Zalcoatl's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Blackdex4.

Hey folks, anyone got any idea on what the rules/laws would be about summoning entropic (chaotic template) outsiders in Cheliax? I imagine the reaction would be less intense than demons or devils in Mendev and Lastwall, but am unsure how much. we are going through hells rebels, and one of my players wants to play a Morphic Savant Summoner/Vigilante. I'm letting him do it because its a cool idea, but am having trouble convincing him that summoning chaotic creatures in his civilian identity (as distinct from the vigilante one where I thought he intended) is a bad idea. thoughts?

Do Transmuters gain special insight into the nature or type of a creature when applying a transmutation effect? Do they notice anything odd at all? for example, could a transmuter casting polymorph on a halfling disguised as a human child know it wasn't human without beating its disguise check? what about more extreme cases, could a demon under a veil effect accept an ant haul spell? would the caster know it was a demon if it failed its will save to pierce the disguise? how about a conjured creature? would it register any different than a native variant of its type (assuming no special immunities to the particular effect). Would any of these answers change if the transmutation or polymorph effect was a spell like ability instead? I understand that some of this would be GM discretion, but is there any ruling or text I can point to in order to establish a baseline.

Hi, I both play and host a lot of pathfinder, and routinely provide minis to the group at large; consequently, my Minis see a lot of wear and tear. It isn’t normally a huge issue, most of what I buy is cheap plastic that can take some light bending without issue, but a few of my miniatures are metal with protruding bits, swords, crossbow arms, etc., and my favorite mini has a very breakable (and recently broken) ankle that supports the entire body. After multiple failed attempts to fix it, I am retiring it and buying a duplicate, does anyone have any advice for a player with poor craftsmanship to protect my minis? Is there some epoxy I can buy or a service that will reinforce them? I have some friends with possibly applicable skills, but what do I ask them to do?