I've got for an idea so far is lvl 1 Sorceror (Crossblooded Orc & Shaitan)/ lvl?? (upto 11)Evocator Wizard with the Admixture school archtype with the Elemental Pupil (+1 Acid damage per die) trait from the Qadira Book and the Eastern Mysteries Faction Trait. Idealy this caster from level 2 on would use the admixture school power to transform all of his spells into Acid based spells so they would receive +3damage per die as will as the Evocation school bonus to damage. I'd thought to take all of the Spell focus and Elemental Focus Acid, but that only carries me through 5th level. Willing to take any other suggestions, as well as ideas of possible complemetary prestige classes. Schools to lose would be divination and enchantment, though the 1st sorceror spell I was looking at was true strike. Finally, any spell recommendations would be awesome as well.

Liberty's Edge

First I'll apologize if this has been addressed in another thread, I hadn't seen it yet, but I figured I ought to get a clarification before I try this combo for Jade Regent.

The set up is this 3 monk/ 10 Ninja w/ Monastic legacy and the Advanced Ninja trick that allows you to count yourself as a monk 4 levels lower for unarmed damage.

Equation 3 Monk + 6(10 Ninja - 4(this is the Ninja Trick))+ 5( 10 Ninja /2(Monastic Legacy Feat))= 13th level character with 14th monk unarmed strike. This in and of itself isn't so over powering, except that by design the character will eventually have 3 Monk and 14 Ninja by the end of the ap.

Should look something like this:3 Monk + 10(14 Ninja - 4(this is the Ninja Trick))+ 7( 14 Ninja /2(Monastic Legacy Feat))= 17th level character with 20th level monk unarmed strike. Truthfully everthing would still work as long as we never reach 18th level. At that point he'd have Epic level monk damage and no rules for epic level monks.
Am I misinterpreting the rules here?