
Zehameti Golkami's page

104 posts. Organized Play character for Khouri P..

I have a question about rewards for the 5th mini-quest "Prophesy" in 8-16 House of Harmonious Wisdom before I GM it.

House of Harmonious Wisdom (Prophecy) pg.31 conclusion:
"If the PCs return to Ashima with the bejeweled scroll case, Mai Chun is ecstatic. The entire town celebrates the PCs’ triumph in the temple square. If the PCs also persuaded Song Rui to return to Ashima with them, Mai Chun and the old princess get on famously, and the phantom flits awkwardly about the riotous village party to celebrate the PCs’ success. Mai Chun pledges to publish an entire book of interviews based on their conversations, and she delights in trading poetic couplets with the well-educated phantom. A local representative of the Sun Shogun provides a reward of 3,000 gp AND access to a store of magical talismans in gratitude; if the PCs do not return the scroll case to Mai Chun, cross off the Sun Shogun Talismans reward from the PCs’ Chronicle sheets.

If the PCs gave away the scroll case to a foreign agent, they receive the reward offered by the agent and nothing more."

To me, I would take this literally, as in, these are the rewards based on who you give the scroll case to:

-> Chun Mai -> 3000 EXTRA gold AND Sun Shogun Talismans boon on chronicle sheets
-> Jianghong -> "Marvelous Pigments" purchase option on Chronicle sheets
-> Jiang Fei -> "Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2" purchase option on Chronicle sheets
-> Yue Xin -> a writ of exchange for the "Star of Changdo," a diamond worth 5,000 gp. The diamond can be claimed in Po Li with the signed writ. (Also NOT mentioned on chronicle sheet!)

Yet there is not actually anything on the Chronicle sheet to notate that, in fact the text seems contradictory because the Chronicle sheet says:

Chronicle Sheet: "Variable Rewards" wrote:
The gold, XP, and Prestige Points you earn on this Chronicle sheet are based on YOUR LEVEL and HOW MANY OF THE QUESTS YOU COMPLETE. [...] Calculate your rewards for this chronicle sheet based on the table below."

...but with no mention of the specifically variable monetary rewards in mini-quest 5 "Prophesy."

I can find no other discussion of this anywhere online?

Does her listed stealth (+9) include the cloak of elvenkind? It seems low - I get +2 DEX, +1 rank (could have up to 4 but who knows), +3 class bonus because bard = at least +6 without the cloak, could be up to +9 if she took a rank at every level, but the cloak gives +5, so the total should be at least +11, right?

Right now, based on my math I'm assuming the +9 does NOT include the cloak.

ALSO it says The Lair with the Sphinx shows only last as long as she can keep up Minor Image, which says concentration +2 rounds and her concentration is +7. HOWEVER 9 rounds is only 54 seconds - do they really limit the Sphinx "shows" to less than a minute? That seems incredibly short and suspicious. Maybe it is supposed to be suspicious.

Murder's Mark Ejtehah (-4), Ghermez (-7), Magdelina (-1), Molvil (-0), Nilah (-5), Salmok (-6)

Discussion thread. Please give a brief OOC description of your character for your allies' benefit. IC descriptions can go on the Gameplay tab.

I have entered (most of) your info into the google slides already, but also I prefer doing day job and boon rolls closer to the end of the adventure, but if you want to do that now before you forget, feel free.

Rules questions or clarifications can go here as well. I recognize some of my players as my former GMs so feel free to add info or correct me if I am unsure about something.

Hello! Thank you for your interest!

A little about me:
I've been playing Pathfinder 1e for years, and have both played and GMed this module before, but never GMed a PbP before, so it will be a bit of learning experience! I do have a little GM experience (mostly running noob games) but not a lot, which is why I like PbP because it gives me time to look up rules I'm unsure about.

A little about the game:
Basically, it's a murder mystery set in a circus in Varisia. It's for level 1 only, but is an evergreen so you can play it with more than 1 character. (See campaign description for more detail and trigger warnings.)
I will expect the standard posting of at least 1 post each day, if you know you will be unavailable for a short term please let me know so I can bot you. Everyone should also have a botting section on their profile please so I know what your standard operating procedure is.
I am NOT planning to start immediately, as my other gameday events are still coming to a close, so give me about a week or so to get set up.

A little about your application:
The scenario is written for 4 players only, and since I am relatively inexperienced I am sticking with that suggestion for now. Priority will be given to people who have not played this module before. Other than that it will pretty much be first come first serve (unless I get more than half of the party as the same class or something then I might use a bit of discretion in selection)

Please post the following info to be considered:
PfS #:
Slow Track or Normal:
Have you played or GMed this scenario before?:
Have you played play-by-post before?:

Anything else you want me to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

Murder's Mark Ejtehah (-4), Ghermez (-7), Magdelina (-1), Molvil (-0), Nilah (-5), Salmok (-6)

Please dot and delete ONCE ACCEPTED. More to come soon.