ZebulonXenos |
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Well, my group has been having some tumultuous times recently, so we've basically disintegrated a little more than midway through Part 2. So I can't share much beyond that.
From a purely DM perspective, I though the first adventure was, well, not worth the time. We had already played a couple of short adventures with the characters, and I thought the first adventure might be necessary for the story to make sense - which was completely and totally wrong. Since I was kind of in a rush to keep things from falling apart I prepped the first adventure without carefully checking the tie-ins, scaled the number of encounters back and made them individually stronger so we came out the other end at the appropriate level, and we still had a horrible time. The hostage rescue thing was a nice angle - and about the only thing the group liked (including the RP in town). The dungeon crawl was rated just sort of 'bleh' to 'I never want to see this god-forsaken hellhole again'.
The second entry was better - I really enjoyed some of the detailing for the city, and the atmosphere is generally much better. The pacing's also better (in my opinion at least), and there are a couple of really cool battles in there. The maps also seem to be generally more open, which was a boon for our large party.
All in all, I think it could go either way - it seems to have a rocky start followed by a solid continuation, especially if what other people say is true. It seems it's a shame that campaign fell apart from me. Hope it goes better for your group!