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I'm going to stat up the following character:

Name: Gauth Pell
Race: Ratman
Gender: Male
Age: 27

Alignment: Lawful Good
Patron Deity: Pharasma

General Appearance: Gauth's attire hangs off him as though he is little more than a coatrack. His face is skeletal and the crimson eyes seem devoid of humanity, but there is something more to him.

He wears a wide-brimmed black hat with a long trenchcoat to match it. Underneath that is a dusky grey shirt with black trousers and boots. The one piece of attire that violates this mold is a scarf of deep violet with lace trim; he often uses this scarf to cover his mouth. It should be noted that while the rest of his attire is matted with dirt, blood, and pus--the scarf is kept immaculately clean.

General Personality: Gauth is a very taciturn figure. He seldom speaks, unless he is prompted to that is. However one should not confuse that for him being inattentive. He notes everything about those around him and plans it out in his head--calculating how to most effectively kill anyone who should approach him.

Gauth however is also noted to be quite poetic when the time calls for it and some question how religious he is. If asked, he speaks about how little the gods care. But he can be heard every morning spitting a mix of prayer and acidic mockery to the Lady of Graves, but for whatever her reason, she listens regardless.

Character Build:

Vivisectionist|Plaguebringer 1
Master Musketeer 19

Build Fluff: He was a novice in his trade when his life was forever changed by the Orcs of the Red Hand Tribe. It was when they butchered those within his warren that he vowed revenge and gave up the study of blights in favor of something more--tangible--firearms.