
Zelim Kurlian's page

No posts. Organized Play character for AdAstraGames.

Full Name

Zelim Kurlian




Cross-blooded Orc/Efreeti Sorcerer 4







Special Abilities

Darkvision 90', Auto Stabilizes, Remains Conscious to -14 HP, Resist Fire 10






Orc, Ignan, Common, Abyssal


Hot Oil Cook

Strength 7
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 17

About Zelim Kurlian

Zelim Kurlian

Half-Orc, Sacred Tattoos, Shaman's Apprentice.

STR 7 [-4], DEX 15+1 [7], CON 14 [5], INT 14 [5], WIS 10 [0], CHA 15+2 [7]

Traits: Magical Lineage: Acid Arrow, Seeker (Perception as class skill)

Feats: Endurance (from Shaman's Apprentice), Diehard (1st Level), Point Blank Shot (3rd)

Favored Class Bonus:
1st: +0.5 Fire Damage on spells.
2nd: +0.5 Fire Damage on spells.
3rd: +0.5 Fire Damage on spells.
4th: +0.5 Fire Damage on spells.

Skills (4 ranks per level, 16 total)
Stealth (3+3+2) Includes +2 MW Tools
Intimidate (4+3+3+2+2) Includes +2 MW Tools
Perception (4+3+0+1)
Bluff (2+3+3)
Survival (1+3+0)
Knowledge (arcana) (1+3+2+2)Includes +2 MW Tools
Knowledge (planes) (1+3+2+2)Includes +2 MW Tools

AC 13/17, +4 Init, HP 26, Diehard.

Saves: Fort: 1+2+1 = +4, +8 in some circumstances. Reflex: 1+3+1 = +5. Will: 4+0+1-2=+3

Spells (-1 spell known for each spell level.):

Bloodline Arcana (Both Orc and Efreeti):
Orc: Darkvision 90', Light Sensitivity, +1 Damage per Die on Damage Causing Spells.
Efreeti: Change any spell energy description to Fire at time of casting.

Bloodline Power (1st): Touch of Rage (6/day): Touch someone as standard action, they get +1 morale bonus to Hit, Damage, Will Saves on their next round. Bonus scales at +1/2 caster level. Currently +2/+2/+2

Bloodline Power (3rd): Resist Fire 10. Becomes Resist Fire 20 at 9th.

0th: At Will
Mage Hand
Ray of Frost/Fire, 30', Ranged Touch, 1d3+4 damage.
Ghost Sound

1st: 7/day
Snowball (Fort DC 14 to avoid staggering, 4d6+4 Cold or 4d6+6 Fire Damage)
Enlarge Person, 4 minutes
Vanish, 4 rounds

2nd: 4/day

Gold Title XP PA
150 Initial Gold
417 First Steps I 1 2
459 MotFF 1 1
1398 Thornkeep I 3 4
1200 Library of Lion 1 2
3711 Masks Living Gd 1 2

7335 GP, Equipment is 2810 used, 4525 Unspent.


Used Equipment: 20 GP
Alchemist's Fire [_][_] (40 GP)
MW Tools: Intimidating Mask (Intimidate MW tools) (50 GP)
MW Tools: Rigging Tape (Stealth MW tools) (50 GP)
MW Tools: Books (MW tools for Knowledge (arcana) (50 GP)
MW Tools: Books (MW tools for Knowledge (planes) (50 GP)
MW Backpack: STR 8 for Encumbrance
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (+1 Init Mod) (500 GP)
Wand Magic Missiles (23/50) (2 PA)
Wand Infernal Healing (42/50) (2 PA)
Wand Mage Armor (43/50) (2 PA)
Gloves of Reconnaissance (2000 GP)

Zelim is a whippet-thin half orc with a sway-back who is utterly hairless on his exposed skin - even his arms lack hairs. His skin is a dappled gray and is covered with traceries of silver tattoos. He dresses in brown and gray cotton with loose flowing clothes, and usually leaves skin exposed unless the weather is fiercely brutal. Unlike most Pathfinders, he doesn't go about bedecked like a knick knack shop; he has a heavy knife in the back of his belt, and a pair of sais in the front.

Local legend has it that Zelim is the child of an Efreet mother bound and raped repeatedly in binding circle in the highlands of Qadira, and within the tribe, he's known as the man of a dozen fathers. In an attempt to break his spirit, and to keep him from maturing into a threat, he was dropped off a cliff as a child; the resulting fall broke several vertebra in his spine, and they never healed straight; he is as fast as any Orc, but has trouble lifting much weight over his head or moving his shoulders through a full range of motion. He experiences a small amount of pain in turning his neck to the left, and even by Orcish standards, his childhood was brutal...until his powers manifested. He learned early that it is better to be feared than to be kicked, and that loyalty was, by and large, a mistake.

He was throwing jets of ice and flame from the age that he could walk. His first spell was learning to harden the air around him to fend off blows from his master. By the time he was fifteen, he realized that his fate was to be a crippled slave in Orcish society - a useful slave, but a slave nonetheless. While he's agile and quick and clever, and the fire of fury runs deep in his liver...his only way out was to kill his mentor, and to leave the tribe in the ensuing chaos.

Or he needed to arrange the murder of his mentor. He did so, manipulating a particularly...amoral Pathfinder into killing one of his fathers. Colm caught Zelim stealing the skull from the body, and eventually put two and two together. He was mildly impressed. He became more impressed when he saw the lad string out his mentor's body to attract buzzards and cooked, stunned and mostly killed them in midair to eat.

"Huh. Efficent. Clever. Take this." He handed Zelim a card with strange runes on them, slung his bow over his shoulder, and left the teenaged and gangly half-orc in the Qadiran highlands.

The card, given to him by Colm Kenrick, took Zelim seven months to find someone who could translate it. It read "When you can read this, make your way to Absalom."

He has done so - and while he fell in with the Qadiran merchants because they provided his passage, loyalty is far from his strongest motivation. Colm has sent one of his proteges to mentor and mind over Zelim.

Zelim generates a modest income between missions doing a little bit of freelance vermin control and running a protection racket.