
Zengo Denda'rada's page

62 posts. Alias of The Master of Stories.


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M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo studies the map. "Our proximity to the great forests has me concerned. My topside brethern would certainly kill me on sight. What can you tell me of Zorian, my friend? While the road is long, it may serve us better than the closest town. We have no supplies for a long journey, however..." Zengo muses, considering the different possibilities. "We may provision in Demau and make the long trek, unless you have a compelling reason why Demau would serve our pursuits better?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

On the Map of Tharin, where have we exited?

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo pauses only for a moment. "Yes, we have, my friend. However, our immediate future was never back in those caves." He looks up at the stars, shining like jewels revealed by a lantern, in the midst of the deep, comforting night.

The wide, wide nature of the surface world serves to remind Zengo of how truly small he is. Small, almost alone, bereft of his dear friend and master, and nearly aimless. His overall purpose, becoming strong enough to show the Drow a better way of life warms his soul against the rapidly approaching chill of doubt, but how to get there remained a big, unanswered question.

Zengo, looking deep into Xaad's eyes, says "Any ideas of what to do now? If we wait around long enough, I'm sure they will reassemble a second raiding party with a secondary intent of hauling us back in chains for execution. So, I know where not to be...but where to go is another question entirely, and I am new to these lands. Any suggestions, my friend?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo looks again at the ruin of his fellow Drow, saddened that this conflict had to come to pass. Steeling his courage and promising himself time to reflect later, he continues through the portal to rejoin his friends.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo addresses Xaad. "My friend, we must pursue. If she is allowed to report back to the city, a larger party will be sent to end us. Let us stop her before this occurs!"

To J'zeera, Zengo thinks +My fierce friend, please head through the portal and see if you can locate our wayward Cleric. My thanks to you, and fly true!+

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo utilizes his inherent Detect Magic to locate the Cleric and launches a Magic Missile!

Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

J'zeera, scoffing at the spell, utilizes her inherent Blindsense to perceive where the Cleric currently is. She launches an attack!

Full Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Damage Tail: 1d3 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0
Damage Mouth: 1d3 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Caster Level Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo channels his skills for another Color Spray, directed at the Cleric. While summoning his power, Zengo communicates to his familiar. +J'zeera, attack the other warrior to my left! Fly swift, friend!+

Following a swirling of his fingers, Zengo releases Color Spray at the Priestess!

J'zeera deftly sails through the air to attack the remaining Drow warrior!

Sting: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14Damage: 1d3 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Spell Resistance: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Zengo's spell resistance fails to protect him from the fury of Lolth!

Willpower: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Zengo's will proves too great for the magical onslaught!

"Priestess of a False God, turn from your vile ways and repent!" Zengo calls back in reply.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo telepathically responds to J'Zeera +Yes, my friend. Strike true! Heed the cone of my spell in your flight so you are unaffected!+

Zengo gathers his will and casts Color Spray on the remaining Drow!

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Disguise: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Not caring much about the efficacy of his disguise, Zengo turns to Xaad and says "I will be back in a few moments. Ready yourself, friend!"

Zengo then passes through the portal, just sticking his head to the other side. As the hated light assails his eyes, Zengo wildly announces, "We are assailed! Goblins are attacking us! My brother is injured...come quickly and help!" Before waiting for a response, Zengo ducks back into the portal and returns to the cavern, positioning himself strategically.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo pauses at the question, as Xaad knows he is uninjured. Zengo then looks down at his brother's crumpled form, brains lining the floor, and realized that he has just ended one of his own family...coldly and without mercy. "Honestly, Xaad, I don't know. I will need time to process this, but we cannot afford to spend that now." Refocusing his mind on the task as hand, Zengo continues.

"Xaad, your wound looks manageable from my vantage," Zengo addresses his Brother in Arms. "If it is not, stop me now. From my perspective,we must finish this...and I have an idea."

While waiting for Xaad's reply, Zengo dips his hands into his brother's corpse and spreads blood into his hair on the right side and on his neck on the left. Bits of brain and bone he spreads on his chest.

"If you are ready, Xaad, I will lure the other Drow back in the cavern. Say the word, and I will pass through the portal with tales of a Goblin ambush from this side. We can then take them by surprise..." Zengo looks at Xaad expectantly.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Roger that!

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo prepares his Magic Missile as he addresses his Brother. "Our race is the traitor, Bromnafein...traitor to what is good and just in this world! The corrupt will be turn to the right or be cast down!" Completing the incantation, the missile flies unerringly to its target!

Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Critical Hit Threatened! Roll for additional damage:

Critical Hit Threat: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21; Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 3

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo pivots as he approaches Bromnafein to mouth the word "Now." to Xaad and then casually walks to position himself slightly behind and to the right of Bromnafein. While moving into position, Zengo focuses his attention entirely on Varaxor Despana, and addresses him. "Yes, my Brother is correct...we have questions, Varaxor. We would very much like to know why your house is falling!" Zengo casually raises his heavy crossbow as he talks, not taking his eyes off of Varaxor while speaking or moving, taking aim at the spawn of Despana. Once he is in position, he shifts the bolt to lie directly on Bromnafein's neck and, without a word, fires!

Surprise Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23; Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 5
Critical hit damage x2 = 10

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

"Stay your weapon, friend," Zengo replies. "In order to pass through this tunnel, the cleric will open a portal through a wall leading to the outside. We will not leave this cave if we attack prematurely. However, once we are through, we can use the moment of surprise to strike." Zengo ponders for a moment. "If the portal obscures vision, we can always cut them down as they pass through. But we will have to see what Eilistraee has in store for us and react accordingly. Agreed?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo is taken aback, the finality of Xaad's statement piercing to his core. He allows himself to dwell on Alliana for a few moments, hoping against hope that she wouldn't be crushed under the ruthlessness of his mother and their despicable society. "For the rest of my family, I have no charitable thoughts. All treated me cruelly, and I will not miss any of them for a moment. The trappings of my life felt more like bars then comforts. Is there anything worth missing, aside from my sister...?" Zengo steels himself and answers Xaad. "Yes, I am ready to leave. Perhaps I will return one day to convert our people. But until I am strong enough to do that, into the accursed light I must venture and dwell."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies, "Szordrin is a great Drow. He was the first and only to give me hope in a hopeless situation. And in terms of hope, I sincerely apologize for the actions of my people against you and your race, Xaad. My regret is that more of my kin do not share my sentiment. Perhaps you and I will one day be able to change their minds..." Finding himself drifting from their stated task, Zengo pauses to collect himself from the past and focus on present events. After a few moments of silence, Zengo continues. "Xaad, what do you know of our surface raid plans?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo bows deeply. "I can only hope that one day I will prove myself worthy of your trust and bounty. I have no questions, and will discharge my duties faithfully. Pray keep safe, my Master!" To J'Zeera, Zengo thinks +And hello to you, my fine friend! I look forward to getting to know you!+ Zengo tucks the Pearl of Shared Experience in an inner vestment pocket.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo takes the proffered Pearl reverently. "Thank you, my Master. I will remain ever vigilant. And Master...be careful. You know of the Matron's treacherous ways far more than I, but if they know you conspire against Lolth, you may be walking straight to your death. I will pray to Eilistraee to grant you safe passage."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo proffers a hand in friendship to Xaad. "Well met indeed! I am emboldened in my quest to turn my people from their path of evil by your presence. It is indeed good to know that others want to walk a better path!" Zengo then turns and addresses Szordrin.

"Mommy Dearest has ordered me to accompany my brother Bromnafein as the company Magic User on the upcoming surface raid. We are to interrogate Varaxor Despana on why your house has fallen out of favor. I am to do so without your permission if necessary, but would like your guidance and advice! Finally, I must report that I have had no luck thus far in finding out why the Council is ordering the light of Surmundil. I will keep at it as best as I can."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1


M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo understands his gaffe and quickly replies, "My apologies, Xaad. Offense was not intended. I am shocked that any of your species would be in your position, and hence I used a generic term. Please allow me rephrase, respectfully. May I inquire as to how you personally, Xaad the de facto Weapons Master of House Despana, managed the seemingly impossible feat of rising to a position of respect within my corrupt society?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies, "I will start with the obvious. How did an Orc survive this long, let alone maintain a position of respect, within a House of the Drow? I am having a difficult time comprehending how a Drow in our corrupt society would take instruction from anyone not of our race..." Zengo trails off, eager for the answer. "Could it be that other members of my society can be turned to the right and just?" Zengo thinks to himself.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo pauses, trying to think of a scenario where a race typically enslaved would ally with and be given a position of respect within a Drow House. Pushing aside his questions, he bows in return and replies "The honor is mine, Weapons Master." Turning to Szordrin, he continues. "Beloved Master, I return to you not with answers to the questions you seek but with news of a pending attack on your House." Looking between the two other inhabitants of the room, Zengo continues. "But I see I was the topic of conversation as I walked in, so I defer to your judgment on what we will discuss first." Zengo bows deeply.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Khaayne focuses his will and attention into his Bonded Falchion to clear his mind and to make his strike precise.

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo approaches the guard standing outside the Hall where his mother and sisters are conversing. "Guard, please notify Honored Matron that I am requesting of Archmage Szordrin to be the rading party's Mage this year. I will be back within an hour if she requires any more conversation with me." Not expecting or asking for acknowledgment, Zengo continues playing his role as the Elderboy and leaves without waiting for a response. He begins his journey back to the domicile of Archmage Szordrin.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies, "Sadly, very little. I feel that the Archmage takes no joy in causing the light, but that does not stop him from performing his duties. He will not speak on the matter to me, a mere apprentice. Ah well, maybe our foray to the surface will cast off some of the mystery..." Thinking that it might build a bit more comraderie, Zengo continues, in a slightly conspiratorial tone. "Are our sisters torturing you as much as I, Brother?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies with feigned ease around his brother, knowing that in this relationship he slightly has the upper hand by mere rank order by birth. "The thrill of the hunt sets my blood afire like any good drow...but I personally can use less of the glare of the hated sun. Leaves me with a splitting headache for days after." Zengo muses to himself, "My fact finding mission for my beloved master has been, thus far, a bust. Mayhaps my younger sibling has heard something in his travels..." Continuing on, Zengo speaks after a brief pause. "Do you think the light of Surmundil is designed to toughen us up, or punish us? I have not heard of any true rationale for this torture, brother mine...have you?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies quickly, "Of course, Honored Matron. Provided, of course, that my Master Szordrin releases me from any duties for that foray. I would not wish to arouse suspicion in another Despana by shirking my responsibilities to him for what presumably is a routine event normally conducted by Varaxor alone."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies, "I look forward to the time, Honored Matron, when my power can rival my current Master's. In service to our House." Zengo bows even further. Zengo's mind races. "That was too close. I dare not pry into the purpose of the Light of Surmundil right now, lest suspicion fall upon me for asking too many questions. I will wait until dismissed to hear if anyone else offers something that can illuminate the Council's dark rationales." Zengo remains bowed, waiting for someone else to speak and the collective attention of his wicked house to pass from him.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo does not move from his position, and keeps the same demeanor of deference in place. "Exalted Matron, although Szordrin Despana is from a rival house, I cannot find fault in any of his actions. He has held himself above reproach, and his service to our Glorious Goddess is inspiring. I can only hope to match his devotion and service in my meager life. My sincerest apologies for not being of more use to you."

Zengo reflects for a moment, then continues.

"If you would forgive the muddled thoughts of a male, I would bring an observation to bear. Szordrin's teaching dictate not to leave powerful enemies unchecked, or the foe you face one day may become too strong to overcome. If Szordrin's actions were in question, wouldn't he be in front of the High Inquisitors right now due to his obvious power as an Archmage, rather than having his house chided? It would seem a less powerful foe angered our Puissant Spider Goddess, to warrant such an action from Her..."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Knowing full well that all assembled understand that Zengo is apprenticed to Szordrin Despana, Zengo quickly thinks on what he can say that would deflect suspicion. Remaining kneeling and with his gaze firmly on the ground, Zengo replies. "Most Honored Matron, I report that I had a conversation with my Master, Szordrin Despana, on matters not directly related to my studies. In my weakness, my body must have betrayed that the light of Surmundil caused me lasting pain. Szordrin commented that the light was, and I quote, 'brutal this cycle'. When I agreed and confessed my discomfort, he derided me for my weakness. Perhaps Almighty Lolth is displeased that he labelled her will in ungrateful terms? Of course, there is an additional impossible explanation..." After a slight pause, as if mulling if it were even worth the trouble speaking, Zengo continues. "Of course, if the light of Surmundil, which Szordrin casts, is somehow displeasing Almighty Lolth, that would certainly cause removal of favor. But that's impossible as the High Priestesses declare it is the will of the Goddess herself."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo allows the briefest sighs of relief to escape his lips. "Poor, lost Triarra. Our society takes fragile souls like hers and twists them beyond all compass, leaving ruins that can only spew forth hate and fear. That being said, at least she left disappointed. If I were cut from frailer cloth, I would be planning her assassination right now. Ah well, I hope to one day proudly announce my utter failure to be a 'real drow' to the world..." With that, Zengo begins the ascent up the grand staircase to the main receiving chamber, where Sinnafae often holds court. "Now, I wonder what Mommie Dearest could want with the likes of me...I need to maintain focus, for she is not nearly as impetuous as sis, and therefore far more dangerous..."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo maintains his deferential demeanor, and not breaking his gaze from its position, replies simply "Then it is a fortunate thing for me indeed. Is there anything you require of me this moment, High Priestess, or do I have your leave to cease offending you with my presence?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo, having experienced years of ridicule and pain at Triarra's whims, is well versed on how to deal with her cruelty. Meekly, Zengo stares at a spot on the ground two feet in front of her boots, and bows his form in supplication. Quietly, head bent, he responds to her implied taunt. "Sincerest thanks to you, High Priestess, for taking the time to address me. I know many more worthy things fill your day than addressing your underlings. In response, the hateful light of Surmundil burns in my head even yet, continuing the torture given to us by the council for reasons which a lower form such as myself cannot understand..." Zengo allows his words to trail off, assessing if Triarra, in her arrogance, will reveal any details of the council's plans.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

"Yes, my Master, your wisdom is as always sound. I will return tomorrow with any news I may gather." Zengo bows deeply and makes his way back to the domicile of House Denda'rada.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo's mind swims with possibilities. A benevolent, self sacrificing Drow Goddess! "Clearly, I must devote my life to this Wondrous Being! Dare I think that I could influence others to follow a True Teacher, and turn from the path of wickedness that we blindly follow out of misplaced rage and fictitious hurts?" Zengo focuses on his Master once more. "Only one, my Master. How can I best serve Eilistraee and redeem our people?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo beams a smile almost as bright as the Surmundil. Zengo bows his head in supplication, and raising his gaze to again meet his master's, says to Szordrin, "Yes, My Master! The isolation I have felt stemming from my beliefs and vigilance I have had to exercise to not reveal those to anyone have been daunting in my short life...I am in awe that you have maintained this facade for centuries! Anything you ask of me I will gladly undertake."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo catches his breath and stares into his Master’s eyes, looking for signs to confirm his hopes. Knowing this may be yet another test of this convoluted and backbiting society that he was unwillingly born into, he begins to speak further words of probing. Before they escape his lips, he closes his mouth. “Who is this drow to me?” Zengo thinks to himself. "At any point, my views could have been discovered. Perhaps they already have been…but if so, he would not be alone in these chambers, risking me to claim he sowed sedition. Who is this drow? My master, and the one I trust most. Time to prove that.” After the pause for his internal monologue, Zengo utters deliberately, “I would gladly accept any task you would bestow upon me, Trusted Master. I have always been at odds with the Drow way, so this task hints at being in line with my true self.”

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo blinks a few times to clear the offensive light from his eyes, and mentally prepares himself for the upcoming dull headache which will last for several hours’ time. "Yes, Master. Although I am not questioning the wisdom of our Priestesses, and trust that the whims of Almighty Lolth are purposeful, we are left to endure. And endure we will, as we are strong.” Zengo says the last sentence with a mixture of resolve and self-pity. Brightening a bit, so to speak, Zengo asks of Szordin, "Master, of what lessons will you impart this day?” Zengo realizes that his salvation lies in the knowledge of how to defend and eventually lead, and both require power.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies, "Sadly, very little. I feel that the Archmage takes no joy in causing the light, but that does not stop him from performing his duties. He will not speak on the matter to me, a mere apprentice. Ah well, maybe our foray to the surface will cast off some of the mystery..." Thinking that it might build a bit more comraderie, Zengo continues, in a slightly conspiratorial tone. "Are our sisters torturing you as much as I, Brother?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies with feigned ease around his brother, knowing that in this relationship he slightly has the upper hand by mere rank order by birth. "The thrill of the hunt sets my blood afire like any good drow...but I personally can use less of the glare of the hated sun. Leaves me with a splitting headache for days after." Zengo muses to himself, "My fact finding mission for my beloved master has been, thus far, a bust. Mayhaps my younger sibling has heard something in his travels..." Continuing on, Zengo speaks after a brief pause. "Do you think the light of Surmundil is designed to toughen us up, or punish us? I have not heard of any true rationale for this torture, brother mine...have you?"

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies quickly, "Of course, Honored Matron. Provided, of course, that my Master Szordrin releases me from any duties for that foray. I would not wish to arouse suspicion in another Despana by shirking my responsibilities to him for what presumably is a routine event normally conducted by Varaxor alone."

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo replies, "I look forward to the time, Honored Matron, when my power can rival my current Master's. In service to our House." Zengo bows even further. Zengo's mind races. "That was too close. I dare not pry into the purpose of the Light of Surmundil right now, lest suspicion fall upon me for asking too many questions. I will wait until dismissed to hear if anyone else offers something that can illuminate the Council's dark rationales." Zengo remains bowed, waiting for someone else to speak and the collective attention of his wicked house to pass from him.

M Drow Drow Wizard 1 / Init + 3 / HP 5 / AC 13+ring / CMB 2/3 , CMD 15 / F + 3, R + 6, W + 6 / Hero Points 1

Zengo does not move from his position, and keeps the same demeanor of deference in place. "Exalted Matron, although Szordrin Despana is from a rival house, I cannot find fault in any of his actions. He has held himself above reproach, and his service to our Glorious Goddess is inspiring. I can only hope to match his devotion and service in my meager life. My sincerest apologies for not being of more use to you."

Zengo reflects for a moment, then continues.

"If you would forgive the muddled thoughts of a male, I would bring an observation to bear. Szordrin's teaching dictate not to leave powerful enemies unchecked, or the foe you face one day may become too strong to overcome. If Szordrin's actions were in question, wouldn't he be in front of the High Inquisitors right now due to his obvious power as an Archmage, rather than having his house chided? It would seem a less powerful foe angered our Puissant Spider Goddess, to warrant such an action from Her..."

Organized Play Characters

Dark Archive Meru of the Bow

Female Human Psychic 1 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Korvold Hammerfall
(0 posts)
Fey Friend
Liberty's Edge Paphlagon

Male Gnome Kineticist 3 (0 posts)
Erdrinneir Vonnarc
Dark Archive Ballivarto

Male Wayang Arcanist 1 (0 posts)

The Exchange Q'aramir

Male Elf Investigator 1 (0 posts)
Ancient Solar Dragon
Liberty's Edge Arlen PC7

Male Gunslinger 1 (0 posts)
Ancient Solar Dragon
Liberty's Edge Yugeroc
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Little Ian

Half-elf (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Lady Dominelia

Female Elf (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Bes and Friends

Female Gnome Cleric 1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Kalikah

Female Human (Shoanti) Slayer 1 (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Grunthor, Breaker of Chains

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor of Milani 2 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Sir Petrichor

Male, kind of Vine Leshy Kineticist 1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Lǎn Wu

Male Conjurer 1 (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Fiona Hellbender

Female Kitsune Mesmerist 1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Kragnar Reaverson
(0 posts)
Div, Sepid
The Concordance Taramis Wan Feng

Male Wayang Swashbuckler 1 Bloodrager 1 Occultist 1 (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Kal-Tsung

Male Nagaji Scaled Fist 1 (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Tbd techslinger
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Sasha Yelizaveta
(0 posts)

The Concordance Toki Masahanu

Male Ratfolk Psychic 1 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Red Zadilon

Grippli (0 posts)
Wayfinders Ripkord

Male Ysoki Mechanic 1 (0 posts)
Scrapwall Fanatic
Liberty's Edge Talmigoro

Male Half-Orc Thunderstriker/Slayer (0 posts)