Magaambya Priest

Zengi'a's page

5 posts. Alias of Kazmanaught.


HP:80|BaB:8/3|AC:25 T:13 FF:23|Fort:9 Ref:6 Will:16|Init+8


About Zengi'a

Zengi'a, NG Human Halcyon Druid 11 [Favored Class Druid HPx11]
HP:80|BaB:8/3|AC:25 T:13 FF:23|Fort:9 Ref:6 Will:16|Init+8
Str: 8 =-1
Dex: 14 =2
Con: 12 =1
Int: 14 =2
Wis: 16+2+1+1+6 =8
Cha: 10 =0

Race Stuff:
+1 sp/lvl
+2 Wisdom
+1 feat

Skills: Ranks Stat Class Misc Total
Knowledge Plains 11 2 Y 0 16
Heal 11 8 Y 5 25
Knowledge Religion 11 2 Y 0 16
Perception 11 8 Y 0 20
Knowledge Local 9 2 Y 5 19
Diplomacy 11 0 Y 5 19
Sense Motive 11 8 N 0 19
Survivl 2 8 Y 0 15
Knowledge History 1 2 Y 0 6
Knowledge Geography 1 2 Y 0 6
Knowledge Engineering 1 2 Y 0 6
Knowledge Nobility 1 2 Y 0 6
Lingustics 7 2 N 0 9
Craft Mask 11 2 Y 0 16

Class Features:
Bonded Mask: 1/day cast any spell known
Well trained: Diplomacy and all knowledges are class skills
Peacekeeper: +.5/lvl to knowledge local and diplomacy
Spontanious casting: Spntanious spells into spells off of the good domain instead of summon nature's ally (protection from evil, align weapon, magic circle against evil, holy smite, dispel evil, blade barrier)
Natural Arcana: 4th, and every even level, learn two wizard spells of a level 1 lower than max spell level
-4th: Enlarge Person, Crafter's Fortune
-6th: Web, Mirror Image
-8th: Haste, Slow
-10th: Black Tentacles, Solid Fog
Resist Fiendish Influence: +4 on Saving throws against abilities/spells of evil outsiders, or spells with the evil descriptor
Woodland Stride: Natural difficult terrain doesn't work
Trackless Step: Leave no trail, can't be tracked
Venom Immunity: Immune to poisons

Human: Healer's Hands
1st: Improved Initative
3rd: Spell Focus Conjuration
5th: Skill Unlock Heal
7th: Spell Focus Transmutation
9th: Greater Spell Focus Conjuration
11th: Greater Spell Focus Transmutation

Birthmark: +2 vs charm/compulsion, Holy symbol on hand
Reactionary: +2 to initative

Headband of Wisdom +6 (36,000)
+2 Heavy Wooden Sheild (4157)
+1 Green Dragonhide Breastplate (1600)
+1 Amulet of natural armor (2000)
+1 Ring of Deflection (2000)
+1 Cloak of Resistance
Evergreen Seed Pouch (16,000)
Healer's Satchel (1500)
Healer's Gloves (2500)
2 castings of Hallow (2000)
Ectoplasmic Metamagic Rod (11,000)
Masterwork Quarterstaff (300)

Spells marked with a * are cast at DC +2
0's: (Usual Loadout: Detect Magic, Guidance, Create Water, Mending)
1sts(DC 19): (Usual Loadout: Windy EscapeX2* Produce Flame, entangle* Enlarge Person* 1 open slot)
2nds(DC 20): (Usual Loadout: Web*, Mirror Image, Stonecall*, Barkskin*, Wilderness Soldiers*, 1 open slot)
3rds(DC 21): (Usual Loadout: Hastex2*, Slow, Sleet storm*, Feather Step Mass*, Aqueous Orb* 1 open slot)
4ths(DC 22): (Usual Loadout: Black Tentacles* Solid Fog*, Freedom of Movement, River of Wind 1 open slot)
5th(DC 23): (Usual Loadout: Wall of Thorns*, DeathwardX2
6th(DC 24): (Usual Loadout: Greater Black Tentacles* 1 open slot)

Good spells for the future: Wall of stone, Source Severance


The Mwangi expanse is quite a distance from the land of Katheer. So what then is a lone Halcyon druid doing so far away from the Mwangi tribes, the great city, and the academy that he calls home?
Zengi'a is a pragmatic man. He grew up in a small village just outside the city of Nantambu. His parents, wanting something more for their son, who was weak for a tribesman, but was gifted with a thirst for knowledge, sent him to the Magaambya. A man can learn much of magic there, it has been said.
Indeed, Zengi'a learned quite a great deal of magic while he was there. The Magaambya synthesizes divine and arcane castings to try and create something greater than the sum of it's parts. Zengi'a was a natural at this. He felt a deep kinship with the natural aspects of the world, and fell into druidic circles. However, his naturally curious mind always kept him in contact with the academy to refine his understanding of magical theory. Many years passed, and Zengi'a became an accomplished servant of the Green Faith; serving to bring the peoples of the Mwangi together, and defend them against incursions from outer planes, most often the servants of the demon lord Angazhan. Slow to anger, and gracious almost to a fault, he was nonetheless a deadly foe, capable of weaving a variety of dangerous magics, and wielding the very earth itself to destroy unnatural blights. His parents grew more and more proud of him every time he came to visit, and he would tell them of his exploits, keeping the land safe.
Let it not be said that Zengi'a reveled in the violence he brought down upon the foes of the Magaambya. His biggest joy in life was healing those who were in need. Many a village has been saved by Zengi'a's cleansing magics. Many a child has had their bones set by him. Those who are familiar with divine magics often mistake him for a paladin, but he will always gently correct them. "Just a man who knows the right way to ask a body to heal itself."
One day, one of the great diviners of the Magaambya asked to see Zengi'a. She told him that she had seen a great danger to the entirety of Golarion; a festering cancer on a different continent that if left unchecked, could result in the entire world being overrun by the spirits of the dead, a new and terrible god would usher in an order that was antithetical to life. "Worse than demons," she said, "For at least a demon's motivation is known to man. They are base creatures. To fight a truly clever foe that was once mortal is an entirely different story." She said more things to him then, secret things, She told him that she had seen a group who would stand against the tide of madness, and that she had seen him with that group. He must travel to Ustalav, to meet with them, and to offer them his assistance.
Zengi'a left that day. He was not pleased, but what could he do? The diviner had never been wrong before. Zengi'a had studied the undead before, in his studies of the Magaambya. He had even fought the occasional flood zombie, or self-styled juju priest. But he never thought he would see the day that The Whispering Way would strike against the free peoples of Golarion. Even if it never reached the Mugwampi, it was his duty to help all the people of the land.
It was a dangerous journey for the druid. After all, he had never left the Expanse. But after a long year of travel, he is finally near Ustalav. Maybe then, the ramblings of the seer would make sense. But as he traveled, he could never quite shake the feeling that something just beyond his perception was always looking at him, sneering at the audacity of the bug that dared approach.

The mask that Zengi'a wears should be frightening. After all, it has a carving of a fierce beast on it. But the true nature of an Agathon shines through even the rough carvings of a novice druid. He is dark skinned, and wears heavy clothing in the relative cold of Ustalav. He carries no weapons, save a walking stick, but has a heavy wooden shield slung across his back. His eyes can be seen through his mask, and they are kind. One hand has a strange mark upon it that bears a striking resemblance to the Mwangi symbol for the Greenfaith.