Lady-J wrote: is it the damned feat or is he going for a damnation feat line there's a big difference and there's some really good benefits from the damnation feat line It is fully the Story feat. I have approached him and it sounds like he did not think of the after affect of this action... The campaign I am running is using Cheliax as the ground zero for the adventure, and I don't feel that was considered in the character's backstory and motivation. Which is to "burn down Cheliax and all of its holdings poetically using devils to do it." As the affects of the feat, I feel there are far cheaper, and easier to attain without this feat: You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks involving evil-aligned outsiders and +1 bonus to the DC of spells and spell-like abilities you use against such creatures. You take a -2 penalty on Charisma-based checks involving good-aligned outsiders. Goal: Successfully trade your soul to an evil outsider. Completion Benefit: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to an ability score of your choice. This enhancement bonus can’t be dispelled or removed save by the direct intervention of a deity, and counts as a supernatural ability. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks (including dispel checks and checks to bypass spell resistance) against good-aligned outsiders. If you die while under the effects of this agreement, you can’t be brought back from the dead unless the evil outsider permits it. You lose your completion benefits immediately and permanently if you renege on the arrangement by which you traded your soul, though you keep the feat’s basic benefits. I appreciate his want to have some cool story and theme, but having made it into session one and seeing that the player wanted to call the goal in almost immediately. There is a "Plan B" the player has proposed: Become a Lich, but would eliminate the the completion goal I feel. So... at the end of it all, I am not sure of the want, or need for this feat, or character plot. The session issue that came up is as follow:
I was then presented with the fact that they've an Int 6. And "dumb devils are being chosen because they would fall for the ruses used to barter with them." For fear of being a bad GM I am confused on how to handle this in further sessions, and the campaign as a whole. Any suggestions, advice, etc. is welcome, and appreciated. Like I said, to my knowledge it is just the Damned (Story) feat, and not the feat tree, to my knowledge...
So I have a player in my current game that has the story feat Damned. What I'm trying to figure out is why a player would take this feat? I get it adds some story flare and what not. And he has a back story for why he is a devil summoner. He is seeking to take vengeance on Usher and all of cheliax for his mother's horrific death. He feels it poetic to use the very friends they love so much to do it. He is also banking on the fact that being LE they won't break his contract and do his bidding, ei burn down all of Cheliax. I am having a hard time understanding the reason for taking the story feat. Once he sells his soul, which was attempted session one, he gets a +2 bonus to any one attribute, and bonuses against good aligned outsiders. I am just at a loss as to why. I get he can have a stat boost but there are far easier and less messy way of acquiring the bonuses that I can't for the life of me get why he would run this feat with the negatives attached. More over he's not an evil character. He's LN. I just as I said, am at a loss... Any help with aiding in helping me resolve this is much appreciated. I get playing thematic characters I encourage it. But this seems less of a bonus and more of an unnecessary handicap.
Luis Loza wrote: That bit about functioning the same as a black blade is meant to cover the intelligent aspects of the weapon. There was no need to eat into word count to reexplain the whole ego bits and whatnot. Essentially, it's intelligent like a black blade, but then gets the stuff on its own respective phantom weapon table. The blade does not get its own ectoplasmic pool. Thank you most exceptionally, Luis! I greatly appreciate. I just needed to clarify for my GM is all. And now that I have it, onto my Shabti Phantom Blade...
Luis Loza wrote:
I am probably super late tot eh party here, but.. Super Serious question: In the Description of the Phantom Blade archetype it states that the Phantom Blade acts like a Black Blade from the Bladebound archetype. What is it copying from the Bladebound? I assume that the Phantom Blade does not get its own ectoplasmic pool, or does it? If it does does this mean, that the Spiritualist can then syphon points from the Phantom Blade as a Bladebound Magus would? My GM just wants the closest Lawyer answer in layman terms, lol. Apologize if this has already been answered once before. If so, just link me the post, and I will roam on over to it... I like this class and archetype, the flavor is rather awesome. I just need to ensure I am playing everything correctly, lol.
So, because I have some serious min/maxing players, I need to know about how Attributes stack on attacks... The issue I've run into, does Cha stack for a Paladin/Gunslinger(mysterious stranger)on a smite evil attack, or is it like magic, and since there is already one instance of that attribute, it no longer gets "Added" to that damage stack? |