Hobgoblin Battle Priest

Zarzakor, Hittite Warlord's page

2 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


RETCON EDIT: Zarzakor the Destroyer hasn't been frozen in temporal stasis for over 4,000 years, but over 3,000 years, close to four k... He was imprisoned in 1,643 BC, during Hittite hobgoblin attacks on Syria...

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

He nods,

"Yes good idea, see what's inside 1st, then open. Lets go to the empty cell and test to see which key can lock and open that. Then we will know the other key dose the other cell."

He heads off to the cells.

Lord Perpireen unlocks one of the two holding cells and the adamantine door slides to the side, revealing a circular vault beyond...

The vault contains no furnishings, and is inhabited by a single occupant, a muscular hobgoblin male clad in archaic fashion (the pelts of prehistoric beasts, and bronze helmet, bracers, breastplate, and greaves)...

The hobgoblin is apparently unarmed, though still armored, and is kneeling at the center of the vault, with adamantine shackles, manacles and chains secured to the floor...

As the door opens, the temporal stasis effect that has kept him in suspended animation for some four thousand years now is dispelled...

He looks at the two fey standing in the doorway and scowls, then roars something in an unknown tongue at them!

I am ZARZAKOR THE DESTROYER!! I demand that you release me at once!!

Zarzakor was a fearsome Hittite warlord who sacked the cities of the Assyrian Empire back some two thousand five hundred years before the birth of Christ. He was finally captured and imprisoned here in the holding cell of the Black Pyramid by the famous Assyrian Queen Semiramis, a powerful immortal dark elf sorceress, and has been frozen in temporal stasis ever since (over 4,000 years!)...