Zanderman1220's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Hi i am looking to join an online campaign i am able to plsy any class and at any level if intrested email me at thanks

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I am currently looking for 3-4 *NEW and/or CASUAL* players for a friendly online Pathfinder group that I will be DMing. The campaign will start as a pre-built Pathfinder campaign mission and at a later date may possibly evolve into a homebrew campaign depending on how the players feel. Some players played for the first time at GenCon 2015. We currently have a fighter class (my father and first time player this week).

I hope to find new players that want to learn and evolve together into more a sophisticated and advanced group.

I have been playing for a while and would like to help others gain some experience in a non-judgmental group. Age, sex or personal orientation is not important as long as people are respectful to each other and have fun. Age appropriate language should be used for the group.

- Skype or google hangout for communication.
- Roll20 for primary use.
- Starting level 1(New Character)

- Gmail=
- Skype= zanderman1220