
Zeldenhandel's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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I was just thinking. What if the Eye of Abendego, the World Wound and the fall of Lung Wa aren't caused by the death of Aroden?
What if these things and Aroden's death are actually all the symptoms and/or consequences of something else?

Prophecy seems to be center to a lot of the stuff that surrounds the whole mystery.
In the Lands of the Linnorm Kings a lot of magic users simply die when their prophetic powers fail them.
The prophecies of the Lirgeni also fail, causing them to be unprepared for the destruction of their kingdom and apparently also causing some of them to commit suicide.
One of the most high profile prophecies that fails, is obviously the one about Aroden.

But do the other prophecies fail, because the prophecy about Aroden failed?
Or is the prophecy about Aroden's return just one of many prophecies that failed?
And if so, what or who is causing the prophecies to fail?

And how does the voyage of the Lirgen's Glory figure into all of this?
Are the Dominion of the Black, the Emissary from Beyond and the deities of the Dark Tapestry involved? Specifically Aucturn and its strange relation to Golarion?
Did the crash of the Divinity draw the attention of the Dominion of the Black to Golarion, starting the whole series of events?

What about Starfinder's Gap and the disappearance of Golarion?