As the towering Half-Orc rises then sits, the seat next to him seems to move of its own volition... followed by wheezing shuffles until from behind the table steps a rotund halfling that wearing dark, hooded robes. His prodigious grey beard follows the contour of his rounded belly whilst hiding much of his face, leaving only a large bulbous nose sticking out from the sea of wild hair.
The old halfling steadies himself, then bows before addressing Jenneleth in a high, creaky voice akin to a rocking chair or door needing oiled;
"Greetings my dear. I am Zeebo Softfeather, an acquaintance of Master Geldzauberer... and despite appearances am not a gnome! Perish the thought I say! Gno, I am, merely a well-fed, well-read halfling of... mature, yes mature years... Like a cheese I have got better with age!"
He begins a wheezing giggle at his own joke, then coughs to compose himself. Tapping his large nose he whispers;
"I know a smidge of this, smidge of that and a pinch of magic... Now... did someone mention cheese?"
Zeebo disappears from view then pops himself up onto the chair, small hands reaching for a truckle of cave-aged Stinky Abbott[1]...
[1]: A pungent cheese kept in underground caves until ripe by an Order of mendicant cheese mongers.