
Zayobo's page

41 posts. Organized Play character for Brian Minhinnick (RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16).


EAC 14, KAC 16; SP 8/8, HP 10/13, RP 1/4; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2 (+2 vs fear); Perc. +0

About Zayobo

Male vesk mercenary soldier 1
N Medium humanoid (vesk)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +0

SP 8 HP 13 RP 4
EAC 14; KAC 16
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +2; +2 vs. fear effects

Speed 30 ft.

Melee tactical doshko +4 (1d12+3 P; analog, unwieldy) or
unarmed +4 (1d3+3 B)

Ranged light reaction cannon +4 (1d10 P; penetrating)

frag grenade I +4 (explode [15 ft., 1d6 P, DC 13])

shock grenade I +4 (explode [15 ft., 1d8 E, DC 13])

Offensive Abilities primary fighting style (blitz)

Str 16 (+3); Dex 16 (+3); Con 13 (+1); Int 8 (–1); Wis 10 (+0);
Cha 10 (+0)

Skills Athletics +6, Intimidate +4, Survival +4; (reduce the
DCs of Culture and Profession [mercenary] checks by
5 when recalling knowledge about military procedures
and personnel)

Feats Mobility

Languages Common, Vesk

Combat Gear mk 1 serums of healing (2), frag grenades I (2),
shock grenade; Other Gear troop ceremonial plate, light
reaction cannon with 18 heavy rounds, tactical doshko,
everyday clothing, field rations (1 week), hygiene kit,
personal comm unit, credstick (9 credits)

Low-Light Vision: Can see in dim light as if it were
normal light.

Mobility: Gains a +4 bonus to her AC against
attacks of opportunity she provokes by moving out of a
threatened square.

Natural Weapons: Unarmed attacks deal lethal
damage and aren’t considered archaic.

Light Reaction Cannon This two-handed ranged weapon
can be fired six times before it must be reloaded. When
damaging objects, it ignores 1 point of hardness.

Mk 1 Serum of Healing Drinking this serum restores 1d8 HP.

Tactical Doshko This two-handed weapon can be used to
make only a single attack each round due to its unwieldy
special quality.