
ZenithTN's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 235 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 52 Organized Play characters.

Merry Christmas, gamers.

One of our younger PFS players was really struggling to be effective with his alchemist through a combination of inexperience, rules glut, math/ADD-like symptoms and high expectations. To smooth out the learning curve for him, I created a dragonblood chymist, a simpler alchemist. Dragonblood Chymist

This archetype gives up Throw Anything, and all its bombs are forevermore a 15' cone of fire, Ref half. No more attack rolls, scatter diagrams, or calculating splash damage. This greatly simplified the character for the poor kid.

The problem arose when I went to flesh out the rest of the character and plan its progression.

There are no feats available to help out that bomb/breath weapon.
Ability Focus is not PFS legal. I ended up taking Blind-fight of all things at first level just to leverage the use of smokesticks he's going to craft & hold in front of his face when he breathes fire.

He cannot take any other discovery to alter his bomb/breath weapon, so he's stuck with a 15' cone of fire ...for life.
He cannot take any other discovery in the mutagen line.
He does not add INT to splash weapons other than his bombs, so he's not much of a chemist/chymist.
No PFS legal FCB added to mutagen duration.

While the result may be good for the initial purposes of helping a kid, I think I found something TOO vanilla. So ... what have I missed? What can be done to help this archetype grow just a little bit? An ability to change the element from fire to...? change the area of effect from 15' cone to .....? improve its special mutagen, if only the duration?

Adventurer's Armory 2 has given us this piece of mundane equipment that, for 35 gp, 4 lbs and a flask of oil, gives us a light source that is "imperceptible to creatures relying on darkvision as their sole form of sight."

So my sneak-types can finally creep up on the ghouls & orcs in their lair. Cool..... wait.... SOLE form of sight? Orcs & ghouls have darkvision, but they don't have ONLY darkvision. Nothing has ONLY darkvision, right?

Does anything meet the criteria of "relying on darkvision as their sole form of sight"? Surely I've missed something? Or is this item a waste of ink and word-count?

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In a recent PFS game, we had what may be the fastest Paladin fall from grace.

Situation: Evergreen scenario, all first level characters.

In the first battle, our PCs were separated from the hostiles by running water and someone on our side had tripped a trap that shot a poisoned dart at us, but missed. The dart was not destroyed.

Paladin, with no readily apparent way across the water, and without the forethought to pocket a sling or buy some javelins, asks for suggestions.
Cleric of Trickery suggests the Pally pick up that dart and throw it back. Paladin does so and falls from grace, having used poison. On his very first attack roll ever.

Cleric player overjoyed. Pally player briefly bummed until reminded of PFS rebuild rules. Good time ultimately had by all.

"Issues such as Kobold Quarterly 21 and Kobold Quarterly 23 even feature content sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play"

Kobold Quarterly 21 does not appear under Additional Content.

Please verify & elaborate. What content does it contain that is sanctioned for PFS?

Thank you.

15 people marked this as a favorite.

Item Mastery Feats, introduced in Weapon Master’s Handbook and expanded upon in Magic Tactics Toolbox, are a strong bit of game design with some intricacies. The following is my research for magic items you can use to fuel these feats. I looked for items that are either very low cost, purely to fuel the feats, or are of moderate cost (Edit: <10k) and moderate usefulness of their own accord. As I am primarily a PFS player, forgive me if I’ve omitted items that are not PFS legal.

There are two ways to look at this data. First, you own one of these items and might consider the corresponding feat. Or, you are looking to take the feat, and are looking for an inexpensive item to power it.

Elixirs, potions, scrolls, staves, wands and limited use items were not considered, as they are not able to fuel these feats. If the spell in question is on multiple lists at varying levels, I’ve made the PFS-based assumption the item was created by a wizard, cleric, or druid.

I’d also like to echo that the Item Mastery character option on p10 of the Magic Tactics Toolbox is not, and should not be, PFS legal. These feats are good options to add flexibility to your (probably) martial-minded character, but not game-breakingly so, unless someone runs it through the nuclear reactor that is Item Mastery + Martial Flexibility.

Now, on to the good stuff...

Ability Mastery – Requires a magic armor or wondrous item with a second level or higher transmutation spell. Must be worn!
Flight Mastery – Requires a transmutation spell of second level or higher. Bonus if it’s your armor, though I didn’t find any economical options for armor.
Telekinetic Mastery – Requires a transmutation spell of fourth level or higher. (Only the funnel & any-tool qualify)
These three feats have the most plentiful means of powering them.

Hybridization Funnel, 200 gp, That’s a sweet, sweet bargain! At this price, who cares if you can craft alchemy or not?

Traveler’s Any Tool, 250 gp, and is more useful than the funnel to most characters.

Armbands of the Brawler, 500 gp. Excellent value for a grappler interested in these feats.

Belt of Tumbling, 800 gp.

Muleback Cords, 1000 gp. For when you absolutely, positively, have to bench-press a Buick! While flying.

Adaptive bows, +1000 gp

Daredevil Boots, 1400 gp or Slippers of Spider Climbing, 4800 gp

Aegis of Recovery, 1500 gp. Can heal you once, so arguably cannot be used to power this feat. Otherwise, this item has two spells required to make it, thereby qualifying for two of these feats. As an aside, once destroyed by using the healing power, can be restored with a make whole at a mere CL 6.

Scabbard of Vigor, 1800 gp

Amulet of Natural armor, 2000 gp+

Bashing shield quality +1 (equates to at least +3000 gp)

Belt of Strength, Dexterity or Constitution, 4000 gp+

Headband of Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma, 4000 gp+, or
Shifter’s Headband or Headband of Aerial Agility, 4500 gp+ , or
Circlet of Persuasion, 4500 gp

Vest of Escape, 5200 gp

Agile or Keen weapon quality +1 (equates to at least +6000 gp)

Compulsion Mastery – Requires enchantment spell of third level or higher.

Plume of Panache, 1000 gp – For those with deeds only.

Knights Pennon of Battle, 4500 gp

Concealment Mastery & Illusion Mastery – Requires illusion spell of first level or higher

Sleeves of Many Garments, 200 gp. Quite the bargain for this feat, even with the errata/nerf/clarification.

Cap of Human Guise, 800 gp or Hat of disguise, 1800 gp

Cloak of Elvenkind, 2500 gp. Or Cloak of the Hedge Wizard, if you aren’t wearing a Cloak of Resistance.

Shadow armor quality, +3750 gp

Concealment Mastery, higher function – Requires illusion spell of second level or higher

Shadow armor quality, +3750 gp

Curse Mastery – Requires necromancy spell of third level or higher.

Restful armor property, +4500 gp

Dispel Mastery – Requires abjuration spell of second level or higher.

Swarmbane Clasp, 3000 gp

Spellguard Bracers, 5000 gp

Energy Mastery – Requires an evocation spell of first level or higher, with an acid, cold, electricity or fire descriptor.

Clockwork Key, 500 gp. Arguably cannot be used to power this feat, however, it isn’t a one-shot item if Abadar isn’t your patron. And the secondary power has such a pathetic DC, I can’t foresee using it even if Abadar was your patron.

Campfire Bead, 720 gp

Flaming, Frost or Shock weapon enhancement +1 (equates to at least +6000 gp)

Energy Mastery, higher function – Requires an evocation spell of third level or higher, also with an energy descriptor.

Flaming, Frost or Shock weapon enhancement +1 (equates to at least +6000 gp)

Force Shield Mastery – Requires an item with an abjuration spell of first level or higher

Ring of protection, 2000 gp+

Restoration Mastery – Requires a conjuration (healing) spell of second level or higher.

Vest of Surgery, 3000 gp

Scarab Shield, 4399 gp

Restoration Mastery, higher function – Requires a conjuration (healing) spell of third level or higher.

Aegis of Recovery, 1500 gp. Can heal you once, so arguably cannot be used to power this feat. This item has two spells required to make it, thereby qualifying for two of these feats. As an aside, once destroyed by using the healing power, can be restored with a make whole with merely a CL 6.

Teleportation Mastery – Requires a conjuration spell of third level or higher.

Bag of Holding, minor, or Pathfinder Pouch, 1000 gp

Bookplate of Recall, 1000 gp

Robe of Infinite Twine, 1000 gp

Endless Bandolier, 1500 gp

Efficient Quiver, 1800 gp

Handy Haversack, 2000 gp. The pricier extra-dimensional spaces work as well.

Ring of Sustenance, 2500 gp

Ghost touch weapon quality +1 (equates to at least +6000 gp)

Vision Mastery – Requires a divination spell of first level or higher.

Formula Alembic, 200 gp. As if I needed more reasons to play an alchemist.

Dungeon Ring (Prisoner’s), 250 gp. Inexpensive indeed, but relatively worthless on its own merits, takes up one of two ring slots, and is difficult to remove, but there may be uses, when combined with the Dungeon Ring (Jailer’s) worn by someone else for 16000 gp.

Ring of Serene Contortions, 1200 gp. +2 unnamed bonus to Escape Artist and True strike 1/day.

Cloak of the Hedge Wizard, 2500 gp, if for some reason you aren’t wearing a Cloak of Resistance.

Eyes of the Eagle, 2500 gp. You were going to buy them anyway!

Trapspringer’s Gloves, 4000 gp

Resistance Mastery – Requires a magic armor or a worn (!) wondrous item with a second level abjuration spell or higher. No qualifying items found.
Implement Mastery – This feat is not relevant to this research. Included for completeness only.
Racial Item Mastery – This feat is not relevant to this research. Included for completeness only. Plus, weaksauce.
Symbolic Mastery – This feat is not relevant to this research. Included for completeness only.
Weapon Evoker Mastery – This feat is not relevant to this research. Included for completeness only. I believe it's a weak option.

A 9th level character (race, class largely irrelevant) with base Fort +6, I could take Ability Mastery @ 5th, Vision Mastery @ 7th & Flight Mastery @ 9th. I’ve gained +2 to a stat, Darkvision or See invisibility 2/day and Fly 1/day. I’m ‘forced’ to buy a Traveler’s Any Tool, Eyes of the Eagle to fuel those three feats. I have less than 3000 gp spent on items that would have been useful otherwise & three feats invested in some game-changing abilities that scale with my character.

Comments? What items have you found?

Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat
Prereq: Sneak attack class feature
Benefit: +1d6 Sneak attack, with an aggravating caveat.

My question is....
How is this not a Combat feat?

Is there some out-of-combat application I'm missing?

I know crafting is restricted in PFS. But to what extent?

Can a PFS character craft a club, quarterstaff, stingchuck or other 0 gp item? If so, does he retain it after the scenario?

I'm curious. What are the criteria and/or parameters for listing a product as a Top Seller? Must it be a Paizo product? Are sales totaled for the week? month? year? all time?

Please move Mythic Adventures (or whatever it's called) way down the list of messageboard forums. That is all.

I'm having to tweak a PFS character due to the recent mothballing of the Alchemist (Vivisectionist) archtype.

And apparently my google-fu is weak.

What are the classes that grant Sneak Attack?

I know of:
Rogue or Ninja
Alchemist (Vivisectionist)
Bard (Sandman)
Arcane Trickster PrC -
not what I'm looking for, as the build is on a Fighter chassis

Surely there's something else?

At the risk of mortgaging today's textspace for tomorrows...

Could you please not waste post-count with simple "Oooohs", "Aaahs", "Gimme!", "Like-button" and similar when a new release is posted? Please. It doesn't add to the conversation nor is it incentive for me to buy the product. To the contrary, if the post-count gets too high, it isn't a wise use of my time to try to get up to date with the thread.

Instead, perhaps you could nudge the publisher to release more details.
Or perhaps you could sway final editing with your wish list for inclusion. Whatever you choose, please be considerate of those of us who must wade through afterwards to get to the crux of the conversation.

Thank you.

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What is the range on the Witches hex "Ward"?

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