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Liberty's Edge

I am just looking for an opinion on if Summon Good Monster Feat should work with Summon Natures Ally.

(context) This is for a home game of Reign of Winter. I am playing a Gnome Wind Shaman who just made friends w Larry the Lantern Archon to slay bad (Demons) things. My thought would be to use Summon Good Monster to summon more Lantern Archons in the future w Larry to lead them.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Orlando

There is a new listing in the Available Sanctioned Events for Sanctioned APs, which includes Shattered Star and Rise of the Runelords 5th Anniversary edition.

Can we please get an update on how this is going to work?
I assume that credit won't be applied to PC's but DM's and Players will get some sort of boon? Maybe DM's will get Scenario Credit?

Please enlighten us...

It would be great to get some Society credit for running these Epic events.

yours in Gaming.

Liberty's Edge

I am quite upset that when I summoned my Infernal Dolphin this weekend, I was not able to put a mini on the board..

I hope Paizo does something to combat this gross injustice to our Aquatic Minions.

I was so looking forward to crossing State Lines with my Infernal Porpises

Thank you

Orlando, FL

Liberty's Edge

I need some advice.

when Pathfinder first started, a couple friends of mine gave me a great character idea, that I started playing, when I started into Pathfinder Chronicles. Something no one would Orc Wizard. He's a Universalist, with a Bonded Item, which is a Falchion, of course.

I am a whole-hearted Roleplayer, not a rules lawyer, or a min-maxer.

When people started asking what I was, I just answered Orc, after sharing my character sheet with the guys and gals who ran the games he's played in. At my last event, I was asked "are you a Magus?"

Crap, I missed the perfect class. I have been toying with rewriting him, but I've decided not too. He's just going to multi-class into Magus, when he hits his next level (7). This gives me a couple of options that I see.

#1 Add a one-handed weapon to my weapon, I already carry a Great Axe, and a Falchion, I figure a Bastard sword would be fine.

#2 Take Quick Draw, and figure out the mechanics of continuing to use my falchion for my primary bladed weapon.

What I need assistance is the following:

#1 What are the negative modifiers for using a Falchion as a Magus?

#2 Are there any other LEGAL work arounds?

From a roleplaying standpoint, He sees no problem with changing his "idiom" if he has too, but he'd prefer to keep using his ancestor's sword.

Thank you in Advance.
No Flames please.